“Remember what you are worth.” That is the simple yet powerful message of the 2015 mutual theme song, “Fragile.” We must be kind to others, and when we ourselves are hurt we must turn to Jesus Christ, who knows and loves us always.
Gospel Living

Whether kind or mean, words matter!

08/30/22 | 1 min read
How will you choose to speak to others today?

Several scriptures teach us that words are powerful. For example:

  • “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).
  • “The word … had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword” (Alma 31:5).
  • “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36).

We can choose to use our words for either good or evil. Obviously, we hope you’ll choose good! The Savior wants us to speak words that are kind, honest, healing, and true. Along those lines, scroll down for lyrics to this music video called “Fragile.”

Level Up Your Language

What can you do to make your words more Christlike this week?


She’s just a girl

Who wants to be loved,
But inside she’s bleeding
Because their words
Cut just like knives
And she starts believing
Everything they say,
Everything she’s heard.
But there’s still time to change
And remember what she’s worth.
We are fragile.

That’s just how we’re made.
Sometimes we are fragile,
But we don’t have to break.
If we’re pushed too far,
Dropped too hard,
There’s someone who can stop the pain
When we are fragile.
He’s just a boy
Who wants to belong,

But nobody sees him.
And when they do,
They point out what’s wrong,
And he starts believing
Everything they say,
Everything he’s heard.
But there’s still time to change
And remember what he’s worth.
We are fragile.

That’s just how we’re made.
Sometimes we are fragile,
But we don’t have to break.
If we’re pushed too far,
Dropped too hard,
There’s someone who can stop the pain
When we are fragile.
So no matter what they say,

No matter what they say,
He will take your place.
No matter what they say,
His love will light the way.
His love will light the way.
We are fragile.

That’s just how we’re made.
Sometimes we are fragile,
But we don’t have to break.
If we’re pushed too far,
Dropped too hard,
There’s someone who can stop the pain
When we are fragile.

When we are fragile.
