Node type: Metadata element (reference and citation information in the referenceHeader element)
Whitespace: Not protected
An International Standard Book Number value for a publication associated with the document.
<publicationID type="manual" title="gospel-principles"/>
<isbn assignment="print">978-1-4651-0126-6</isbn>
<isbn assignment="epub">978-1-4651-0127-3</isbn>
<isbn assignment="kindle">978-1-4651-0128-0</isbn>
<workTitle>Gospel Principles</workTitle>
<shortTitle>Gospel Principles</shortTitle>
<editor>Jeff Hatch</editor>
<version stage="source" org="publishing-services" timeStamp="2013-01-19T00:37:50.292-07:00">1</version>
The ISBN value listed in the code sample above is for demonstration purposes only and is not accurate for the referenced publication.
Enter code directly using the xmlPara paragraph style.