BYU Pathway: Samad
Gospel Living

Samad didn’t feel like education was for him.

06/12/23 | 1 min read
Here’s how he found confidence and hope!

Have you ever felt like higher education was out of your reach? For Samad, from Brazil, getting a higher education felt scary. Samad’s father, however, knew that higher education could bring blessings, and he encouraged Samad to try BYU-Pathway Worldwide.

“I needed light and hope,” Samad said. “BYU-Pathway was that hope for me. The more I learned each week, the better I felt.”

Any hopelessness Samad had felt about the future washed away as he gained more education. “Getting a degree has prepared me to live a life of hope and confidence, both in myself and in Heavenly Father,” Samad said. “I want to share this experience with others who are facing the same fears and anxieties I felt.”

BYU-Pathway is available online in more than 180 countries. You can learn more about it at This resource helped Samad, and it could help you, too!

“There’s hope in Jesus Christ, and He can help you get a degree. I took the first step, and I’ll never regret it.”

Replacing Fears with Knowledge

What’s something you’re nervous about? Try learning more about what you’re afraid of—it might help you feel more prepared and more confident.
