Jesus Christ set the ultimate example of selfless service. In this original short film, we meet people discovering the power of living that simple principle.
Gospel Living

It wasn’t only Cathy who was blessed by their service.

10/22/22 | 1 min read
The whole world is better when we lift together!

As an old saying goes, “Thee lift me and I’ll lift thee, and we’ll ascend together.”1 On a similar note, Elder James W. McConkie III encouraged each of us to “carry our corner” in his recent general conference talk.2

The men in this video literally lifted Cathy. And at the same time, Cathy spiritually lifted them. For example, some of them mention being spiritually healed by the experience. What are some other ways everyone in the group was blessed through service?

Serving—and being served—is part of God’s plan. Make a plan to succor, lift, and strengthen this week!3

Carrying Your Corner

What can you do to help bring others to Jesus Christ, the way the friends in Mark 2 did?

1. This is a Quaker proverb that has been quoted in general conference.
2. See “And They Sought to See Jesus Who He Was,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
3. There are lots of scriptures that mention lifting and strengthening others, such as Doctrine and Covenants 81:5.
