“Friends Come and Go,” Friend, August 2017
Friends Come and Go
Illustration by Adam Koford
When Friends Go …
It’s hard when a friend moves away, but it doesn’t have to be goodbye forever. You can still talk by email, phone, or video calls. You can even be pen pals!
Learn something cool about your friend’s new home and look it up on a map. Show them you care.
Sometimes friends just move on to different friends or interests. Some friends come and go.
Remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you.
When Friends Come …
You might find friends in surprising places. Your siblings or cousins can be your friends. So can kids from your Primary class!
Find someone who seems lonely and do something nice for them. Help everyone feel included!
It can be scary to make a bunch of friends at once. Start by inviting one person to do something fun. Maybe their friends will become your friends too.
Quiz Time!
Take this quiz with a new friend, but hide your answers! Then try to guess what the other person wrote.
What is your favorite game?
How many siblings do you have?
If you could pick any animal for a pet, what would it be?
What is your favorite movie?
What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
What is your favorite color?