Gospel Living

Activity: Indexing

16 Nov 2019 | 1 min read


Learn how you can participate in family history by indexing historical records.

Activity Suggestion

This activity will help youth learn how to index historical records. Help the youth catch a vision of indexing by explaining that the information cataloged through indexing will be put online by FamilySearch so that people can easily search for information about their ancestors.

Before the activity, ask youth to bring their own electronic devices, if they have them, to the activity—computers, tablets, or mobile devices—to learn how to index. If youth do not have their own device to bring, plan to meet in a location where devices are available (member home, church building).

Start by asking youth to connect their devices to the internet and go to FamilySearch.org.

  • At the beginning of the activity, ask youth to decide together on a number of records they would like to index before the activity is over. Write the number somewhere it will be easily visible.
  • Next, separate youth into groups so that each has access to at least one electronic device. You may want to invite one or more of your ward or branch’s temple and family history consultants to discuss the importance of indexing and give a brief demonstration of how to index. Then, introduce youth to a preselected project in FamilySearch. Talk about what records youth will be looking at, where the records come from, and what interesting things they may learn.
  • Ask youth to open or download beginner-level batches of records. Instruct youth to read through the Project Instructions pop-up that will appear once the batch is opened.
  • Challenge youth to work together in their groups to complete as many indexed records as they can to reach their goal before the activity ends or a set time is reached. Consider ending the activity with the temple and family history consultant answering questions that the youth may have had during the activity.

Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.

Adaptation Ideas

    • As a group, index one batch of records together, asking different youth to find the correct information needed on the document.
    • Team youth up with adult family history class members and work together to index a batch of records.


        Encourage youth to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

        • How can you use what you have learned about indexing in your own family history efforts?
        • What’s something new you learned from the records you indexed?
        • What feelings or impressions do you have about family history research? How do you feel that family history can help you?


        Try this activity with your family, class, quorum, or friends.

        16 Nov 2019 | 1 min read