General Conf. Preparation
Gospel Living

President Nelson: Three Ways to Prep for General Conference

03/29/20 | 1 min read

When speaking about our upcoming general conference, President Russell M. Nelson said: “I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel. … As you do, general conference next April will be not only memorable; it will be unforgettable.”1

His three suggestions were:

1. Read Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision.

2. Ponder important questions:

  • “How would my life be different if my knowledge gained from the Book of Mormon were suddenly taken away?”
  • “How have the events that followed the First Vision made a difference for me and my loved ones?”

3. “Select your own question. Design your own plan. Immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration.”

Adopt This Goal

Prepare for the April 2020 general conference by following President Nelson’s three suggestions.


1. President Russell M. Nelson, “Closing Remarks,” Liahona or Ensign, Nov. 2019, 120-122.
