Gospel Living

Moroni had a long, lonely mission.

6 Nov 2024 | 1 min read
2024 Quick Thought from Come Follow Me
He finished the work his father began.

The Moroni we are reading about right now is the one who visited Joseph Smith (in angelic form) to to guide him to the plates and tutor him.

About 14 centuries before that, as a regular mortal man, Moroni had a serious—and very sad—mission. All of his family and friends had been killed in the terrible war with the Lamanites. Now it was his responsibility to hide the plates that his father, Mormon, had carefully abridged from the Nephite records.

And he had to do it alone.

Moroni wrote that he didn’t know how much longer he would live... and then he lived at least another 20 years. And except for occasional visits from heavenly messengers (see Mormon 8:10–11), he appears to have been completely alone during this time.

Can you imagine what that might have been like? But Moroni remained faithful!

Sometimes our mortal experience includes really, really hard things. But we know that the Lord is aware of each one of us, and will help us through every season of life—no matter how lonely it may seem!

Pep Talk

Imagine you could give Moroni a pep talk during his lonely season of life. What would you say? Maybe you could write yourself an encouraging letter to read the next time you feel lonely!

Note: This is part of a weekly series exploring the “Come, Follow Me” lessons. You can find the full lessons here.

6 Nov 2024 | 1 min read