Temple Recommend Questions Campaign
Gospel Living

Watch the windows of heaven open.

11/01/21 | 1 min read
Let’s explore temple recommend question 10.

The tenth temple recommend question asks, “Are you a full-tithe payer?”

The commandment to pay tithing isn’t anything new. For example:

  • The ancient prophet Abraham paid tithing.1
  • The Old Testament prophet Malachi talked about it too.2
  • Early in this dispensation, the Lord told the Prophet Joseph Smith that we should still pay a tithe of one-tenth of our income.3

The blessings associated with tithing are awesome. The Lord promises that He will “open … the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing.”4

Some of these blessings may be large and dramatic. Others, as Elder David A. Bednar once taught, may be “significant but subtle.”5

One thing is for certain—they will come.


Talk with a faithful family member or Church leader about how paying tithing has blessed their life. What stuck out about what they said?


1. See Genesis 14:18–20.
2. See Malachi 3:8–12.
3. See Doctrine and Covenants 119:3–4.
4. See Malachi 3:10.
5. From “The Windows of Heaven,” general conference, Oct. 2013.
