General Conference: Luke
Gospel Living

Which talk most touched your heart?

10/08/24 | 1 min read
This was Luke’s answer.

I especially liked the talk “O Youth of the Noble Birthright” by Brother Brad Wilcox because he talked about the purpose of our covenants and our responsibilities. As covenant keepers, we may have more responsibility, but we can also receive peace and knowledge as we walk with God.

We will never be alone as we labor with Jesus Christ!

My favorite quote from the talk was when he said, “I testify that you are loved—and you are trusted—today, in 20 years, and forever. Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage. Don’t trade everything for nothing. Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world.”

This quote shows how important we are to God, how important it is to avoid worldly influences, and what we can do with God’s help. One way I can remember my birthright is doing service and being a positive example to others.

I bear testimony that if you remember who you are and what your purpose is then you can better carry out God’s work. If we stay true to our birthright then we can receive blessings while upholding our covenant responsibilities.

Thanks for Sharing, Luke!

Now it’s your turn! Email us at and tell us what touched you about conference. Maybe we’ll share your response, too!

PS—Did you miss any conference sessions or talks? Catch up at Videos are available now, and talk texts should be posted a few days after conference ends.
