
Node type: Metadata element (reference and citation information in the referenceHeader element)

Whitespace: Not protected


An International Standard Book Number value for a publication associated with the document.

Child Nodes or Content

Attribute: assignment

Value/Content format: Text string

Code Sample


<publicationID type="manual" title="gospel-principles"/>




<isbn assignment="print">978-1-4651-0126-6</isbn>

<isbn assignment="epub">978-1-4651-0127-3</isbn>

<isbn assignment="kindle">978-1-4651-0128-0</isbn>



<workTitle>Gospel Principles</workTitle>

<shortTitle>Gospel Principles</shortTitle>



<editor>Jeff Hatch</editor>



<version stage="source" org="publishing-services" timeStamp="2013-01-19T00:37:50.292-07:00">1</version>




The ISBN value listed in the code sample above is for demonstration purposes only and is not accurate for the referenced publication.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

Enter code directly using the xmlPara paragraph style.