FSY Accommodation of Persons with Dietary, Disability, Medical, or Other Needs

The Church aims to provide reasonable accommodations for FSY participants. In-person FSY may not be the best option for all youth and virtual options will be available in 2024. For those interested in attending in-person sessions, the following are examples of accommodations that are not guaranteed but may be available upon request during the registration process.

  • First-floor room or access to elevator
  • ADA accessible room and bathroom
  • Service animal accommodations
  • Refrigerator for medical or dietary needs
  • Check-in and checkout for assistance with medication or other needs
  • Specialty dietary needs
  • Check out each night
  • Preferred roommate (of same biological sex and age-group)

For requests other than those listed above, please select the “Other” option during registration and answer the questions provided. If necessary, direct additional questions and any relevant information not shared during registration to FSYAccommodations@ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

For best service, please make accommodation requests as soon as possible and no fewer than 30 days prior to the start of a session to allow adequate time for evaluation, approval, and necessary arrangements. Fewer than 30 days’ notice does not allow sufficient time to facilitate the accommodations process.

Submitting a request does not guarantee it will be approved or provided, as each request is evaluated based on campus, staffing, program, and other limitations.

The FSY accommodations process includes these steps:

1. Request—Accommodation requests are made during registration. If the accommodation you are seeking is not listed in the registration portal, please reach out to the FSY accommodations team at the above email address. Requests should be submitted as soon as possible and no fewer than 30 days prior to the start of the FSY session.

2. Evaluation/Decision—The FSY accommodations team evaluates requests, communicates with other appropriate individuals (campus staff, bishop, session administrator, and so on) and notifies the requestor of an approval or rejection decision or presents an alternative option. This process may take several days, or even multiple weeks, depending on unique factors related to the request.

3. Arrangements—If an accommodation request is approved, the FSY accommodations team will work with the requestor and others to facilitate the accommodation.

Please visit one of the links below to read the accommodations policy applicable in your country.

For youth where an in-person experience is not possible due to accommodation needs or who would prefer to attend from the comfort of their own home, a virtual FSY option provides an opportunity for youth to experience FSY at home in a virtual setting.Two FSY Virtual sessions will be available; the first being held the week of June 17, 2024 (FSY Virtual 01) and the second session the week of July 29, 2024 (FSY Virtual 02). They will offer adapted versions of highlighted activities including session director messages and classes. Youth will be placed in counselor groups and YSA will lead certain activities.The session schedule will be available to participants upon registration.

The ward will be billed $75 USD or $100 CAD for participation. The youth and their families will not be charged to attend this session. Youth will be shipped a copy of the FSY handbook, FSY drawstring bag and an FSY t-shirt. As this session is available to all stakes in the United States and Canada, it will not be shown in the stake assignment search or the list of available sessions during pre-registration. Registration for these sessions will be available February 15, 2024 for on-cycle stakes, and March 7, 2024 for off-cycle stakes. Interested leaders and families can reach out to fsyaccommodations@churchofjesuschrist.org for additional information regarding the session and how to register.

Please note: If the accommodation examples are not adequate to help you meet the essential functions listed in the linked policies, and you would like information on additional ways you can participate in FSY, please click here to send an email to the accommodations team.

If you do not have a preferred email set up, please follow the template below:

Email Template

TO: FSYAccommodations@ChurchofJesusChrist.org

SUBJECT: FSY Participation Options


  • Parent name:
  • Contact number:
  • Youth name:
  • The essential function(s) typically deemed reasonable for FSY that will require an accommodation (for example, take care of basic personal needs and independently participate with little, if any, one-on-one support):
  • Please suggest the accommodation, alternative program, or other ideas you believe might best serve you:
  • Session you are interested in attending:
  • Contact information for your bishop:
    • First name:
    • Last name:
    • Email:
    • Phone number: