Stake FSY Activity - Sample Outlines for Pre-FSY Activity

Please use the ideas under the Activity Resources to alter the activity outlines below - or create your own outline!

Tip: Utilize the youth theme album and playlist - I Can Do All Things through Christ

Possible Outlines for a 1–2 Hour Pre-FSY Activity

If the activity is only an hour, choose 1–2 activities to omit.

Possible Outline 1

20–30 minutes: Welcome Message and What Is FSY?

Share what FSY is and cover the FSY Standards of Conduct (we recommend using the slide show below, which contains videos and the FSY Standards of Conduct)

We strongly encourage inviting youth who have attended FSY in the past (from your stake or neighboring stakes) to share their experiences. This could take the form of them preparing a small talk or anecdote prepared or having a questions and answers session.

15–20 minutes: Games Activity

15–20 minutes: Speaker and Discussion

  • Resources:
    • Speaker Outlines (coming soon)

20–25 minutes: Small Group Discussions

5–10 minutes: Closing Remarks

Invite the youth to prepare for FSY

10–15 minutes: Closing Prayer, Refreshments, and Socializing

Possible Outline 2

20–30 minutes: Welcome Message and What Is FSY?

Share what FSY is and cover the FSY Standards of Conduct (we recommend using the slide show below, which contains videos and the FSY Standards of Conduct)

We strongly encourage inviting youth who have attended FSY in the past (from your stake or neighboring stakes) to share their experiences. This could take the form of them preparing a small talk or anecdote prepared or having a questions and answers session.

15–20 minutes: Games Activity

15–20 minutes: Spiritual Activity

5–10 minutes: Closing Remarks

Invite the youth to prepare for FSY

30–40 minutes: Dance

Possible Outlines for a 3–4 Hour Pre-FSY Activity

Possible Outline 3

30–45 minutes: Welcome Message and What Is FSY?

Share what FSY is and cover the FSY Standards of Conduct (we recommend using the slide show below, which contains videos and the FSY Standards of Conduct)

We strongly encourage inviting youth who have attended FSY in the past (from your stake or neighboring stakes) to share their experiences. This could take the form of them preparing a small talk or anecdote prepared or having a questions and answers session.

20–30 minutes: Small Group Get-to-Know-you game or Icebreaker

30–45 minutes: Study Activity

20–30 minutes: Small Group Discussion

20–40 minutes: Large Group Games

20–30 minutes: Speaker and Discussion

  • Resources:
    • Speaker Outlines (coming soon)

20–45 minutes: Reflect and Review Small Group Activity

15–30 minutes: Closing Prayer and Refreshments

Possible Outline 4

20–30 minutes: Small group Get-to-know-you game/Icebreaker

30–45 minutes: Welcome Message and What Is FSY

Share what FSY is and cover the FSY Standards of Conduct (we recommend using the slide show below, which contains videos and the FSY Standards of Conduct)

We strongly encourage inviting youth who have attended FSY in the past (from your stake or neighboring stakes) to share their experiences. This could take the form of them preparing a small talk or anecdote prepared or having a questions and answers session.

45–60 minutes: Service Activity

15–20 minutes: Speaker and Discussion

  • Resources:
    • Speaker Outlines (coming soon)

10–15 minutes: Closing Thought and Prayer

60–90 minutes: Dance