How many ways can you say “thanks”?
Gospel Living

How many ways can you say “thanks”?

10/11/21 | 1 min read
Here are a few languages to try!

Shout-out to Canadian friends: Happy Thanksgiving!

Let’s celebrate with a little language lesson. Here’s how to say “thank you” in …

  • Spanish: “gracias” (grah-see-ahs)
  • Tongan: “malo” (mah-loh)
  • German: “wir danken dir” (veer don-ken deer)
  • Danish: “tak” (tahk)
  • French: “merci” (mare-see)
  • Japanese: “kansha shimasu” (kahn-shah shee-mah-sue)

Bonus points: Do you remember which Primary song included these words?

Teach a Friend

Teach a friend these “thank-you” words, and try using them in a conversation this week.
