Young Men Theme Campaign
Gospel Living

Theme Meme: “Being a True Disciple of Jesus Christ”

10/01/20 | 1 min read
What it means and how it can bless you.

The Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme says you prepare to be a good missionary, husband, and father “by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.” But what does that mean? What’s a disciple? And what’s a TRUE disciple?

Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that a disciple is someone who has been baptized, who has committed to follow the Savior, and who “strives to become as He is by keeping His commandments.”¹

That’s it. It’s not complicated. Technically, anyone who’s been baptized could be considered a “disciple.” But a true disciple is someone who is genuinely committed to living the gospel. Full commitment now means eternal happiness later.


1. Robert D. Hales, “Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” April 2017 general conference.

Strive to Be

Is there some aspect of your life holding you back from being a true disciple? Ask the Lord for help in overcoming it.
