Stake FSY Conference Activity - Reflect and Review

Stake FSY Conference Activity - Reflect and Review

10 youth, 1 counselor for every 10 youth recommended

The purpose of Reflect and Review (R&R) is to allow the youth time to ponder and process the information they’ve received and the experiences they’ve had throughout the activity and ultimately to recognize how they #HearHim and what Heavenly Father is trying to teach them individually. It is intended to help them think about and internalize what they’ve learned by inviting them to record their thoughts and share their experiences and testimonies with each other. This will solidify what they’ve learned and prepare them to receive further revelation.

An effective R&R is not possible without the guidance of the Holy Ghost. It is He who carries the truth into the hearts of these youth and inspires them to change. The counselor’s primary responsibility is to create an environment where the Spirit can have the most impact.

Activity Instruction

This activity is most effective if it is held at the end of the day. The youth should break into small groups, with a counselor assigned to each group. If you do not have enough adult leaders, consider assigning some of the older youth to be a counselor of a group. Ensure that those leading the R&R discussion review the instructions for this activity.

Preparation for R&R begins as close to the beginning of the stake FSY activity as possible. Consider having your first speaker build the preparation into their devotional. Youth should be asked to look for and record insights to share later that night in R&R. Although the youth generate much of the content for R&R, the counselor should come having prayed and prepared throughout the day to be ready to direct the discussion according to the Spirit and the needs of the youth.

Reflect (5 minutes)

It is best to begin each R&R with a time of quiet reflection while the youth write their impressions from the day on the provided worksheet, in their journals, or in the Gospel Living app. Consider playing reverent music during this time.

Review (15 minutes)

During the Review portion, the youth are given the opportunity to share what they have written down. It is the counselor’s responsibility to ask follow-up questions about what youth share that will help them dig deeper and to involve the rest of the group in the discussion of that topic. They will spend much of the day hearing and feeling important truths. Giving them a chance to verbalize their feelings with each other is a powerful way to cement what they have learned and prepare them to take it home. Sometimes the youth will be so prepared for R&R that they will naturally discuss their feelings together without much help from the counselor. This is encouraged as long as they stay on task and the discussion is edifying. Refer to the section titled “Ask Inspired Questions” in the Teaching in the Savior’s Way handbook for guidance on how to ask effective questions. It is crucial to the success of R&R to ask effective follow-up questions that help youth understand and apply the principles that are being discussed.

Taking It Home (5 minutes)

After the youth have had the opportunity to share their thoughts with each other, the R&R ends with the counselor inviting the youth to record what specific actions they can take as a result of the thoughts they’ve had during the day and during the R&R. Throughout the R&R, try to direct youth’s comments to how they can turn what they’ve felt into real actions so they can be prepared for the final portion of this activity. This is a time to ponder and set goals that will help them to become more like Jesus Christ, continue making and keeping sacred covenants, and attain celestial glory. The Taking It Home portion of R&R should focus on lasting changes the youth intend to keep long after they have returned home from the stake FSY activity.


  • 5 minutes  Reflect
  • 15 minutes  Review
  • 5 minutes  Taking It Home