You might be able to find someone to unclog your toilet or fix your bicycle, but knowing you can do things yourself feels great! You’ll also save money and may be able to help others with your skills.
Goal Ideas
- Find an expert to learn from. You could watch an auto mechanic, technician, home repair professional, or anyone else who has maintenance skills that you’d like to learn. If possible, ask if you can work on a project together.
- Take a class at school, in your community, or online to learn basic skills like auto or bicycle maintenance, woodworking, or home repairs. Local businesses might also offer helpful classes.
- Volunteer with a charity that builds or repairs homes to see how walls are built or how damaged homes are repaired.
Related Resources
- “Self-Reliance Principles,” Self-Reliance Services, ChurchofJesusChrist.org
- W. Jean-Pierre Lono, “Build Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance,” Africa Southeast Local Pages, Liahona, Mar. 2018