Children and YouthChildrenYouthDiscoverOverview Stories You Are Here to Discover Who You Are (2:59) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p) Gospel Learning (1:09) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p) Ready to Serve (1:50) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p) Passing the Test: Peter’s Story (1:41) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p) Connecting the Quorum: Joshua’s Story (1:21) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p) Be Thou an Example: Plania Family (1:16) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p) Pure Joy: Fernanda’s Story (1:18) Download: Small (360p), Medium (720p), Large (1080p)