Devotional Outlines and Resources

Session Advisor Resources

Devotional Outlines

Teacher Resources

Peer Evaluations

For Seminaries and Institutes of Religion employees, lesson outlines will be approved through a peer review process as outlined by S&I leadership. Your lesson outline should be reviewed and signed by a full-time S&I religious educator of your choosing using the "Evaluation for FSY Lesson Outline - Evaluator Copy" document found below. The "Evaluation for FSY Lesson Outline - Teacher Copy" document, also found below, will be a helpful tool for you in developing and evaluating your lesson before the peer review process. The signed "Evaluation for FSY Lesson Outline - Evaluator Copy" document should be submitted by the teacher to the session director upon arrival at the session. Teachers who are not S&I employees should email their outline, lesson title, and a brief description of their lesson to for review.

After the lesson outlines have been peer reviewed, please log into the FSY Dashboard, select "Edit Talks," and complete the required information fields to submit your lesson titles and their 2-3 sentence descriptions.

Lesson Resources

You will teach "Hear Him" and "Finding Answers to Questions" on Day 2 in the morning. The additional teaching opportunities are taught on a topic of your choice. The Session Director/Teacher FAQ page provides additional information.

The following will outline the teaching schedule:

  • Day 2 morning (1st class)- "Hear Him"
  • Day 2 morning (2nd class)- "Finding Answers to Questions"
  • Day 2 afternoon (3rd and 4th classes)- Same lesson taught twice. Topic of your choice- please use teaching topics guidelines and peer review approval process as outlined above.
  • Day 3 morning (5th and 6th classes)- Same lesson taught twice. Topic of your choice- please use teaching topics guidelines and peer review approval process as outlined above.
  • Day 3 afternoon (7th and 8th classes)- Same lesson taught twice. Topic of your choice- please use teaching topics guidelines and peer review approval process as outlined above.

General Resources

On-site Evaluation Forms

Youth Theme Music at FSY

Music can be a powerful teaching tool. It is suggested that the Youth Theme Music be utilized in your teaching throughout the week. An assistant coordinator will be assigned to music and will work with you in determining which songs you would like to use in your devotional talks and lessons. They will make assignments on Day 1 for counselors who would like to perform the songs.​