Stake Young Women and Young Men Presidents
Overview of Responsibilities
All stake Young Women and Young Men presidents, including those who are part of stakes not attending FSY this upcoming summer, should:
- Become familiar with the FSY conferences website, particularly the FAQ, and refer leaders, parents and youth, and young single adults (YSA) to the website to answer any FSY questions.
- For questions not answered on the website, reach out to your coordinating council FSY representative.
- Act as a liaison between the coordinating council FSY representative and all ward FSY representatives in your stake.
- Encourage YSA to apply to work as FSY field staff.
- If a stake FSY representative has been called, use them for support as needed.
Stake Young Men and Young Women presidents who are not part of stakes attending FSY this upcoming summer should:
- Enter school end and start dates by April of the year prior to session assignments (for example, a stake attending in 2025 needs to submit the information by April 2024) using the FSY website.
Stake Young Men and Young Women presidents who are part of stakes attending FSY this upcoming summer should:
- Promote FSY and ensure that all information about your assigned session(s) is communicated to youth, parents, and leaders.
- Encourage:
- Parents to make FSY a priority in their summer activities.
- Youth to register soon after registration opens and to make a special effort to reach out and invite new members, less-active members, and people of other faiths.
- Monitor the Youth Report to help with youth approvals and registration.
- Work with stake and ward disability specialists to ensure youth with dietary, disability, medical, or other needs request appropriate accommodations at FSY.
- Review the available accommodations for youth with dietary, disability, medical, or other needs.
- Work with ward Young Women presidents to promote Virtual FSY for youth who cannot safely manage their mental and physical personal safety.
- Support stake youth leadership in planning and executing stake FSY activities to be held before and after the session(s).
- (When transportation is provided by FSY) Coordinate transportation of youth from the stake center to the FSY location with your FSY contact at Church headquarters. For more information please see the General Travel Information page.
- (When transportation is not provided by FSY) Coordinate with ward FSY representatives to ensure all youth have transportation to their FSY session.
Details of Responsibilities
FSY field staff will be provided with housing, meals, and transportation between sessions in addition to their weekly pay. They are expected to work for four or more weeks during the summer.
- Encourage all eligible young single adults (YSAs) to apply to be FSY field staff.
- Counselors have a major influence on the youth and play a pivotal role in the success of FSY conferences. As such, leaders should prayerfully consider who they should encourage to apply as counselors. Leaders should encourage YSAs primarily based on the YSA's ability to strengthen youth, rather than solely as an opportunity for the YSA to be strengthened. YSAs will be responsible for the spiritual and physical safety of the youth. YSAs who support or promote any teachings, practices, or doctrine contrary to those of the Church or who are currently going through a membership council should not be encouraged to apply to be an FSY counselor.
- Distribute the YSA recruitment poster to young single adults, wards, and leaders in your stake. The poster will be available soon. Once available, please ensure your ward FSY representatives distribute them as well.
- The poster may be printed and hung in meetinghouses, emailed to YSA, and used in social media posts promoting the opportunity.
Youth Registration
- Distribute FSY theme posters to youth, parents, leaders, and wards in your stake.
- The poster may be printed and hung in meetinghouses, emailed to youth and parents, and used in social media posts promoting the opportunity.
- Monitor approvals on the Youth Report, and work with ward FSY representatives to encourage bishoprics to complete these approvals prior to January 1. This is a required step in the registration process, and youth cannot register until they have been approved. Bishoprics do not need to interview youth unless they are not certain if the youth meets the participation requirements.
- Encourage all youth to log into this site prior to your stake's registration date to ensure their login is working as expected and that they know their username and password. Consider organizing an activity during which youth will test their login.
- Note important registration dates on the Registration Timeline and communicate them to youth, parents, and leaders.
- Monitor the Youth Report to encourage and help all eligible youth with registration.
- Some youth have been blessed but not baptized, so they are children of record. Children of record may have a Church account, but that Church account is not associated with a particular unit. If the youth does not already have a Church account, have them create one. Once they give you their Church account username, go to the Registration Issues page to pair their account to their unit. Note this must be done every year the youth attends FSY.
- If a stake disability specialist is called, ensure they are working with the ward disability specialists to walk youth and parents with disabilities through the registration process and to request necessary accommodations.
- If no stake disability specialist is called, ensure the ward disability specialist is fulfilling their responsibilities.
- If no stake or ward disability specialists are called, ensure the ward FSY representative fulfills the responsibilities of the ward disability specialist.
Youth Transportation
- Check the Stake Assignment page to see whether Church headquarters will provide transportation for your stake.
- Generally, if your stake center is less than 2.5 hours from the FSY session location, stakes and wards are responsible for ensuring youth have a way to get to the FSY location. If group travel is being arranged by the stake or ward, leaders should follow the travel guidelines in the Church General Handbook, 20.7.7.
- Work with the stake disability specialist, ward disability specialist, or ward FSY representative to ensure youth that require accommodations have them during transportation.
- Generally, if your stake center is more than 2.5 hours from the FSY session location, the stake Young Women president will coordinate transportation of youth from the stake center to the FSY location with your FSY contact at Church headquarters. You will receive specific travel information pertaining to your session in late winter or early spring of the year your stake is attending FSY. For general information, please view the General Travel Information page.
- Work with the stake disability specialist, ward disability specialist, or ward FSY representative to understand what special accommodations youth require during transportation, then communicate that to your FSY contact at Church headquarters.
- Plan and execute these activities:
- Before You Go: Build enthusiasm through one or more informational and inspirational stake FSY activities prior to the session(s).
- Taking It Home: Continue the FSY experience by working with youth leaders to organize one or more stake FSY activities following the session(s). These activities will help youth recommit to and complete goals they set at FSY.
- Ensure youth with dietary, disability, medical, or other needs are included in these activities with appropriate accommodations. Work with the stake disability specialist, ward disability specialist, or ward FSY representative to understand what accommodations are needed.
Who Do I Work With?
Local leaders are key to the success of FSY. Their role is essential before, during, and after the conference.
- This leader will give you instruction from Church headquarters regarding youth registration, FSY field staff recruitment, and so on.
- Contact them with any questions you may have.
- Work with these leaders as they support the ward and stake youth leadership committees in determining the best way to promote and extend the FSY experience.
Stakes are not required to call a stake FSY representative. However, they can be an invaluable support. Speak with your stake presidency if you would like one called.
- Delegate your duties to these leaders, noting they should always work under your direction.
Stakes are not required to call a stake disability specialist. However, they can be an invaluable support to the youth and parents in the stake with disabilities.
- Ensure these leaders are working with ward disability specialists, or if no ward disability specialist is called, ward FSY representatives, to support youth during registration.
- Look to these leaders for support in planning and executing stake FSY activities before and after the FSY session(s) to ensure appropriate accommodations are in place.
- Work directly with these leaders as they monitor youth registration and support YSA field staff recruitment.
- Answer any questions they have regarding logistics, registration, or policies.
- If no ward disability specialist is called, they will also fill the duties normally delegated to that calling.
Wards are not required to call a ward disability specialist. However, they can be an invaluable support to the youth and parents in the ward with disabilities. If no stake disability specialist is called, you are responsible for ensuring ward disability specialists are aware of their duties.
- Ensure these leaders are working with youth and parents with disabilities that may require support during registration.
- Get a list of youth and their needed accommodations from these leaders to ensure appropriate accommodations are in place for the stake FSY activities before and after the FSY session(s).
- If there are YSA wards in your stake, work with these leaders to encourage FSY field staff recruitment.
- Work with these youth in planning “Before You Go,” “Taking It Home,” and any other stake FSY activity. They can also help in organizing efforts with ward FSY representatives around youth registration, transportation, and other needs. Empower these youth to take ownership of the success of FSY in your stake.