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Chile: Family Dinner

Where Do We Start?

What Do We Do in Our Homes?

1. Read An Introductory Guide for Parents and Leaders.

2. Visit with your children and youth individually or as a family to talk about the discovery activity found in the Introductory Guide for Children and Youth. Help them recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost as they set individual goals and grow to become more like the Savior.

3. Do this yourself. Show by your example how to grow and develop in a balanced way to become closer to the Savior Jesus Christ. Make your own plans for growth, and find opportunities to share your experiences with your children.

4. Create a family plan to support one another. This may include fun service and learning activities, setting up regular times to share what you are learning together, and having meaningful gospel discussions.

5. Recognize and praise growth and learning. Look for opportunities to recognize and praise your family’s efforts. Let them learn by their mistakes. Help them learn how to solve problems and adjust expectations. Focus on the positive, and see the joy of overcoming obstacles and accomplishing goals. Private recognition is one of the most powerful ways to motivate and inspire.

6. Have fun. Learning and living the gospel of Jesus Christ in all aspects of our lives—spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually—is fun and uplifting. Planning activities, service, and learning experiences with your family will help them discover and learn skills that build confidence and strengthen relationships.