Conduct at Church Activities - FSY Conferences
Church events and activities can be fun, uplifting, and spiritually strengthening for everyone who attends. To reach these aims, all participants are invited to commit to follow the principles taught in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices. When you do, the experience will be better for everyone.
Please note that Church activities are not the time or place for romantic behavior or for conversations and actions that distract from the purpose of the event or activity.
If you participate in any of the following prohibited activities, leaders at the event or activity will speak with you, your parents, and your bishop, branch president, or stake president. These leaders may decide to send you home immediately.
- Participating in or encouraging immoral behavior of any kind, which includes breaking the law of chastity or viewing or distributing pornography in any form.
- Shoplifting, theft, or vandalism of any kind.
- Breaking the Word of Wisdom, including vaping or possessing illegal or harmful substances.
- Possessing weapons or dangerous items of any kind. (If specifically authorized, certain items may be provided and used in supervised activities.)
- Harming or threatening to harm yourself or others physically, spiritually, or emotionally, including bullying in any form or disrupting another’s experience.
- Leaving without following proper procedures, skipping scheduled activities without permission, or breaking curfew.
Additional Conduct While at FSY Conferences
To uphold FSY’s commitment to promote and maintain a safe and respectful environment, weapons and dangerous or banned items are prohibited for all youth, volunteers, or staff.
Illegal or harmful substances include but are not limited to prescription medication not prescribed to the individual, alcohol, tobacco products, and so on.
Weapons include any device designed or intended to inflict serious bodily injury or death. In addition, FSY, at its sole discretion, may from time to time prohibit additional dangerous items.
Weapons or other banned items brought to FSY will be confiscated. The parents of the youth possessing the item will be contacted, and the youth may be sent home immediately, at the family’s expense, and with no refund. If a crime is involved, local authorities may be alerted. Confiscated weapons or other banned items that FSY staff, at their sole discretion, determine to be too dangerous will not be returned directly to youth. Where lawful, FSY may arrange with bishops, branch presidents, or parents for the return of these items at the family’s expense through secure methods.
FSY conferences are held in various jurisdictions with unique laws related to weapons or other banned items. Many of the partner institutions that host FSY also have related policies banning certain items. In addition to posing obvious danger to people or property, bringing a weapon or other banned item to FSY jeopardizes FSY’s partnerships and future scheduling with these host venues.