FSY Conference Youth Protection Policy

FSY conferences are opportunities for youth to feel the love of the Savior and the influence of the Holy Ghost. While participating, youth need to feel safe and protected. FSY conference staff should follow the Savior's example of love and concern for youth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to abuse. (For an explanation of what "abuse" and other terms mean, see the definitions below.) Abuse violates the laws of God and the laws of society. The Lord expects us to do all we can to prevent abuse and to protect and help those who have been victims of abuse. Failure to comply with this policy may result in discipline, including dismissal or termination from FSY conference employment.

Staff Standards of Conduct

Each member of the FSY conference staff must adhere to the following standards of conduct:

  • Do not engage in abuse of youth in any form, including sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, hazing, or bullying, whether by means of direct physical contact, texting, email, online forums, social media, or any other method.
  • Avoid one-on-one contact with youth.
  • Comply with the FSY Standards of Communication when communicating with youth.
  • Do not strike, hit, administer corporal punishment to, or touch any youth in an abusive or illegal manner.
  • Do not assist youth in accessing pornography or make any form of pornography available to them.
  • Do not enter areas where you would be alone with a youth who is showering or bathing unless for an emergency.
  • Do not transport youth in a personal vehicle unless the youth is your relative.
  • Transportation of youth in FSY conference vehicles during a session may be permitted in certain circumstances, but only if at least three people are present in the vehicle at all times.

Reporting Abuse

When an FSY conferences staff member has reason to believe that a youth (even if the youth is 18) has been subjected to abuse, or learns that a youth is being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse, the FSY conferences staff member shall immediately report the situation to a session coordinator (SC) and to local police or state child welfare services pursuant to applicable state and local law. Note that even consensual sexual activity by youth under certain ages can constitute abuse, so FSY conferences staff members must immediately report all sexual activity by youth to a SC, even if they are not sure it is abuse. The SC calls the Church abuse help line and consults with an attorney to comply with reporting obligations.

Background Checks

Each member of the FSY conferences staff must clear a background check before interacting with youth at FSY conferences.


Each member of the FSY conferences staff must complete online FSY Youth Protection Training before interacting with youth at a session. This training must be taken each year the staff member participates in FSY conferences.

Visit the Church's abuse help website for additional information.


For the purposes of this policy, each of the following terms has the meaning assigned to it.

Abuse means the neglect or mistreatment of a person in a way that causes (or could cause) physical, emotional, or sexual harm. Abuse includes sexual abuse and sexual exploitation as set forth below.

Adult means a person who is 18 years of age and older.

FSY Conferences Staff means all adult FSY conference employees and volunteers (including session directors, teachers, session coordinators (SC), assistant coordinators (AC), health coordinators (HC), counselors (CN), administrators, and so on).

Sexual Abuse is any sexual activity between a youth (of any age) and an adult. Sexual abuse can also include sexual conduct between a youth and a youth, especially when one of them is older or is in a position of power, trust, or control. It also includes the viewing, creation, and distribution of child pornography.

Sexual Exploitation includes knowingly using or influencing a youth to engage in sexual activity, including viewing pornography, for the sexual arousal of an adult or for the purpose of photographing or recording the activity. Sexual exploitation also includes displaying, distributing, selling, or possessing child pornography. A youth is abused or exploited through any of the above actions whether or not the activity involves explicit force, involves physical contact, is initiated by the youth, or produces a discernible harmful outcome.

Youth means FSY conference participants who are 13 to 18 years of age.