Gospel Living

Remember what he asked us to do?

20 May 2024 | 1 min read
194th Annual General Conference: Russell M. Nelson
You could make a poster reminder!

When the prophet invites us to do a specific thing, we should pay attention!

Here’s what President Russell M. Nelson said in April general conference.

I invite you to consider carefully the following three statements:

  1. The gathering of Israel is evidence that God loves all of His children everywhere.
  2. The gospel of Abraham is further evidence that God loves all of His children everywhere. He invites all to come unto Him—"black and white, bond and free, male and female; ... all are alike unto God.”
  3. The sealing power is supernal evidence of how much God loves all of His children everywhere and wants each of them to choose to return home to Him.

Take a few seconds to read these three sentences over again.

How would you explain them in your own words? What do you think the prophet is trying to teach us?

Today with your family or class (or just on your own!), make a poster with these three things represented. You could write the sentences above or draw something to symbolize them.

Then hang it somewhere you’ll see it often until October general conference!

Show Us!

We’d love to see how your poster turned out! Email a pic to youth@ChurchofJesusChrist.org and maybe we’ll share it on the app!

20 May 2024 | 1 min read