Gospel Living

Friend Goals: Moroni and Pahoran

18 Aug 2020 | 1 min read
Book of Mormon stories
Forgiveness and humility are important.

Captain Moroni and Governor Pahoran might seem like an odd choice for “friend goals,” considering their main interaction is Moroni chastising Pahoran and threatening to kill him if he doesn’t send aid to the army (see Alma 60:30). But it’s Pahoran’s response that makes this a valuable lesson.

It turns out Moroni had jumped to the wrong conclusion. Pahoran wasn’t neglecting his responsibilities—the government had been overthrown! He was running for his life too (see Alma 61:5)!

Pahoran could have been indignant at Moroni’s insults, but instead he humbly forgave him. “I am not angry,” he wrote, “but do rejoice in the greatness of your heart” (Alma 61:9). Moroni’s heart was in the right place, even if he didn’t have all the facts. Rather than dwelling on the misunderstanding, Pahoran focused on his and Moroni’s common aims. Friend goals!

Strive to Be

Resolve to keep this story in mind the next time someone upsets you.

18 Aug 2020 | 1 min read