“Come, Follow Me for Little Ones,” Friend, June 2020
Come, Follow Me for Little Ones
Here are some activity ideas for toddlers and young children that go along with each week’s reading.
For Alma 5–7
Read Alma 5:14 together and help your little ones say, “I’m trying to be like Jesus.” Hold up a picture of Jesus and explain that He has a body. Help your children point to His eyes, hands, feet, etc., and then point to those parts of their own bodies. Talk about how Jesus wants us to use our body to make good choices and follow His example.
For Alma 8–12
Read Alma 8:26–27 together and help your little ones say, “I can be a good friend.” Sing a song about friendship, like “Our Door Is Always Open” (Children’s Songbook, 254). Practice sharing food with each other, like Amulek shared his food with Alma.
For Alma 13–16
Read Alma 16:16 and help your little ones say, “We are blessed when we follow the prophet.” Watch a child-friendly video about President Nelson at children.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Click on “Videos” and “Meet the Apostles.”
For Alma 17–22
Read Alma 19:17 and help your little ones say, “I can tell others about Jesus.” Read about Abish on page FJ4. Then take turns knocking on the doors in your house and pretending to invite people to learn about Jesus.