Comforting Lucy
September 2009

“Comforting Lucy,” Liahona, Sept. 2009, F10–F11

Comforting Lucy

“[The] Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love” (Moroni 8:26).

Lucy was curled up in a corner of her bedroom when her mom came in to say good night.

“What are you doing over there, Lucy?” Mom asked.

“I just wanted to be alone to think,” Lucy said, burying her face in her favorite blanket—the yellow one with flowers that had belonged to Mom when she was a little girl.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Mom asked, sitting down in the rocking chair.

Lucy nodded and climbed up on Mom’s lap. “I was thinking about Grandma Eliza,” she said quietly, rubbing her blanket across her eyes.

“Oh,” Mom said, rocking her gently. “You know, Grandma Eliza is in heaven now. I think she must be very happy there.”

Lucy sniffed. “I know,” she said. “But I miss her, and I’m not happy that she’s gone.”

“I miss her too,” Mom said as she stroked Lucy’s hair. “Why don’t we pray about this?”

“OK,” Lucy agreed. With Mom’s help, Lucy prayed, “Dear Heavenly Father, I feel sad that Grandma Eliza died, and I miss her. But I know she’s in heaven and she’s happy, and I know that I’ll see her again when she’s resurrected. Please help me not to feel so sad. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

After she said “amen,” Lucy sat quietly for a moment. Then she had an idea. “I know what to do! Aunt Emma told me that singing Primary songs helps her feel happy. Maybe we should do that!”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Mom said.

Together, Lucy and Mom sang “I Am a Child of God,” “I Love to See the Temple,” and “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus.” When they finished, Lucy said, “I feel happy now, Mom.”

“The Holy Ghost helped you know what to do so you would feel better,” Mom said.

Lucy smiled. “I know. Heavenly Father answered my prayer.” Now as she thought about Grandma Eliza, she felt like her favorite blanket was wrapped around her heart. She was comforted.

“I love you, Mom,” Lucy whispered before she fell asleep. “And I love Grandma Eliza too.”

Illustration by Sam Lawlor
