insideBackCover (book)

Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


The inside back cover of a book.

Child Nodes or Content


Icon identifying optional elements = Optional element or attribute

Parent Elements

cover (book)

Code Sample




<title paraID="1">Stand Ye in <dominant>Holy </dominant><strong>Places</strong> and Be Not Moved</title>

<epigraph paraID="3">“Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.” (<scriptureRef book="dc" chapter="87" verse="8">D&C 87:8</scriptureRef>)</epigraph>

<intro paraID="4">Special Multistake Youth Conference 2013</intro>

<intro paraID="5">smyc</intro>





<para paraID="6">Stand in <dominant>Holy</dominant> Places</para>

<para paraID="7">Invite a Friend to <dominant>Seminary</dominant></para>






<title paraID="8">Get In on the Secret</title>

<para paraID="9"><emphasis><strong>Did you hear?</strong></emphasis> The <emphasis>Liahona</emphasis> has a section especially for you. If you’re looking for answers to gospel questions, experiences from other youth, or exciting ideas, you’ll find them in the <emphasis>Liahona.</emphasis></para>

<para paraID="10">Get a copy for yourself, and let your friends know too.</para>


<para paraID="11"><strong>Our Space:</strong> Learn from the experiences of youth around the world.</para>

<para paraID="12"><strong>Q&A:</strong> Questions and answers straight from youth with concerns like yours.</para>

<para paraID="13"><strong>How I Know:</strong> Strengthen your testimony as you read how others gained theirs.</para>

<para paraID="14"><strong>To the Point:</strong> Quick, direct answers on gospel subjects—just what you’re always looking for.</para>

<para paraID="15"><strong>Poster:</strong> Learn a gospel principle in one image. Great to hang on your wall.</para>





Contains a body block, which wraps the other elements that make up the inside back cover.