2024 Quick Thought from Come Follow Me
Gospel Living

The Lord will bless our “flocks” and “crops.”

07/24/24 | 1 min read
Whatever form those may take!

Sometimes we may think God is only concerned about our spiritual welfare. And while that’s super important to Him, scriptures teach us that earthly things matter, too.

For example, Amulek taught the people of Antionum that Heavenly Father is concerned about every aspect of our lives. We can, and should, pray over our “crops” and “flocks” (Alma 34:24–25).

But what if we don’t grow corn or raise sheep? Amulek was talking about any responsibilities, really. Your “crops” and “flocks” might include:

  • Schoolwork
  • A job
  • Chores at home
  • Relationships
  • Hobbies

Whatever you’re spending your time on—even the things that seem more temporal than religious—ask for the Lord’s blessing! He is eager to help you succeed in any worthwhile endeavor.

Give It a Try

For the next week, make a special effort to pray about all sorts of things—including stuff on the list above. What do you notice?
