Gospel Living

Activity: The Plan of Happiness and the Covenant Path

16 Nov 2019 | 1 min read
Family Life


Walk through the plan of happiness and see how covenants help us progress.

Activity Suggestion

Teach the plan of happiness and the importance of covenants by creating stations to represent each stage of our existence: premortal life, earth life, spirit world, Resurrection and Judgment, and degrees of glory. Focus on how making and keeping covenants help us progress in each part of the plan. If possible, put each station in a separate room. In each room or station, use scriptures, stories, images, and songs to discuss each stage of our existence. Leaders should make sure that the stations do not use white clothing, temple clothing, or temple language and are supported by the scriptures and the words of the prophets.

Consider using the following outline for what might be included in each of the stations:

  • Premortal life
    • Agency
    • Role of the Savior
  • Earth life
    • Baptism and confirmation
    • Sacrament
    • Oath and covenant of the priesthood
    • Temple endowment
    • Temple sealing
    • Role of the Savior
  • Spirit world
    • Missionary work
    • Temple ordinances
  • Resurrection and Judgment
    • Role of the Savior
    • Role of ordinances and covenants
  • Degrees of glory
    • Eternal life with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.

Adaptation Ideas

  • Instead of having the group walk through stations, hide pictures, words, or objects that relate to the plan of happiness and covenants around the room or building. Invite the youth to find the items. Once all the pieces have been found, invite the youth to put them together and explain each element. Discuss why the plan is called the “plan of happiness” (see Alma 42:8). Add on to this activity by having the youth search for other names of the plan using scripture study resources like Guide to the Scriptures or topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
  • Role-play different situations where youth may have the opportunity to explain the plan of happiness in order to help others. Examples may include the loss of a loved one, questions about the purpose of life, or questions about why the youth choose to keep the standards of the Church.


      Encourage youth to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

      • How has understanding the plan of happiness helped you deal with challenges in your life? How can it help you make decisions?
      • How can you rely on the Savior to help you keep your covenants and prepare to make additional covenants?
      • What is the next saving ordinance in your life, and what are you doing to prepare for it?

      Related Resources


          Try this activity with your family, class, quorum, or friends.

          16 Nov 2019 | 1 min read