Gospel Living

Goal: Care for Animals

9 Apr 2020 | 1 min read
Care: Goat Program


Animals don’t care about what you’re wearing or who your friends are—they just need your time and care. Caring for animals helps us learn responsibility and love.

Goal Ideas

Ask your friends and family members who have pets or other animals to show you some of the things they do to keep their animals healthy and happy.

  • Learn how to care for an animal you’re interested in—maybe one you would like to have as a pet. You could search online or read books to learn more.
  • Offer to help your friends or family care for their animals. For example, you could walk a dog or feed a bird while someone is out of town.
  • If you have a family pet, offer to take care of it by yourself for a week or a month. Make sure you understand all the feeding, exercise, grooming, and cleaning tasks. Setting a schedule will help you make sure you don’t forget anything. You might be surprised how much closer you can become with your pet after spending extra time together.
  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter or zoo.

Related Resources

Adopt This Goal

Make a goal to help take care of an animal.

9 Apr 2020 | 1 min read