Node type: Attribute
Indicates the format of a basic (alpha/numeric, bulleted, or no-marker) list
Choice of one:
<list listFormat="number">
<preamble>Write on the board:</preamble>
<para paraID="1">Faith</para>
<para paraID="2">Repentance</para>
<para paraID="3">Baptism</para>
<para paraID="4">Gift of the Holy Ghost</para>
Write on the board:
Label contents are not constrained, but lists should normally be set off by the following:
alphaCaps | Uppercase letters (A., B., C., etc.). |
alphaLowCase | Lowercase letters (a., b., c, etc.). |
bullet | Bullets (•). |
number | Arabic numers (1., 2., 3., etc.). |
romanCaps | Uppercase roman numbers (I., II., III., etc.). |
romanLowCase | Lowercase roman numbers (i., ii., iii., etc.). |
symbol | One or more of the following: *, †, ‡, or §. |