
Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


The citation, for example of a poem or picture.

Child Nodes or Content

One or more:


Code Sample



<figure figType="image">

<para paraID="5"><image altText="San Diego Temple" webURL="san-diego-temple-2.tif"/></para>

<para paraID="6">“Every temple that this Church has built has in effect stood as a monument to our belief in the immortality of the human soul.”</para>


<para paraID="7">President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Inspirational Thoughts,” <emphasis>Ensign,</emphasis> Apr. 2002, 4.</para>



<image altText="bar code" href="file://barcode.tif"/>




Wraps paras that contain the actual citation.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

In figures, use one of the following paragraph styles, based on the figType attribute:

FIGimg-CIT_para (figType = image)
CALL-CIT_para (figType = callout)
CHALK-CIT_para (figType = chalkboard)
INFO-CIT_para (figType = moreInfo)
QUOTE-CIT_para (figType = quote)
SIDE-CIT_para (figType = sidebar)
SIDEQT-CIT_para (figType = sideQuote)
FIGtable-CIT_para (figType = table)

In poetry, use the POETRY-CIT_para paragraph style.

In recipe, use the xmlPara paragraph style for the citation. Include beginning and ending <RECIPE-CIT_para> tags (rather than standard ldsXML tags). Character styles such as emphasis are also allowed. If this comes into common use, a RECIPE-CIT_para paragraph style could be created.