Which Statements Are True?
Gospel Living

How well do you know your scripture stories?

06/14/22 | 1 min read
Try this quiz and see how you do!

Some of these statements are true, and some are false. Can you tell which is which? They’re all from June Come, Follow Me stories.

(Pro tip: chapter headings can help a lot!)

  1. Deborah, a prophetess, helped deliver Israel. (Judges 4)
  2. A man named Barak nailed Sisera’s head to the ground. (Judges 4)
  3. Gideon defeated the huge Midianite army with just 300 men. (Judges 7)
  4. Samson’s hair got ripped out by a lion, and he lost his strength. (Judges 16)
  5. Ruth and Naomi were sisters who ran away from their wicked father. (Ruth 1)
  6. Hannah sent her son, Samuel, to be raised as a temple worker. (1 Samuel 2)
  7. David used the horn of a ram to stab Goliath. (1 Samuel 17)
  8. A man named Uzzah died because he touched the ark casually instead of treating it as sacred. (2 Samuel 6)
  9. Once, King Solomon had to figure out which mother a child belonged to. (1 Kings 3)
  10. Elijah was fed by serpents during a drought. (1 Kings 17)

Scroll down to check your answers!

Your Turn to Try

Try making a scripture story quiz for your family or church friends!





1. True
2. False (Jael killed Sisera)
3. True
4. False (Delilah cut his hair)
5. False (Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law; and Ruth’s father, Elimelech, brings his family to Moab because of a famine)
6. True
7. False (David used stones and a sling)
8. True
9. True
10. False (he was fed by ravens)
