listFormat (basic list)

Node type: Attribute


Indicates the format of a basic (alpha/numeric, bulleted, or no-marker) list

Attribute Values

Choice of one:

  • bullet
  • number
  • romanCaps
  • romanLowCase
  • alphaCaps
  • alphaLowCase
  • symbol

Code Sample

<list listFormat="number">

<preamble>Write on the board:</preamble>



<para paraID="1">Faith</para>




<para paraID="2">Repentance</para>




<para paraID="3">Baptism</para>




<para paraID="4">Gift of the Holy Ghost</para>



Display Sample

Write on the board:

  1. Faith
  2. Repentance
  3. Baptism
  4. Gift of the Holy Ghost


Label contents are not constrained, but lists should normally be set off by the following:

alphaCaps Uppercase letters (A., B., C., etc.).
alphaLowCase Lowercase letters (a., b., c, etc.).
bullet Bullets (•).
number Arabic numers (1., 2., 3., etc.).
romanCaps Uppercase roman numbers (I., II., III., etc.).
romanLowCase Lowercase roman numbers (i., ii., iii., etc.).
symbol One or more of the following: *, †, ‡, or §.