Day of Pentecost
Gospel Living

Understanding Other Religions’ Holidays: Pentecost

05/23/21 | 1 min read
A promise fulfilled.

In this series of posts, we’ll take a brief look at other faiths in the world and why they practice some traditions. This will not only help you develop intellectually as part of your goals in Children and Youth, but you’ll also likely develop a greater sense of compassion and understanding toward our brothers and sisters of other faiths.

Known as the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest in Old Testament times, Pentecost is an ancient Jewish holiday celebrated fifty days after Easter by many Christian churches today. This year (2021), it falls on May 23rd.

Before His crucifixion, Jesus promised His Apostles that He would send the gift of the Holy Ghost to them after He left the Earth (see John 16:7). Pentecost commemorates His promise’s fulfillment.

Here’s what happened: The Apostles and other early Christians were assembled in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Harvest, a Jewish holiday. During the celebration, “there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind” (Acts 2:2). As the disciples watched in wonder, “there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire […] [a]nd they were filled with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:3–4).

News of the miracle spread quickly, and many people gathered. The Apostles taught and testified of Jesus Christ. Even though there were people from many different countries present, “every man heard them speak in his own language” (Acts 2:6), which led to about 3,000 people being baptized.

Strive to Be

Are you striving to live in such a way that the Holy Ghost can be your constant companion?
