
Node type: Metadata element (reference and citation information in the referenceHeader element)

Whitespace: Not protected


Sets forth the version of a document, using both a date/time stamp from the documents’s committal to the Publishing Services SSR and an incrementing version number.

Child Nodes or Content

Attribute: stage

Attribute: org

Attribute: timeStamp

Parent Elements


Code Sample


<publicationID title="priesthood-principles"/>

<workTitle>Priesthood Principles</workTitle>

<shortTitle>Priesthood Principles</shortTitle>


<editor>Andrew Olsen</editor>



<version stage="source" org="publishing-services" timeStamp="2013-01-19T04:28:03.875-07:00">1</version>




This element is instantiated upon first committal to the SSR, and is updated upon subsequent revision committals.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Not applicable. Do not attempt to build version elements in Word.