backCover (magazine)

Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


The back cover of a magazine.

Child Nodes or Content


Parent Elements

cover (magazine)

Code Sample



<figure figType="image">

<para paraID="3"><image altText="San Diego Temple" webURL="san-diego-temple-2.tif"/></para>


<para paraID="4">San Diego California Temple by Charles M. Baird</para>


<para paraID="5">“Every temple that this Church has built has in effect stood as a monument to our belief in the immortality of the human soul, that this phase of mortal life through which we pass is part of a continuous upward climb, so to speak, and that as certain as there is life here, there will be life there. That is our firm belief. It comes about through the Atonement of the Savior, and the temple becomes, as I have indicated, the bridge from this life to the next. The temple is concerned with things of immortality.”</para>


<para paraID="6">President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Inspirational Thoughts,” <emphasis>Ensign,</emphasis> Apr. 2002, 4.</para>






Contains a body block, which wraps the other elements that make up the back cover.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use paragraph styles like COVERBK_para. Note: If a paragraph whose stylename does not begin with "COVE" occurs anywhere inside the back cover, use the xmlPara paragraph style to enter beginning and ending <cover>, <frontCover>, <insideFrontCover>, <insideBackCover>, and <backCover> tags.