Meet Your Counselor

Do you have questions about FSY? Are you nervous about meeting your group? During "Meet your Counselor", your counselor will:

  • Introduce themselves
  • Outline rules and expectations
  • Highlight opportunities and experiences
  • Provide time to get to know you and other youth

Your counselor will guide you throughout FSY, lead activities, address concerns, facilitate gospel study, and share their love of the Savior. Your counselor group for the week will include 7-8 other youth of the same gender.

“Our actions must reflect what we learn and teach. We need to show our beliefs through the way we live. The best teacher is a good role model. Teaching something that we truly live can make a difference in the hearts of those we teach.”

Ulisses Soares, How Can I Understand?, Ensign , May 2019, Gospel Library