Where Did the Old Testament Come From?
Gospel Living

Its history is complicated.

01/16/22 | 1 min read
But here’s the Old Testament in a nutshell.

The Old Testament has 39 books and probably at least that many different authors! Here are some things we know about where it came from.

  • The books are old. Really really old. Like 3,000 years or more. (Click here for a timeline.)
  • Books named after prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah, and so forth—were primarily written by those prophets.
  • We don’t know for sure who wrote the other books. Some might’ve had multiple authors.
  • Most of the authors didn’t know their writings would one day be used as scripture, like the Book of Mormon prophets did. Their records are a diverse collection of laws, prophecies, histories, gospel teachings, and even poetry about God.
  • Books were written on papyrus scrolls, wax and clay tablets, and leather.
  • Over the centuries, the books were edited, revised, compiled, and translated multiple times.

Honestly, when you consider all of that history, it’s amazing that we have the Old Testament at all! God must consider it to be pretty important to have preserved it through so many generations and world events. As the 8th article of faith says, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly.”

What does God want you to learn from this holy, ancient book? It’s going to be fun exploring it together this year!

Time Travel Questions

Imagine you could go back in time and ask someone from the Old Testament a question. Who would you visit? What would you ask?
