October 2023 General Conference Quote Card
Gospel Living

A faithful life isn’t necessarily a fancy one.

01/07/24 | 1 min read
But glamor isn’t the point, right?

Do you remember Elder Bednar talking about the “last wagons” in the pioneer companies? It was a rough spot to be in—you were literally eating the dust of all of the wagons in front of you! But someone had to do it.

Sometimes the jobs we are asked to do aren’t glamorous ones. Sometimes our church assignments aren’t the most fun.

But here’s the thing: at the end of the journey, if we faithfully do our best, we will have arrived at a promised land better than one we could have ever imagined! And we will probably have helped a lot of other people along the way.

So press forward a little more each day. Think about how Nephi would face the situation. You got this! The Lord is with you every step of the way.

Replace a Badittude

Is there anything you have a bad attitude about when it comes to Church service? Set a goal to have a more positive, Nephi-like attitude about it!
