Guide to the Scriptures (Kekchi)

The top-level topics in the Guide to the Scriptures are stand-alone articles, and unlike topics in the scripture front and body matter, they can be referenced with para attributes (for example, <scriptureRef book="gs" topic="abraham" para="3">). Subtopics are treated as topics and have their own topic attribute values (for example “abraham/the-book-of-abraham”), but these are intended as an alternative to paragraph addressing. Use the subtopic value only when you want to refer to the subtopic as a whole. To refer to paras inside a subtopic, use the topic value and the para number.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  W  X  Y  Z


Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Aakʼabʼ, najtil Darkness, Outer gs darkness-outer
Aaleek, aalenk Tempt, Temptation gs tempt-temptation
Aamej Soul gs soul
Aamej—Lix loqʼalebʼ li aamej Soul—Worth of souls gs soul/worth-of-souls
Aaron, ralal laj Mosiah Aaron, Son of Mosiah gs aaron-son-of-mosiah
Aaron, ras laj Moises Aaron, Brother of Moses gs aaron-brother-of-moses
Aaron, Tijonelil re Priesthood, Aaronic gs priesthood-aaronic
Aatin Word gs word
Aatin jultikanbʼil chiru li tzuul Sermon on the Mount gs sermon-on-the-mount
Aatin re Chaabʼil Naʼlebʼ Word of Wisdom gs word-of-wisdom
Aatinobʼaal Language gs language
Abdias Obadiah gs obadiah
Abdias—Lix Hu laj Abdias Obadiah—The book of Obadiah gs obadiah/the-book-of-obadiah
Abednago Abed-nego gs abed-nego
Abel Abel gs abel
Abinadi Abinadi gs abinadi
Abʼink Hearken gs hearken
Abʼink chiru Obedience, Obedient, Obey gs obedience-obedient-obey
Abrahan Abraham gs abraham
Abrahan—Lix hu laj Abrahan Abraham—The book of Abraham gs abraham/the-book-of-abraham
Abrahan—Li riyajil laj Abrahan Abraham—The seed of Abraham gs abraham/the-seed-of-abraham
Abran Abram gs abram
Aceite gs oil-xref
Achʼabʼaak Free, Freedom; Liberty gs free-freedom,liberty
Adan Adam gs adam
Adan-ondi-Ahman Adam-ondi-Ahman gs adam-ondi-ahman
Agar Hagar gs hagar
Agripa Agrippa gs agrippa
Aj Aatinanel Advocate gs advocate
Aj Bʼaanunel Uuchil Mediator gs mediator
Aj eechaninel Heir gs heir
Aj Ilol Karneer Shepherd gs shepherd
Aj ilol naʼlebʼ Seer gs seer
Aj Kolol qe Deliverer gs deliverer
Aj kubʼsihom haʼ Baptist gs baptist
Aj kʼojobʼahom re li tuqtuukilal Peacemaker gs peacemaker
Aj maak Wicked, Wickedness gs wicked-wickedness
Aj osobʼtesinel Evangelist gs evangelist
Aj qʼem, qʼemal Idle, Idleness gs idle-idleness
Aj tij, Tijonelil re Aaron Priest, Aaronic Priesthood gs priest-aaronic-priesthood
Aj tij, Tijonelil re Melkisedek Priest, Melchizedek Priesthood gs priest-melchizedek-priesthood
Aj titzʼol toj (Publicano) Publican gs publican
Aj Tojol-ix Redeemer gs redeemer
Aj tza Devil gs devil
Aj tza—Lix iglees laj tza Devil—The church of the devil gs devil/the-church-of-the-devil
Aj tzʼiibʼ Scribe gs scribe
Aj xikʼ ilonel Adversary gs adversary
Aj xikʼ ilonel re li Kristo Antichrist gs antichrist
Aj yehol nawom Witness gs witness
Aj yehol nawom chirix lix Hu laj Mormon Witnesses of the Book of Mormon gs witnesses-of-the-book-of-mormon
Aj Yoʼobʼtesinel Creator gs creator
Ajab Ahab gs ahab
Akʼ Chaqʼrabʼ New Testament gs new-testament
Akʼ Jerusalen New Jerusalem gs new-jerusalem
Akʼ ut junelikil sumwank New and Everlasting Covenant gs new-and-everlasting-covenant
Alalbʼej re li sachk (ebʼ li) Sons of Perdition gs sons-of-perdition
Alfa ut Omega Alpha and Omega gs alpha-and-omega
Alma, li yuwaʼbʼej Alma the Elder gs alma-the-elder
Alma, ralal laj Alma Alma, Son of Alma gs alma-son-of-alma
Alma, ralal laj Alma—Lix hu laj Alma Alma, Son of Alma—The book of Alma gs alma-son-of-alma/the-book-of-alma
Amalek (ebʼ laj) Amalekites (Old Testament) gs amalekites-old-testament
Amalakita (ebʼ laj) Amalekites (Book of Mormon) gs amalekites-book-of-mormon
Amalikiah Amalickiah gs amalickiah
Amen Amen gs amen
Amlici, aj Amlicita Amlici, Amlicites gs amlici-amlicites
Ammon, ralal laj Mosiah Ammon, Son of Mosiah gs ammon-son-of-mosiah
Ammon, ralal xkʼajol laj Tzarahemla Ammon, Descendant of Zarahemla gs ammon-descendant-of-zarahemla
Amos Amos gs amos
Amos—Lix hu laj Amos Amos—The book of Amos gs amos/the-book-of-amos
Amulek Amulek gs amulek
Ana Anna gs anna
Ana, xnaʼ laj Samuel Hannah gs hannah
Ananias aj Damasko Ananias of Damascus gs ananias-of-damascus
Ananias aj Jerusalen Ananias of Jerusalem gs ananias-of-jerusalem
Anas Annas gs annas
Anchalil xchʼool Integrity gs integrity
Andres Andrew gs andrew
Anjel Angels gs angels
Anjel aj kʼaakʼalenel Cherubim gs cherubim
Anjel aj kʼanjelanel Ministering Angels gs ministering-angels
Anti-Nefi-Lehi Anti-Nephi-Lehies gs anti-nephi-lehies
Apokalipsis Apocalypse gs apocalypse
Apokrifos gs apocrypha-xref
Apostol Apostle gs apostle
Apostol—Lix sikʼbʼalebʼ ru li Apostol Apostle—Selection of Apostles gs apostle/selection-of-apostles
Aqʼej Modesty gs modesty
Arkanjel gs archangel-xref
Armagedon Armageddon gs armageddon
Artal Altar gs altar
As iitzʼinbʼej Brethren, Brother gs brethren-brother
Asa Asa gs asa
Aseeyt Oil gs oil
Aser Asher gs asher
Aser—Lix teepal laj Aser Asher—The tribe of Asher gs asher/the-tribe-of-asher
Asiria Assyria gs assyria
Atawink, atawinel Sensual, Sensuality gs sensual-sensuality
Atzʼam Salt gs salt
Awaʼbʼej President gs president
Awaʼbʼej, xhuhebʼ li gs kings-xref
Awaʼbʼejihom re choxa malaj rawaʼbʼejihom li Dios Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven gs kingdom-of-god-or-kingdom-of-heaven
Awaʼbʼejihom Romano Roman Empire gs roman-empire
Awaʼbʼejil Presidency gs presidency
Awaʼbʼejil Yehom—1 Official Declaration—1 gs official-declaration-1
Awaʼbʼejil Yehom—2 Official Declaration—2 gs official-declaration-2
Awimq Eden Garden of Eden gs garden-of-eden
Awimq Getsemani Garden of Gethsemane gs garden-of-gethsemane
Awimq re li Qaawaʼ Vineyard of the Lord gs vineyard-of-the-lord
Ayuun, ayuunik gs fast-fasting-xref

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Bʼaanunk Do gs do
Babel, Babilonia Babel, Babylon gs babel-babylon
Bahal Baal gs baal
Balaham Balaam gs balaam
Bʼalaqʼink Deceit, Deceive, Deception gs deceit-deceive-deception
Bʼalaqʼil Guile gs guile
Baltasar Belshazzar gs belshazzar
Bʼan re Galahad Balm of Gilead gs balm-of-gilead
Bʼan re naq inkʼaʼ taakanaaq saʼ yuʼam Birth Control gs birth-control
Bʼantiox, bʼantioxink Thankful, Thanks, Thanksgiving gs thankful-thanks-thanksgiving
Barrabas Barabbas gs barabbas
Bartolome Bartholomew gs bartholomew
Bʼe Way gs way
Bʼeek rikʼin li Dios Walk, Walk with God gs walk-walk-with-god
Bʼeelom Husband gs husband
Bʼeelomej Bridegroom gs bridegroom
Belen Bethlehem gs bethlehem
Benjamin, ralal laj Jakob Benjamin, Son of Jacob gs benjamin-son-of-jacob
Benjamin, ralal laj Jakob—Lix teepal laj Benjamin Benjamin, Son of Jacob—The tribe of Benjamin gs benjamin-son-of-jacob/the-tribe-of-benjamin
Benjamin, xyuwaʼ laj Mosiah Benjamin, Father of Mosiah gs benjamin-father-of-mosiah
Bernabe Barnabas gs barnabas
Betania Bethany gs bethany
Betel Bethel gs bethel
Betsabe Bathsheba gs bathsheba
Bʼich Hymn gs hymn
Bʼichank Sing gs sing
Bʼihomal Riches gs riches
Bʼihomal—Li bʼihomal re junelik qʼe kutan Riches—Riches of eternity gs riches/riches-of-eternity
Bohos Boaz gs boaz
Bʼoqok, bʼoqbʼil xbʼaan li Dios, xbʼoqbʼal Call, Called of God, Calling gs call-called-of-god-calling
Bʼuulink-ix Lots gs lots
Bʼuutʼihaʼ saʼ xkutankil laj Noe Flood at Noah’s Time gs flood-at-noahs-time

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Calvario Calvary gs calvary
Cantares (xchaqʼalil ru Bʼich) Song of Solomon gs song-of-solomon
Centurion Centurion gs centurion
Cesar Caesar gs caesar
Circuncision gs circumcision-xref
Colosenses gs colossians-epistle-to-xref1
Comunion Communion gs communion
Condado Jackson, Missouri (E.U.A.) Jackson County, Missouri (USA) gs jackson-county-missouri-usa
Corintios gs corinthians-epistles-to-xref1
Cowdery, Oliver Cowdery, Oliver gs cowdery-oliver
Cronicas gs chronicles-xref
Chaabʼil aj Ilol Karneer Good Shepherd gs good-shepherd
Chaabʼil naʼlebʼejil Wisdom gs wisdom
Chalk Come gs come
Chaqʼrabʼ Law gs law
Chaqʼrabʼ, li lajeebʼ gs ten-commandments-xref1
Chaqʼrabʼ re laj Moises Law of Moses gs law-of-moses
Cheʼ re li yuʼam Tree of Life gs tree-of-life
Chixjunil naru chiru Omnipotent gs omnipotent
Chixjunil naxnaw Omniscient gs omniscient
Choxa Heaven gs heaven
Choxahil loqʼalil Celestial Glory gs celestial-glory
Chʼaʼajkilal Adversity gs adversity
Chʼajobʼresinbʼil ut moko chʼajobʼresinbʼil ta Clean and Unclean gs clean-and-unclean
Chʼajok Wash, Washed, Washings gs wash-washed-washings
Chʼochʼ Field gs field
Chʼolobʼanbʼil aatin re laj Wilford Woodruff Manifesto gs manifesto
Chʼolobʼanbʼil esil gs testament-xref1
Chʼolobʼank maak Confess, Confession gs confess-confession
Chʼolobʼank xyaalal Testify gs testify
Chʼoolej Heart gs heart
Chʼoolej chi tuulan Contrite Heart gs contrite-heart
Chʼutam saʼ choxa Council in Heaven gs council-in-heaven
Chʼutlebʼaal kabʼl Synagogue gs synagogue

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Dalila Delilah gs delilah
Damasko Damascus gs damascus
Dan Dan gs dan
Dan—Lix teepal laj Dan Dan—The tribe of Dan gs dan/the-tribe-of-dan
Daniel Daniel gs daniel
Daniel—Lix hu laj Daniel Daniel—The book of Daniel gs daniel/the-book-of-daniel
Dario Darius gs darius
David David gs david
Debora Deborah gs deborah
Deseret Deseret gs deseret
Deuteronomio Deuteronomy gs deuteronomy
Diakono gs deacon-xref
Dios, Roxichal li Dios God, Godhead gs god-godhead
Dios, Roxichal li Dios—Li Dios Yuwaʼbʼej God, Godhead—God the Father gs god-godhead/god-the-father
Dios, Roxichal li Dios—Li Dios Kʼajolbʼej God, Godhead—God the Son gs god-godhead/god-the-son
Dios, Roxichal li Dios—Dios li Santil Musiqʼej God, Godhead—God the Holy Ghost gs god-godhead/god-the-holy-ghost
Dios, wank choqʼ jun Dios Godhood gs godhood
Diosilal Deity gs deity
Domingo Sunday gs sunday

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Ebʼ laj Kʼamol Bʼe gs judges-book-of-xref1
Eclesiastes gs ecclesiastes-xref
Eden Eden gs eden
Eekʼank Feel gs feel
Eeqajunk Vengeance gs vengeance
Eetalil Sign gs sign
Eetalil re achʼabʼaak Title of Liberty gs title-of-liberty
Eetalil taqsinbʼil Ensign gs ensign
Efesios, hu rehebʼ laj Efeso Ephesians, Epistle to gs ephesians-epistle-to
Efrain Ephraim gs ephraim
Efrain—Lix teepal laj Efrain Ephraim—The tribe of Ephraim gs ephraim/the-tribe-of-ephraim
Efrain—Li perel cheʼ re Efrain malaj Jose Ephraim—The stick of Ephraim or Joseph gs ephraim/the-stick-of-ephraim-or-joseph
Egipto Egypt gs egypt
Egiptus Egyptus gs egyptus
Eklesiastes Ecclesiastes gs ecclesiastes
Elajink, elajinbʼil Constrain, Constraint gs constrain-constraint
Elder gs elder-xref
Eli Eli gs eli
Elias Elijah gs elijah
Elisabet Elisabeth gs elisabeth
Eliseo Elisha gs elisha
Eliyah Elias gs elias
Eliyah—Elias Elias—Elijah gs elias/elijah
Eliyah—Aj pahol bʼe Elias—Forerunner gs elias/forerunner
Eliyah—Aj kʼojobʼanel wiʼchik Elias—Restorer gs elias/restorer
Eliyah—Jun winq saʼ lix kʼojlajik laj Abrahan Elias—A man in Abraham’s dispensation gs elias/a-man-in-abrahams-dispensation
Elohim Elohim gs elohim
Elqʼak Steal, Stealing gs steal-stealing
Emmanuel Immanuel gs immanuel
Enok Enoch gs enoch
Enos, ralal laj Jakob Enos, Son of Jacob gs enos-son-of-jacob
Enos, ralal laj Jakob—Lix hu laj Enos Enos—The book of Enos gs enos-son-of-jacob/the-book-of-enos
Esaias Esaias gs esaias
Esau Esau gs esau
Esdras Ezra gs ezra
Esdras—Lix hu laj Esdras Ezra—The book of Ezra gs ezra/the-book-of-ezra
Esekias Hezekiah gs hezekiah
Esekiel Ezekiel gs ezekiel
Esekiel—Lix hu laj Esekiel Ezekiel—The book of Ezekiel gs ezekiel/the-book-of-ezekiel
Esteban Stephen gs stephen
Ester Esther gs esther
Ester—Lix hu lix Ester Esther—The book of Esther gs esther/the-book-of-esther
Eter Ether gs ether
Eter—Lix hu laj Eter Ether—The book of Ether gs ether/the-book-of-ether
Eva Eve gs eve
Evangelio Gospel gs gospel
Evangelio, kʼojobʼanbʼil wiʼchik Gospel, Restoration of gs gospel-restoration-of
Evangelio (li kaahibʼ chi) Gospels gs gospels
Evangelio (li kaahibʼ chi)—Xjunajilebʼ li kaahibʼ chi evangelio Gospels—Harmony of the Gospels gs gospels/harmony-of-the-gospels
Exodo Exodus gs exodus
Ezequiel gs ezekiel-xref

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Farahon Pharaoh gs pharaoh
Fariseo Pharisees gs pharisees
Fayette, Nueva York (E.U.A.) Fayette, New York (USA) gs fayette-new-york-usa
Felipe Philip gs philip
Filemon Philemon gs philemon
Filemon, hu re laj Philemon, Epistle to gs philemon-epistle-to
Filipenses, hu rehebʼ laj Filipos Philippians, Epistle to gs philippians-epistle-to
Filisteo (ebʼ laj Filistea) Philistines gs philistines

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Gabriel Gabriel gs gabriel
Gad, ralal laj Jakob Gad, Son of Jacob gs gad-son-of-jacob
Gad, ralal laj Jakob—Lix teepal laj Gad Gad, Son of Jacob—The tribe of Gad gs gad-son-of-jacob/the-tribe-of-gad
Gad laj ilol naʼlebʼ Gad the Seer gs gad-the-seer
Gadianton (ebʼ laj elqʼ re laj Gadianton) Gadianton Robbers gs gadianton-robbers
Galatas, hu rehebʼ laj Galacia Galatians, Epistle to gs galatians-epistle-to
Galilea Galilee gs galilee
Galilea—Li Palaw re Galilea Galilee—The Sea of Galilee gs galilee/the-sea-of-galilee
Gamaliel Gamaliel gs gamaliel
Gedeon gs gideon-old-testament-xref
Genesis Genesis gs genesis
Gentil, ebʼ laj Gentiles gs gentiles
Getsemani Gethsemane gs gethsemane
Gideon Gideon (Book of Mormon) gs gideon-book-of-mormon
Gog Gog gs gog
Golgota Golgotha gs golgotha
Goliat Goliath gs goliath
Gomora, Gomoor Gomorrah gs gomorrah

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Habakuk Habakkuk gs habakkuk
Habakuk—Lix hu laj Habakuk Habakkuk—The book of Habakkuk gs habakkuk/the-book-of-habakkuk
Hageo Haggai gs haggai
Hageo—Lix hu laj Hageo Haggai—The book of Haggai gs haggai/the-book-of-haggai
Hagot Hagoth gs hagoth
Harris, Martin Harris, Martin gs harris-martin
Hebreo Hebrew gs hebrew
Hebreos, hu rehebʼ laj Hebreo Hebrews, Epistle to gs hebrews-epistle-to
Hebron Hebron gs hebron
Hechos Acts of the Apostles gs acts-of-the-apostles
Helaman, ebʼ li ralal Helaman, Sons of gs helaman-sons-of
Helaman, ralal laj Alma Helaman, Son of Alma gs helaman-son-of-alma
Helaman, ralal laj Helaman Helaman, Son of Helaman gs helaman-son-of-helaman
Helaman, ralal laj Helaman—Lix hu laj Helaman Helaman, Son of Helaman—The book of Helaman gs helaman-son-of-helaman/the-book-of-helaman
Helaman, ralal li rey aj Benjamin Helaman, Son of King Benjamin gs helaman-son-of-king-benjamin
Herodes Herod gs herod
Herodias Herodias gs herodias
Hilank, hilobʼaal Rest gs rest
Hilobʼaal kutan Sabbath Day gs sabbath-day
Hilobʼaal naʼajej Paradise gs paradise
Himni Himni gs himni
Hosanna Hosanna gs hosanna
Hu Dewterokanoniko Apocrypha gs apocrypha
Hu laj Mormon (lix) Book of Mormon gs book-of-mormon
Hu re jultikaak gs book-of-remembrance-xref
Hu re li yuʼamej gs book-of-life-xref
Hu re Taqlahom Book of Commandments gs book-of-commandments
Hu sachenaq chaq saʼ Li Santil Hu Lost Books of Scripture gs lost-books-of-scripture
Hyde, Orson Hyde, Orson gs hyde-orson

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Iglees, lix kʼabʼaʼ Church, Name of gs church-name-of
Iglees, nimla tzʼeqbʼeetal Church, Great and Abominable gs church-great-and-abominable
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal Church, Signs of the True gs church-signs-of-the-true
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Yaalil naʼlebʼ chirix li Roxichal li Dios Church, Signs of the True—Correct understanding of the Godhead gs church-signs-of-the-true/correct-understanding-of-the-godhead
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Li xbʼeen raqal chi naʼlebʼ ut kʼojobʼanbʼil kʼanjel Church, Signs of the True—First principles and ordinances gs church-signs-of-the-true/first-principles-and-ordinances
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Li kʼutbʼesinbʼil naʼlebʼ Church, Signs of the True—Revelation gs church-signs-of-the-true/revelation
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Ebʼ li profeet Church, Signs of the True—Prophets gs church-signs-of-the-true/prophets
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Li wankilal kʼeebʼil Church, Signs of the True—Authority gs church-signs-of-the-true/authority
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Xkomon chik li loqʼlaj hu nakʼeeman Church, Signs of the True—Additional scriptures to come forth gs church-signs-of-the-true/additional-scriptures-to-come-forth
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Chan ru naq kʼuubʼanbʼil li Iglees Church, Signs of the True—Church organization gs church-signs-of-the-true/church-organization
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Lix kʼanjelebʼ laj kʼamol aatin Church, Signs of the True—Missionary work gs church-signs-of-the-true/missionary-work
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Ebʼ li musiqʼejil maatan Church, Signs of the True—Spiritual gifts gs church-signs-of-the-true/spiritual-gifts
Iglees, reetalil li tzʼaqal—Ebʼ li santil ochoch Church, Signs of the True—Temples gs church-signs-of-the-true/temples
Iglees li Jesukristo (lix) Church of Jesus Christ gs church-of-jesus-christ
Iiqlebʼ Yoke gs yoke
Isaak Isaac gs isaac
Isabel gs elisabeth-xref
Isai (Jese) Jesse gs jesse
Isaias Isaiah gs isaiah
Isaias—Lix hu laj Isaias Isaiah—The book of Isaiah gs isaiah/the-book-of-isaiah
Isakar Issachar gs issachar
Isakar—Lix teepal laj Isakar Issachar—The tribe of Issachar gs issachar/the-tribe-of-issachar
Isiik chaq Excommunication gs excommunication
Ismael, ralal laj Abrahan Ishmael, Son of Abraham gs ishmael-son-of-abraham
Ismael, xyuwaʼ li rixaqil laj Nefi Ishmael, Father-in-Law of Nephi gs ishmael-father-in-law-of-nephi
Israel Israel gs israel
Israel—Li kabʼlaju xteepal laj Israel Israel—The twelve tribes of Israel gs israel/the-twelve-tribes-of-israel
Israel—Lix jekʼinkil Israel Israel—The scattering of Israel gs israel/the-scattering-of-israel
Israel—Lix chʼutubʼankil Israel Israel—The gathering of Israel gs israel/the-gathering-of-israel
Israel—Li lajeebʼ xteepal laj Israel li sachenaqebʼ Israel—The ten lost tribes of Israel gs israel/the-ten-lost-tribes-of-israel
Ixaqilbʼej Wife gs wife
Ixq Woman, Women; Sister gs woman-women,sister

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Jachok ibʼ Divorce gs divorce
Jafet Japheth gs japheth
Jakob, ralal laj Isaak Jacob, Son of Isaac gs jacob-son-of-isaac
Jakob, ralal laj Lehi Jacob, Son of Lehi gs jacob-son-of-lehi
Jakob, ralal laj Lehi—Lix hu laj Jakob Jacob, Son of Lehi—The book of Jacob gs jacob-son-of-lehi/the-book-of-jacob
Jalanil aatinobʼaal, maatan re Tongues, Gift of gs tongues-gift-of
Jaleʼk xchʼool, jalbʼil xchʼool Conversion, Convert gs conversion-convert
Jaljookil ru aatin Parable gs parable
Jaljookil ru eetalil Symbolism gs symbolism
Jalok kʼaʼuxl, jalbʼa-kʼaʼuxlej Repent, Repentance gs repent-repentance
Jaltesiik ru Transfiguration gs transfiguration
Jaltesiik ru—Kijaltesiik ru li Kristo Transfiguration—Transfiguration of Christ gs transfiguration/transfiguration-of-christ
Jaltesiik ru—Jaltesinbʼil ru winq Transfiguration—Transfigured beings gs transfiguration/transfigured-beings
Jaltesinbʼil junxaqalil Translated Beings gs translated-beings
Jaltesinbʼil ru xbʼaan laj Jose Smith (JJS) Joseph Smith Translation (JST) gs joseph-smith-translation-jst
Jaltesink ru aatin Translate gs translate
Jared Jared gs jared
Jared, li ras laj Jared, Brother of gs jared-brother-of
Jaredita Jaredites gs jaredites
Jarom Jarom gs jarom
Jarom—Lix hu laj Jarom Jarom—The book of Jarom gs jarom/the-book-of-jarom
Jedehon, Gedeon Gideon (Old Testament) gs gideon-old-testament
Jehova Jehovah gs jehovah
Jehova—Li Jehova aʼan li Kristo Jehovah—Jehovah is Christ gs jehovah/jehovah-is-christ
Jekʼinbʼil Israel Scattering of Israel gs scattering-of-israel
Jeremias Jeremiah gs jeremiah
Jeremias—Lix hu laj Jeremias Jeremiah—The book of Jeremiah gs jeremiah/the-book-of-jeremiah
Jeriko Jericho gs jericho
Jerobaal gs jerubbaal-xref
Jerobohan (Jeroboam) Jeroboam gs jeroboam
Jerusalen Jerusalem gs jerusalem
Jerusalen, Akʼ Jerusalem, New gs jerusalem-new
Jesabel Jezebel gs jezebel
Jese gs jesse-xref
Jesukristo Jesus Christ gs jesus-christ
Jesukristo—Resil lix yuʼam (xtiikal li kikʼulman) Jesus Christ—Summary of his life (in sequence of events) gs jesus-christ/summary-of-his-life-in-sequence-of-events
Jesukristo—Li wankilal kʼeebʼil re Jesus Christ—Authority gs jesus-christ/authority
Jesukristo—Li Jesukristo kixkʼut li tento taaʼuxq Jesus Christ—Example of Jesus Christ gs jesus-christ/example-of-jesus-christ
Jesukristo—Xloqʼalil li Jesukristo Jesus Christ—Glory of Jesus Christ gs jesus-christ/glory-of-jesus-christ
Jesukristo—Xjolomil li Iglees Jesus Christ—Head of the Church gs jesus-christ/head-of-the-church
Jesukristo—Aj Raqol Aatin Jesus Christ—Judge gs jesus-christ/judge
Jesukristo—Li rawaʼbʼejil li Kristo chiru li Jun Mil Chihabʼ Jesus Christ—Millennial reign of Christ gs jesus-christ/millennial-reign-of-christ
Jesukristo—Kixkʼut ribʼ li Kristo chirix xkamik Jesus Christ—Postmortal appearances of Christ gs jesus-christ/postmortal-appearances-of-christ
Jesukristo—Xwanjik li Kristo rubʼelaj li yuʼam aʼin Jesus Christ—Premortal existence of Christ gs jesus-christ/premortal-existence-of-christ
Jesukristo—Profeetil aatin chirix lix yoʼlajik ut xkamik li Jesukristo Jesus Christ—Prophecies about the birth and death of Jesus Christ gs jesus-christ/prophecies-about-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ
Jesukristo—Xkʼulbʼal lix kʼabʼaʼ li Jesukristo saʼ qabʼeen Jesus Christ—Taking the name of Jesus Christ upon us gs jesus-christ/taking-the-name-of-jesus-christ-upon-us
Jesukristo—Li yaal chʼolobʼanbʼil chirix li Jesukristo Jesus Christ—Testimony borne of Jesus Christ gs jesus-christ/testimony-borne-of-jesus-christ
Jesukristo—Ebʼ li eetalil malaj li jaljookil ru aatin chirix li Kristo Jesus Christ—Types or symbols of Christ gs jesus-christ/types-or-symbols-of-christ
Jetro Jethro gs jethro
Joʼmaajoʼ, joʼmaajoʼil Vain, Vanity gs vain-vanity
Joʼmaajoʼil kʼaʼuxlej Light-mindedness gs light-mindedness
Job Job gs job
Job—Lix hu laj Job Job—The book of Job gs job/the-book-of-job
Joel Joel gs joel
Joel—Lix hu laj Joel Joel—The book of Joel gs joel/the-book-of-joel
Jolomil aj bʼeresinel General Authorities gs general-authorities
Jolomink tenamit Government gs government
Jonas Jonah gs jonah
Jonas—Lix hu laj Jonas Jonah—The book of Jonah gs jonah/the-book-of-jonah
Jonatan Jonathan gs jonathan
Jordan, li nimaʼ Jordan River gs jordan-river
Josafat Jehoshaphat gs jehoshaphat
Jose, li perel cheʼ re Joseph, Stick of gs joseph-stick-of
Jose, ralal laj Jakob Joseph, Son of Jacob gs joseph-son-of-jacob
Jose aj Arimatea Joseph of Arimathaea gs joseph-of-arimathaea
Jose Smith, alalbʼej Joseph Smith, Jr. gs joseph-smith-jr
Jose, xbʼeelom li xMaria Joseph, Husband of Mary gs joseph-husband-of-mary
Josias Josiah gs josiah
Josqʼil Anger gs anger
Josue Joshua gs joshua
Josue—Lix hu laj Josue Joshua—The book of Joshua gs joshua/the-book-of-joshua
Juda Judah gs judah
Juda—Lix teepal laj Juda Judah—The tribe of Judah gs judah/the-tribe-of-judah
Juda—Li awaʼbʼejihom re Juda Judah—The kingdom of Judah gs judah/the-kingdom-of-judah
Juda—Li perel cheʼ re Juda Judah—The stick of Judah gs judah/the-stick-of-judah
Judas, ralal laj Santiago Judas, Brother of James gs judas-brother-of-james
Judas, riitzʼin li Jesus Jude gs jude
Judas, riitzʼin li Jesus—Lix Hu laj Judas Jude—The epistle of Jude gs jude/the-epistle-of-jude
Judas Iskariote Judas Iscariot gs judas-iscariot
Judio, ebʼ laj Judio Jews gs jews
Jueces Judges, book of gs judges-book-of
Jukubʼ kabʼl Ark gs ark
Jultikank aatin Preach gs preach
Jun One gs one
Jun Mil Chihabʼ Millennium gs millennium
Junaj Yoʼlajenaq Only Begotten gs only-begotten
Junajil Unity gs unity
Junelik yuʼam, yuʼam chi junelik Eternal Life gs eternal-life
Junelikil Yuwaʼbʼej Eternal Father gs eternal-father
Junkabʼal Family gs family
Junkabʼal—Ebʼ li junkabʼal Family—General gs family/general
Junkabʼal—Lix kʼanjel li naʼbʼej yuwaʼbʼej Family—Parents’ responsibilities gs family/parents-responsibilities
Junkabʼal—Lix kʼanjelebʼ li alal kʼajolbʼej Family—Child’s responsibilities gs family/childs-responsibilities
Junkabʼal—Li junkabʼal re junelik Family—Eternal family gs family/eternal-family
Junxaqalil Body gs body
Juramento gs oath-xref
Jwan, ralal laj Sebedeo John, Son of Zebedee gs john-son-of-zebedee
Jwan, ralal laj Sebedeo—Ebʼ li hu taqlanbʼilebʼ xbʼaan laj Jwan John, Son of Zebedee—The epistles of John gs john-son-of-zebedee/the-epistles-of-john
Jwan, ralal laj Sebedeo—Lix evangelio laj Jwan John, Son of Zebedee—The Gospel of John gs john-son-of-zebedee/the-gospel-of-john
Jwan, ralal laj Sebedeo—Li hu Apokalipsis John, Son of Zebedee—The book of Revelation gs john-son-of-zebedee/the-book-of-revelation
Jwan aj Kubʼsihom Haʼ John the Baptist gs john-the-baptist

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Kabʼlaju, xmolamebʼ li Twelve, Quorum of the gs twelve-quorum-of-the
Kabʼlaju xteepal laj Israel Twelve Tribes of Israel gs twelve-tribes-of-israel
Kaifas Caiaphas gs caiaphas
Kain Cain gs cain
Kalaak, kalajenaq Alcohol gs alcohol
Kaleb Caleb gs caleb
Kam Ham gs ham
Kamenaq, lix kolbʼalebʼ Dead, Salvation for the gs dead-salvation-for-the
Kamk, xkabʼ Death, Second gs death-second
Kamk re musiqʼej Death, Spiritual gs death-spiritual
Kamk re tzʼejwalej Death, Physical gs death-physical
Kamsinbʼil saʼ xkʼabʼaʼ xpaabʼaal Martyr, Martyrdom gs martyr-martyrdom
Kamsink Murder gs murder
Kanahan, aj Kanahanita Canaan, Canaanite gs canaan-canaanite
Kaqalink Envy gs envy
Kaqi Palaw Red Sea gs red-sea
Kaqla Rainbow gs rainbow
Kaw xchʼool, xkawil xchʼool Courage, Courageous gs courage-courageous
Kawilal Health gs health
Kerubin gs cherubim-xref
Kikʼ Blood gs blood
Kimball, SpencerW. Kimball, SpencerW. gs kimball-spencer-w
Kixkumen Kishkumen gs kishkumen
Koʼbʼeetak gs fornication-xref
Kokʼal, al Child, Children gs child-children
Kolbʼa-ibʼ Salvation gs salvation
Kolbʼa-ibʼ—Kolbʼa-ibʼ rehebʼ li kokʼal Salvation—Salvation of children gs salvation/salvation-of-children
Kolbʼa-ibʼ, kʼuubʼanbʼil naʼlebʼ re Salvation, Plan of gs salvation-plan-of
Kolbʼa-ibʼ aqʼej Armor gs armor
Kolbʼa-ibʼ choqʼ rehebʼ li kamenaq Salvation for the Dead gs salvation-for-the-dead
Kolbʼa-ibʼ rehebʼ li kokʼal Salvation of Children gs salvation-of-children
Koleʼk chiru li kamk Immortal, Immortality gs immortal-immortality
Kolob Kolob gs kolob
Kolonel Savior gs savior
Kolosenses, hu rehebʼ laj Kolosas Colossians, Epistle to gs colossians-epistle-to
Korianton Corianton gs corianton
Koriantumr Coriantumr gs coriantumr
Korihor Korihor gs korihor
Korintios, ebʼ li hu rehebʼ laj Korinto Corinthians, Epistles to gs corinthians-epistles-to
Korintios, ebʼ li hu rehebʼ laj Korinto—1Korintios Corinthians—First Corinthians gs corinthians-epistles-to/first-corinthians
Korintios, ebʼ li hu rehebʼ laj Korinto—2Korintios Corinthians—Second Corinthians gs corinthians-epistles-to/second-corinthians
Kornelio Cornelius gs cornelius
Koroon Crown gs crown
Kristiano Christians gs christians
Kristo Christ gs christ
Kronikas Chronicles gs chronicles
Kronikas—1Kronikas Chronicles—First Chronicles gs chronicles/first-chronicles
Kronikas—2Kronikas Chronicles—Second Chronicles gs chronicles/second-chronicles
Krus Cross gs cross
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ Baptism, Baptize gs baptism-baptize
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Aajel ru Baptism—Essential gs baptism-baptize/essential
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Li kubʼihaʼ chi subʼbʼil saʼ haʼ Baptism—Baptism by immersion gs baptism-baptize/baptism-by-immersion
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Li kubʼihaʼ re risinkilebʼ li maak Baptism—Baptism for remission of sins gs baptism-baptize/baptism-for-remission-of-sins
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Chi kʼeebʼil tzʼaqal li wankilal Baptism—Proper authority gs baptism-baptize/proper-authority
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Li naʼajman re xkʼulbʼal li kubʼihaʼ Baptism—Qualifications for baptism gs baptism-baptize/qualifications-for-baptism
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Ebʼ li sumwank nokoʼok wiʼ rikʼin li kubʼihaʼ Baptism—Covenants made through baptism gs baptism-baptize/covenants-made-through-baptism
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Li kubʼihaʼ choqʼ rehebʼ li kamenaq Baptism—Baptism for the dead gs baptism-baptize/baptism-for-the-dead
Kubʼihaʼ, kubʼsink haʼ—Li kubʼihaʼ maawaʼ choqʼ rehebʼ li kʼuulaʼal Baptism—Baptism not for infants gs baptism-baptize/baptism-not-for-infants
Kubʼihaʼ rehebʼ li kʼuulaʼal Infant Baptism gs infant-baptism
Kumorah, tzuul Cumorah, Hill gs cumorah-hill
Kuyuk Patience gs patience
Kuyuk maak Forgive gs forgive
Kuyuk saʼ Fast, Fasting gs fast-fasting
Kuyuk toj saʼ rosoʼjik Endure gs endure
Kʼaakʼalenk, aj kʼaakʼalenel tenamit Watch, Watchmen gs watch-watchmen
Kʼanjel Works gs works
Kʼanjelak chiru Service gs service
Kʼanjelak saʼ li paabʼaal Minister gs minister
Kʼanjelil saʼ Junajil United Order gs united-order
Kʼantiʼ bronce Serpent, Brazen gs serpent-brazen
Kʼas Debt gs debt
Kʼaʼuxlej Mind gs mind
Kʼeebʼil xwankil Authority gs authority
Kʼehok chiru krus Crucifixion gs crucifixion
Kʼehok naʼlebʼ Counsel (verb) gs counsel-verb
Kʼehok yuʼam Quicken gs quicken
Kʼirtesink Heal, Healings gs heal-healings
Kʼojlajik Dispensation gs dispensation
Kʼojobʼaak Confirmation gs confirmation
Kʼojobʼanbʼil kʼanjel Ordinances gs ordinances
Kʼojobʼanbʼil kʼanjel—Kʼojobʼanbʼil kʼanjel chi uuchilej Ordinances—Vicarious ordinance gs ordinances/vicarious-ordinance
Kʼojobʼanel Chʼoolej (aj) Comforter gs comforter
Kʼojobʼank Ordain, Ordination gs ordain-ordination
Kʼojobʼank chi junxilaj Foreordination gs foreordination
Kʼojobʼank wiʼchik Restitution, Restoration gs restitution-restoration
Kʼoxlahom Thoughts gs thoughts
Kʼoxlank saʼ chʼoolej Ponder gs ponder
Kʼuleʼk choqʼ alal kʼajolbʼej Adoption gs adoption
Kʼulubʼaak saʼ komonil Common Consent gs common-consent
Kʼulubʼej, kʼulubʼejil Worthy, Worthiness gs worthy-worthiness
Kʼutbʼesinbʼil chiru laj Jwan Revelation of John gs revelation-of-john
Kʼutbʼesinbʼil matkʼ Vision gs vision
Kʼutbʼesink, kʼutbʼesinbʼil naʼlebʼ Revelation gs revelation
Kʼutbʼil eetalil Pattern gs pattern
Kʼutuk, tzolonel Teach, Teacher gs teach-teacher
Kʼutuk, tzolonel—Kʼutuk rikʼin li Musiqʼej Teach—Teaching with the Spirit gs teach-teacher/teaching-with-the-spirit
Kʼuubʼanbʼil naʼlebʼ re li kolbʼa-ibʼ Plan of Salvation gs plan-of-salvation
Kʼuubʼanbʼil naʼlebʼ re li tojbʼal-ix Plan of Redemption gs plan-of-redemption
Kʼuulebʼaal kabʼl Storehouse gs storehouse

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Laaʼinin I AM gs i-am
Laban, aj kʼuulahom re li perpookil chʼiichʼ bronce Laban, Keeper of the Brass Plates gs laban-keeper-of-the-brass-plates
Laban, ras li xRebeka Laban, Brother of Rebekah gs laban-brother-of-rebekah
Laj Kolosas, hu rehebʼ gs colossians-epistle-to-xref2
Laj Korinto, hu rehebʼ gs corinthians-epistles-to-xref2
Lajeebʼ chi taqlahom (lajeebʼ chi chaqʼrabʼ) gs ten-commandments-xref2
Lajeebʼ xteepal laj Israel Ten Tribes gs ten-tribes
Lajetqil Tithes, Tithing gs tithes-tithing
Laman Laman gs laman
Lamanita Lamanites gs lamanites
Lamentaciones (Xhuhil li Rahil Chʼoolejil) Lamentations, book of gs lamentations-book-of
Lamoni Lamoni gs lamoni
Lazaro Lazarus gs lazarus
Lea (Liiy) Leah gs leah
Lehi, aj kʼamol aatin aj Nefita Lehi, Nephite Missionary gs lehi-nephite-missionary
Lehi, aj taqlanel rehebʼ laj pleet aj Nefita Lehi, Nephite Military Commander gs lehi-nephite-military-commander
Lehi, xyuwaʼ laj Nefi Lehi, Father of Nephi gs lehi-father-of-nephi
Lehi, xyuwaʼ laj Nefi—Lix Hu laj Lehi Lehi, Father of Nephi—The book of Lehi gs lehi-father-of-nephi/the-book-of-lehi
Lemoox, kʼehok lemoox Alms, Almsgiving gs alms-almsgiving
Lemuel Lemuel gs lemuel
Levi Levi gs levi
Levi—Lix teepal laj Levi Levi—The tribe of Levi gs levi/the-tribe-of-levi
Levitico Leviticus gs leviticus
Liahona Liahona gs liahona
Liiy gs leah-xref
Limhi Limhi gs limhi
Lix Hu laj Mormon gs book-of-mormon-xref
Lix Iglees li Jesukristo rehebʼ laj Santil Paabʼanel saʼ Rosoʼjikebʼ li Kutan Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The gs church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-the
Loqʼ, loqʼlaj Sacred gs sacred
Loqʼalil Glory gs glory
Loqʼlaj hu (ebʼ li) Scriptures gs scriptures
Loqʼlaj hu (ebʼ li)—Ebʼ li loqʼlaj hu li sachenaq Scriptures—Lost scriptures gs scriptures/lost-scriptures
Loqʼlaj hu (ebʼ li)—Tento teʼkʼuulamanq li loqʼlaj hu Scriptures—Scriptures to be preserved gs scriptures/scriptures-to-be-preserved
Loqʼlaj hu (ebʼ li)—Xnimal xloqʼalebʼ li loqʼlaj hu Scriptures—Value of the scriptures gs scriptures/value-of-the-scriptures
Loqʼlaj hu (ebʼ li)—Ebʼ li loqʼlaj hu li yeebʼil rikʼin profeetil aatin naq teʼelq chi kutankil Scriptures—Scriptures prophesied to come forth gs scriptures/scriptures-prophesied-to-come-forth
Loqʼlaj hu, sachenaq Scriptures, Lost gs scriptures-lost
Loqʼlaj kʼicheʼ Sacred Grove gs sacred-grove
Loqʼlaj muhebʼaal Tabernacle gs tabernacle
Loqʼlaj Musiqʼej gs spirit-holy-xref1
Loqʼlaj Musiqʼej re Yeechiʼink Holy Spirit of Promise gs holy-spirit-of-promise
Loqʼlaj waʼak Sacrament gs sacrament
Loqʼonink Worship gs worship
Lot Lot gs lot
Lucifer Lucifer gs lucifer
Lukas (Lucas) Luke gs luke
Lukas (Lucas)—Li Evangelio tzʼiibʼanbʼil xbʼaan laj Lukas Luke—The Gospel of Luke gs luke/the-gospel-of-luke

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Maak Sin gs sin
Maak inkʼaʼ naru xkuybʼal Unpardonable Sin gs unpardonable-sin
Maakobʼk rikʼin reech winqilal reech ixqilal Homosexuality gs homosexuality
Maakʼaʼ Rosoʼjik Endless gs endless
Maakʼaʼ xmaak Innocence, Innocent gs innocence-innocent
Maatan Gift gs gift
Maatan naxkʼe li Musiqʼej (ebʼ li) Gifts of the Spirit gs gifts-of-the-spirit
Maatan re li Santil Musiqʼej Gift of the Holy Ghost gs gift-of-the-holy-ghost
Maaʼus aj musiqʼej Evil Spirits gs evil-spirits
Maaʼusilal Unrighteous, Unrighteousness gs unrighteous-unrighteousness
Maaʼusilank Evil Speaking gs evil-speaking
Magog Magog gs magog
Majewank, xmajewankil Curse, Curses gs curse-curses
Majewank, xmajewankil—Yibʼ ruhil aatin Curse—Profanity gs curse-curses/profanity
Malakias (Malaquias) Malachi gs malachi
Malakias (Malaquias)—Lix hu laj Malakias Malachi—The book of Malachi gs malachi/the-book-of-malachi
Mammon Mammon gs mammon
Mana Manna gs manna
Manases Manasseh gs manasseh
Manases—Lix teepal laj Manases Manasseh—The tribe of Manasseh gs manasseh/the-tribe-of-manasseh
Maria, xnaʼ laj Markos Mary, Mother of Mark gs mary-mother-of-mark
Maria, xnaʼ li Jesus Mary, Mother of Jesus gs mary-mother-of-jesus
Maria aj Betania Mary of Bethany gs mary-of-bethany
Maria aj Magdala Mary Magdalene gs mary-magdalene
Maria (Miriam), xrabʼin laj Amran Miriam gs miriam
Markos (Marcos) Mark gs mark
Markos (Marcos)—Li Evangelio re laj Markos Mark—The Gospel of Mark gs mark/the-gospel-of-mark
Marsh, ThomasB. Marsh, ThomasB. gs marsh-thomas-b
Marta Martha gs martha
Mateo Matthew gs matthew
Mateo—Li Evangelio re laj Mateo Matthew—The Gospel of Matthew gs matthew/the-gospel-of-matthew
Matias Matthias gs matthias
Matkʼ Dream gs dream
Matusalen Methuselah gs methuselah
May Tobacco gs tobacco
Mayejak Sacrifice gs sacrifice
Melkisedek Melchizedek gs melchizedek
Melkisedek, tijonelil re Priesthood, Melchizedek gs priesthood-melchizedek
Mertoom, mertoomil Steward, Stewardship gs steward-stewardship
Mesias Messiah gs messiah
Miguel Michael gs michael
Mikeas (Miqueas) Micah gs micah
Mikeas (Miqueas)—Lix hu laj Mikeas Micah—The book of Micah gs micah/the-book-of-micah
Misak (Mesac) Meshach gs meshach
Missouri Missouri gs missouri
Mohab Moab gs moab
Moises Moses gs moses
Moises—Lix hu laj Moises Moses—The book of Moses gs moses/the-book-of-moses
Moises—Roʼichal lix hu laj Moises Moses—The five books of Moses gs moses/the-five-books-of-moses
Moko sant ta Unholy gs unholy
Moko us ta, maaʼus Ungodly gs ungodly
Molam Combinations gs combinations
Molam (re li tijonelil) Quorum gs quorum
Molok aatin Gossip gs gossip
Mormon (ebʼ laj) Mormon(s) gs mormons
Mormon, Lix Hu laj Mormon, Book of gs mormon-book-of
Mormon, profeet aj Nefita Mormon, Nephite Prophet gs mormon-nephite-prophet
Mormon, profeet aj Nefita—Li Raatin laj Mormon Mormon, Nephite Prophet—The Words of Mormon gs mormon-nephite-prophet/the-words-of-mormon
Mormon, profeet aj Nefita—Lix hu laj Mormon Mormon, Nephite Prophet—The book of Mormon gs mormon-nephite-prophet/the-book-of-mormon
Moroni, aj taqlanel Moroni, Captain gs moroni-captain
Moroni, ralal laj Mormon Moroni, Son of Mormon gs moroni-son-of-mormon
Moroni, ralal laj Mormon—Lix hu laj Moroni Moroni, Son of Mormon—The book of Moroni gs moroni-son-of-mormon/the-book-of-moroni
Moronihah, ralal laj Moroni aj taqlanel Moronihah, Son of Captain Moroni gs moronihah-son-of-captain-moroni
Mosiah, ebʼ li ralal Mosiah, Sons of gs mosiah-sons-of
Mosiah, ralal laj Benjamin Mosiah, Son of Benjamin gs mosiah-son-of-benjamin
Mosiah, ralal laj Benjamin—Lix hu laj Mosiah Mosiah, Son of Benjamin—The book of Mosiah gs mosiah-son-of-benjamin/the-book-of-mosiah
Mosiah, xyuwaʼ laj Benjamin Mosiah, Father of Benjamin gs mosiah-father-of-benjamin
Muhebʼaal, loqʼlaj gs tabernacle-xref
Mukuy, reetalil li Dove, Sign of the gs dove-sign-of-the
Mulek Mulek gs mulek
Muqlebʼaal kamenaq Grave gs grave
Muqmuukil molam Secret Combinations gs secret-combinations
Muqmuukil naʼlebʼ gs mysteries-of-god-xref
Musiqʼank, musiqʼanbʼil Inspiration, Inspire gs inspiration-inspire
Musiqʼej, Santil gs spirit-holy-xref2
Musiqʼej, xmusiqʼ Spirit gs spirit
Musiqʼej, xmusiqʼ—Ebʼ li maaʼus aj musiqʼej Spirit—Evil spirits gs spirit/evil-spirits
Musiqʼejil kamk Spiritual Death gs spiritual-death
Musiqʼejil maatan Spiritual Gifts gs spiritual-gifts
Musiqʼejil yoʼobʼtesink Spirit Creation gs spirit-creation
Muxuk sumsu Adultery gs adultery

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Naʼajej qʼaxal sant Holy of Holies gs holy-of-holies
Naʼbʼej Mother gs mother
Naʼbʼej yuwaʼbʼej Parents gs parents
Nabukodonosor Nebuchadnezzar gs nebuchadnezzar
Nahaman Naaman gs naaman
Nahum Nahum gs nahum
Nahum—Lix hu laj Nahum Nahum—The book of Nahum gs nahum/the-book-of-nahum
Najter Chaqʼrabʼ Old Testament gs old-testament
Najter xkutankil Ancient of Days gs ancient-of-days
Najtil aakʼabʼ Outer Darkness gs outer-darkness
Naʼlebʼ kanabʼanbʼil Traditions gs traditions
Naʼlebʼ kʼeebʼil Counsel (noun) gs counsel-noun
Natan Nathan gs nathan
Natanael Nathanael gs nathanael
Nauvoo, Illinois (E.U.A.) Nauvoo, Illinois (USA) gs nauvoo-illinois-usa
Nawok, xnawom Knowledge gs knowledge
Nazaret Nazareth gs nazareth
Nebʼaʼ Poor gs poor
Nebʼaʼ—Nebʼaʼ chirix li eechej Poor—Poor in material goods gs poor/poor-in-material-goods
Nebʼaʼ—Nebʼaʼ saʼ musiqʼej Poor—Poor in spirit gs poor/poor-in-spirit
Nefi, ralal laj Helaman Nephi, Son of Helaman gs nephi-son-of-helaman
Nefi, ralal laj Lehi Nephi, Son of Lehi gs nephi-son-of-lehi
Nefi, ralal laj Lehi—Li xbʼeen xhu laj Nefi Nephi, Son of Lehi—The book of 1Nephi gs nephi-son-of-lehi/the-book-of-1-nephi
Nefi, ralal laj Lehi—Li xkabʼ xhu laj Nefi Nephi, Son of Lehi—The book of 2Nephi gs nephi-son-of-lehi/the-book-of-2-nephi
Nefi, ralal laj Lehi—Lix perpookil chʼiichʼ laj Nefi Nephi, Son of Lehi—Plates of Nephi gs nephi-son-of-lehi/plates-of-nephi
Nefi, ralal laj Nefi, ralal laj Helaman Nephi, Son of Nephi, Son of Helaman gs nephi-son-of-nephi-son-of-helaman
Nefi, ralal laj Nefi, ralal laj Helaman—Li hu Rox Nefi Nephi, Son of Nephi, Son of Helaman—The book of 3Nephi gs nephi-son-of-nephi-son-of-helaman/the-book-of-3-nephi
Nefi, ralal laj Nefi, ralal laj Helaman—Li hu Xkaa Nefi Nephi, Son of Nephi, Son of Helaman—The book of 4Nephi gs nephi-son-of-nephi-son-of-helaman/the-book-of-4-nephi
Nefita Nephites gs nephites
Neftali Naphtali gs naphtali
Neftali—Lix teepal laj Neftali Naphtali—The tribe of Naphtali gs naphtali/the-tribe-of-naphtali
Nehemias Nehemiah gs nehemiah
Nehemias—Lix hu laj Nehemias Nehemiah—The book of Nehemiah gs nehemiah/the-book-of-nehemiah
Nehor Nehor gs nehor
Nikodemo Nicodemus gs nicodemus
Nimank ibʼ Boasting gs boasting
Nimank-u Praise gs praise
Nimla tzʼeqbʼeetal iglees Great and Abominable Church gs great-and-abominable-church
Ninive Nineveh gs nineveh
Noe, najter yuwaʼbʼej saʼ li Santil Hu Noah, Bible Patriarch gs noah-bible-patriarch
Noe, ralal laj Tzeniff Noah, Son of Zeniff gs noah-son-of-zeniff
Nohemi (Noemi) Naomi gs naomi
Numeros Numbers gs numbers

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Obed Obed gs obed
Obiisp Bishop gs bishop
Obiisp aj jolominel Presiding Bishop gs presiding-bishop
Ochoch Home gs home
Olivo, cheʼ Olive Tree gs olive-tree
Olivos, li tzuul Olives, Mount of gs olives-mount-of
Omega Omega gs omega
Omner Omner gs omner
Omni Omni gs omni
Omni—Lix hu laj Omni Omni—The book of Omni gs omni/the-book-of-omni
Opiis Office, Officer gs office-officer
Oqech, roqechal Stake gs stake
Oseas (Osea) Hosea gs hosea
Oseas (Osea)—Lix hu laj Oseas Hosea—The book of Hosea gs hosea/the-book-of-hosea
Osobʼtesiik xbʼaan li yuwaʼbʼejil aj kʼanjel Patriarchal Blessings gs patriarchal-blessings
Osobʼtesink, osobʼtesinbʼil, rosobʼtesinkil Bless, Blessed, Blessing gs bless-blessed-blessing
Osobʼtesink, osobʼtesinbʼil, rosobʼtesinkil—Chirix li osobʼtesink Bless—General gs bless-blessed-blessing/general
Osobʼtesink, osobʼtesinbʼil, rosobʼtesinkil—Rosobʼtesinkilebʼ li kokʼal Bless—Blessing of children gs bless-blessed-blessing/blessing-of-children
Oxibʼ chi tzolom aj Nefita Three Nephite Disciples gs three-nephite-disciples
Oxloqʼink Honor gs honor

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Paabʼaal Faith gs faith
Paabʼank, xpaabʼankil Belief, Believe gs belief-believe
Pablo Paul gs paul
Pablo, ebʼ lix hu Pauline Epistles gs pauline-epistles
Pablo, ebʼ lix hu—1ut 2Tesalonicenses (50–51 chihabʼ chirix li Kristo) Pauline Epistles—1and 2Thessalonians (A.D.50–51) gs pauline-epistles/1-and-2-thessalonians
Pablo, ebʼ lix hu—1ut 2Korintios, Galatas, Romanos (55–57 chihabʼ chirix li Kristo) Pauline Epistles—1and 2Corinthians, Galatians, Romans (A.D.55–57) gs pauline-epistles/1-and-2-corinthians-galatians-romans
Pablo, ebʼ lix hu—Filipenses, Kolosenses, Efesios, Filemon, Hebreos (60–62 chihabʼ chirix li Kristo) Pauline Epistles—Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, Hebrews (A.D.60–62) gs pauline-epistles/philippians-colossians-ephesians-philemon-hebrews
Pablo, ebʼ lix hu—1ut 2Timoteo, Tito (64–65 chihabʼ chirix li Kristo) Pauline Epistles—1and 2Timothy, Titus (A.D.64–65) gs pauline-epistles/1-and-2-timothy-titus
Pahoran Pahoran gs pahoran
Pakʼbʼil dios, xloqʼoninkil Idolatry gs idolatry
Palaw Kamenaq Dead Sea gs dead-sea
Parahon gs pharaoh-xref
Pariseey gs pharisees-xref
Partridge, Edward Partridge, Edward gs partridge-edward
Paswa Passover gs passover
Patten, DavidW. Patten, DavidW. gs patten-david-w
Patzʼok Ask gs ask
Pedro Peter gs peter
Pedro—Li xbʼeen xhu laj Pedro Peter—First epistle of Peter gs peter/first-epistle-of-peter
Pedro—Li xkabʼ xhu laj Pedro Peter—Second epistle of Peter gs peter/second-epistle-of-peter
Pek, xnimal ru pek saʼ xxuk Cornerstone gs cornerstone
Peleg (Pelej) Peleg gs peleg
Pentateuco Pentateuch gs pentateuch
Pentekostes Pentecost gs pentecost
Perel cheʼ re Efrain Stick of Ephraim gs stick-of-ephraim
Perel cheʼ re Jose Stick of Joseph gs stick-of-joseph
Perel cheʼ re Juda Stick of Judah gs stick-of-judah
Perpookil chʼiichʼ Plates gs plates
Perpookil chʼiichʼ bronce Brass Plates gs brass-plates
Perpookil chʼiichʼ oor Gold Plates gs gold-plates
Phelps, WilliamW. Phelps, WilliamW. gs phelps-william-w
Pilato, Poncio Pilate, Pontius gs pilate-pontius
Pleet War gs war
Pleet saʼ choxa War in Heaven gs war-in-heaven
Poʼresink chʼoolej Rebellion gs rebellion
Pornografia gs pornography-xref1
Pratt, Orson Pratt, Orson gs pratt-orson
Pratt, Parley Parker Pratt, Parley Parker gs pratt-parley-parker
Preexil Captivity gs captivity
Profeet Prophet gs prophet
Profeet ixq Prophetess gs prophetess
Profeetil aatin, aatinak joʼ profeet Prophecy, Prophesy gs prophecy-prophesy
Proverbio Proverb gs proverb
Proverbio—Li hu Proverbios Proverb—The book of Proverbs gs proverb/the-book-of-proverbs
Publicano gs publican-xref

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Qaawaʼ Lord gs lord
Qaawaʼ rehebʼ li Teepal Lord of Hosts gs lord-of-hosts
Qʼaxtesink, chaqʼrabʼ re qʼaxtesink-ibʼ Consecrate, Law of Consecration gs consecrate-law-of-consecration
Qʼaxtesink mayej Offering gs offering
Qʼetok paabʼank Apostasy gs apostasy
Qʼetok paabʼank—Li qʼetok paabʼank Apostasy—General apostasy gs apostasy/general-apostasy
Qʼetok paabʼank—Li qʼetok paabʼank saʼ lix Igleesebʼ laj kristiano najter Apostasy—Apostasy of the early Christian church gs apostasy/apostasy-of-the-early-christian-church
Qʼetqʼetil Pride gs pride
Qʼojyin, musiqʼejil Darkness, Spiritual gs darkness-spiritual
Qʼol Nim Xtzʼaq Pearl of Great Price gs pearl-of-great-price
Qʼolok Harvest gs harvest
Qʼun xmetzʼew, xqʼunal xmetzʼew Weakness gs weakness
Qʼusuk, xqʼusbʼal Chasten, Chastening gs chasten-chastening

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Raatin li Dios Word of God gs word-of-god
Rafael Raphael gs raphael
Rahil Chʼoolejil, xhuhil li gs lamentations-book-of-xref
Rahink-u Lust gs lust
Rahobʼtesiik xbʼaan xpaabʼaal Persecute, Persecution gs persecute-persecution
Rahobʼtesink Offend gs offend
Rahok Love gs love
Rahok-u Covet gs covet
Rakel Rachel gs rachel
Ralal laj Helaman (ebʼ li) Sons of Helaman gs sons-of-helaman
Ralal laj Mosiah (ebʼ li) Sons of Mosiah gs sons-of-mosiah
Ralal li Dios Son of God gs son-of-god
Ralal li Winq Son of Man gs son-of-man
Ralal ut xrabʼin li Dios Sons and Daughters of God gs sons-and-daughters-of-god
Ralal ut xrabʼin li Dios—Ebʼ li ralal xkʼajol li Dios saʼ li musiqʼej Sons and Daughters of God—Spirit children of the Father gs sons-and-daughters-of-god/spirit-children-of-the-father
Ralal ut xrabʼin li Dios—Ebʼ li alal kʼajolbʼej yoʼlajenaqebʼ wiʼchik xbʼaan li xtojbʼal rix li maak Sons and Daughters of God—Children born again through the Atonement gs sons-and-daughters-of-god/children-born-again-through-the-atonement
Ralal xkʼajol laj Israel Children of Israel gs children-of-israel
Ralal xkʼajol li Dios Children of God gs children-of-god
Ralal xkʼajol li Kristo Children of Christ gs children-of-christ
Rameumptom Rameumptom gs rameumptom
Raqal chi naʼlebʼ Principle gs principle
Raqalil li Paabʼaal (ebʼ lix) Articles of Faith gs articles-of-faith
Raqbʼa-aatin saʼ rosoʼjik Judgment, the Last gs judgment-the-last
Raqok aatin, raqbʼa-aatin Judge, Judgment gs judge-judgment
Raqol Aatin, xhuhebʼ laj gs judges-book-of-xref2
Re tzʼejwalej Carnal gs carnal
Rebeka Rebekah gs rebekah
Reekʼobʼaal xchʼool Conscience gs conscience
Reetalil li tzʼaqal Iglees Signs of the True Church gs signs-of-the-true-church
Reetalil lix yoʼlajik ut xkamik li Jesukristo Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ gs signs-of-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ
Reetalil lix yoʼlajik ut xkamik li Jesukristo—Xyoʼlajik Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ—Birth gs signs-of-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ/birth
Reetalil lix yoʼlajik ut xkamik li Jesukristo—Xkamik Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ—Death gs signs-of-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ/death
Reetalilebʼ li kutan Signs of the Times gs signs-of-the-times
Resilal li junkabʼal Family History gs family-history
Resilal li xeʼtoonil Genealogy gs genealogy
Rewel (Reuel) Reuel gs reuel
Rey aj winq Kingmen gs kingmen
Reyes (Ebʼ li Awaʼbʼej) Kings gs kings
Reyes (Ebʼ li Awaʼbʼej)—Xbʼeen Reyes Kings—First Kings gs kings/first-kings
Reyes (Ebʼ li Awaʼbʼej)—Xkabʼ Reyes Kings—Second Kings gs kings/second-kings
Rigdon, Sidney Rigdon, Sidney gs rigdon-sidney
Rilobʼaal Countenance gs countenance
Risinkil li maak Remission of Sins gs remission-of-sins
Riyajil laj Abrahan Seed of Abraham gs seed-of-abraham
Riyajil mostaza (mostaas) Mustard Seed gs mustard-seed
Robohan (Roboam) Rehoboam gs rehoboam
Rochoch li Qaawaʼ House of the Lord gs house-of-the-lord
Roma Rome gs rome
Romanos, hu rehebʼ laj Roma Romans, Epistle to gs romans-epistle-to
Roqechal gs stake-xref
Rosobʼtesinkilebʼ li yaj Administration to the Sick gs administration-to-the-sick
Rosoʼjik li kutan, rosoʼjikil kutan Last Days, Latter Days gs last-days-latter-days
Rosoʼjik li ruchichʼochʼ End of the World gs end-of-the-world
Roxloqʼinkil li Dios Reverence gs reverence
Ru cheʼ yeebʼil naq inkʼaʼ taakʼuxmanq Forbidden Fruit gs forbidden-fruit
Rubʼel tojbʼa-maak Condemn, Condemnation gs condemn-condemnation
Ruben Reuben gs reuben
Ruben—Lix teepal laj Ruben Reuben—The tribe of Reuben gs reuben/the-tribe-of-reuben
Ruchichʼochʼ Earth; World gs earth,world
Ruchichʼochʼ—Yoʼobʼtesinbʼil choqʼ re li winq Earth—Created for man gs earth/created-for-man
Ruchichʼochʼ—Lix wanjik saʼ li yuʼam aʼin World—Mortal existence gs world/mortal-existence
Ruchichʼochʼ—Wan choqʼ yoʼyookil yoʼobʼtesihom Earth—A living entity gs earth/a-living-entity
Ruchichʼochʼ—Xjachbʼal ru li ruchichʼochʼ Earth—Division of the earth gs earth/division-of-the-earth
Ruchichʼochʼ—Xchʼajobʼresinkil li ruchichʼochʼ Earth—Cleansing of the earth gs earth/cleansing-of-the-earth
Ruchichʼochʼ—Rosoʼjik li ruchichʼochʼ World—End of the world gs world/end-of-the-world
Ruchichʼochʼ—Li taawanq wiʼ li ruchichʼochʼ saʼ rosoʼjik Earth—Final state of the earth gs earth/final-state-of-the-earth
Ruchichʼochʼ—Ebʼ li inkʼaʼ nekeʼabʼin chiru li taqlahom World—People who do not obey the commandments gs world/people-who-do-not-obey-the-commandments
Ruchichʼochʼ rehebʼ li musiqʼej Spirit World gs spirit-world
Ruchichʼochʼil naʼlebʼ Worldliness gs worldliness
Ruchichʼochʼil winq Natural Man gs natural-man
Rut Ruth gs ruth
Rut—Lix hu li xRut Ruth—The book of Ruth gs ruth/the-book-of-ruth
Ruʼuj aqʼej Tongue gs tongue

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Sa xchʼool Happy, Happiness gs happy-happiness
Saʼ komonil Fellowship gs fellowship
Sabulon (Zabulon) Zebulun gs zebulun
Sabulon (Zabulon)—Lix teepal laj Sabulon Zebulun—The tribe of Zebulun gs zebulun/the-tribe-of-zebulun
Sachbʼa-chʼoolej Miracle gs miracle
Sachenaqil teep Lost Tribes gs lost-tribes
Sachk, sachenaq Perdition gs perdition
Sachonel Destroyer gs destroyer
Sadrac gs shadrach-xref
Saduceo (Saduseey) Sadducees gs sadducees
Sahil chʼoolejil Joy gs joy
Sakarias, xyuwaʼ laj Jwan Zacharias gs zacharias
Sakarias (Zacarias), profeet saʼ li Najter Chaqʼrabʼ Zechariah gs zechariah
Sakarias (Zacarias), profeet saʼ li Najter Chaqʼrabʼ—Lix hu laj Sakarias Zechariah—The book of Zechariah gs zechariah/the-book-of-zechariah
Salem Salem gs salem
Salmos (Saalm) Psalm gs psalm
Salmos (Saalm)—Li hu Salmos Psalm—The book of Psalms gs psalm/the-book-of-psalms
Salomon Solomon gs solomon
Sam Sam gs sam
Samaria Samaria gs samaria
Samaritano, aj Samaria Samaritans gs samaritans
Samuel, profeet saʼ li Najter Chaqʼrabʼ Samuel, Old Testament Prophet gs samuel-old-testament-prophet
Samuel, profeet saʼ li Najter Chaqʼrabʼ—Ebʼ li hu 1ut 2Samuel Samuel, Old Testament Prophet—The books of 1and 2Samuel gs samuel-old-testament-prophet/the-books-of-1-and-2-samuel
Samuel, profeet saʼ li Najter Chaqʼrabʼ—Li xbʼeen xhu laj Samuel Samuel, Old Testament Prophet—The book of 1Samuel gs samuel-old-testament-prophet/the-book-of-1-samuel
Samuel, profeet saʼ li Najter Chaqʼrabʼ—Li xkabʼ xhu laj Samuel Samuel, Old Testament Prophet—The book of 2Samuel gs samuel-old-testament-prophet/the-book-of-2-samuel
Samuel aj Lamanita Samuel the Lamanite gs samuel-the-lamanite
Sanhedrin Sanhedrin gs sanhedrin
Sanson Samson gs samson
Sant Holy gs holy
Santiago, ralal laj Alfeo James, Son of Alphaeus gs james-son-of-alphaeus
Santiago, ralal laj Sebedeo James, Son of Zebedee gs james-son-of-zebedee
Santiago, riitzʼin li Qaawaʼ James, Brother of the Lord gs james-brother-of-the-lord
Santiago, riitzʼin li Qaawaʼ—Lix hu laj Santiago James, Brother of the Lord—The epistle of James gs james-brother-of-the-lord/the-epistle-of-james
Santil Dios re laj Israel Holy One of Israel gs holy-one-of-israel
Santil Hu Bible gs bible
Santil Hu, jaltesinbʼil ru xbʼaan laj Jose Smith (JJS) Bible, Joseph Smith Translation (JST) gs bible-joseph-smith-translation-jst
Santil Musiqʼej Holy Ghost gs holy-ghost
Santil ochoch, rochoch li Qaawaʼ Temple, House of the Lord gs temple-house-of-the-lord
Santil Ochoch re Kirtland Kirtland Temple gs kirtland-temple
Santil paabʼanel (aj) Saint gs saint
Santilal Holiness gs holiness
Santobʼresink Sanctification gs sanctification
Saq ru, xsaqal ru Pure, Purity gs pure-purity
Saq ru chʼoolej Chastity gs chastity
Saq ruhil naʼlebʼ Virtue gs virtue
Saqen, lix saqen li Kristo Light, Light of Christ gs light-light-of-christ
Saqlep Leprosy gs leprosy
Saqoonaq Rock gs rock
Sara Sarah gs sarah
Sariah Sariah gs sariah
Satanas Satan gs satan
Saul, rey saʼ xbʼeen Israel Saul, King of Israel gs saul-king-of-israel
Sawlo aj Tarso Saul of Tarsus gs saul-of-tarsus
Sedekias (Sedequias, Sedesias) Zedekiah gs zedekiah
Sefora Zipporah gs zipporah
Sem Shem gs shem
Set Seth gs seth
Setenta Seventy gs seventy
Sidrak (Sadrac) Shadrach gs shadrach
Sikʼbʼil ru Chosen (adjective or noun); Elect gs chosen-adjective-or-noun,elect
Sikʼok-u Choose, Chose, Chosen (verb) gs choose-chose-chosen-verb
Sikʼok-u chi junxilaj Predestination gs predestination
Simehon (Simeon) Simeon gs simeon
Simehon (Simeon)—Lix teepal laj Simehon Simeon—The tribe of Simeon gs simeon/the-tribe-of-simeon
Simon aj Kanahan Simon the Canaanite gs simon-the-canaanite
Simon Pedro Simon Peter gs simon-peter
Sinagoga gs synagogue-xref
Sinai, Tzuul Sinai, Mount gs sinai-mount
Sion Zion gs zion
Siro Cyrus gs cyrus
Smith, Emma Hale Smith, Emma Hale gs smith-emma-hale
Smith, Hyrum Smith, Hyrum gs smith-hyrum
Smith, Jose, alalbʼej Smith, Joseph, Jr. gs smith-joseph-jr
Smith, Jose, alalbʼej—Ebʼ li loqʼlaj hu li kʼambʼilebʼ chi kutankil xbʼaan li Profeet aj Jose Smith Smith, Joseph, Jr.—Scripture brought forth by the Prophet Joseph Smith gs smith-joseph-jr/scripture-brought-forth-by-the-prophet-joseph-smith
Smith, Jose, yuwaʼbʼej Smith, Joseph, Sr. gs smith-joseph-sr
Smith, JosephF. Smith, JosephF. gs smith-joseph-f
Smith, Lucy Mack Smith, Lucy Mack gs smith-lucy-mack
Smith, SamuelH. Smith, SamuelH. gs smith-samuel-h
Sodoma Sodom gs sodom
Sofonias Zephaniah gs zephaniah
Sofonias—Lix Hu laj Sofonias Zephaniah—The book of Zephaniah gs zephaniah/the-book-of-zephaniah
Sorobabel Zerubbabel gs zerubbabel
Sowen, sowenak Jealous, Jealousy gs jealous-jealousy
Sowen, sowenak—Xʼanchalil li eekʼanbʼil Jealous—To have fervent feelings gs jealous-jealousy/to-have-fervent-feelings
Sowen, sowenak—Kaqalik malaj xikʼ ilok Jealous—To be envious or suspicious gs jealous-jealousy/to-be-envious-or-suspicious
Subʼbʼil Immersion gs immersion
Sumlaak Marriage, Marry gs marriage-marry
Sumlaak—Li akʼ ut junelikil sumwank re li sumlaak Marriage—New and everlasting covenant of marriage gs marriage-marry/new-and-everlasting-covenant-of-marriage
Sumlaak—Sumlaak rikʼin ani jalan xpaabʼaal Marriage—Interfaith marriage gs marriage-marry/interfaith-marriage
Sumlaak—Sumlaak chi numenaq jun li ixaqilbʼej Marriage—Plural marriage gs marriage-marry/plural-marriage
Sumlaak chi numenaq jun li ixaqilbʼej Plural Marriage gs plural-marriage
Sumlaak saʼ li santil ochoch Temple Marriage gs temple-marriage
Sumwank Covenant gs covenant
Sumwank li junelik nakana Everlasting Covenant gs everlasting-covenant
Sumwank re laj Abrahan Abrahamic Covenant gs abrahamic-covenant

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Talento Talent gs talent
Taqenaqil aj tij High Priest gs high-priest
Taqenaqil anjel Archangel gs archangel
Taqenaqil Chʼutam High Council gs high-council
Taqenaqil loqʼal Exaltation gs exaltation
Taqenaqil tijonelil High Priesthood gs high-priesthood
Taqlahom, li lajeebʼ Commandments, the Ten gs commandments-the-ten
Tawom ru Understanding gs understanding
Taylor, John Taylor, John gs taylor-john
Teankum Teancum gs teancum
Teleestil loqʼalil Telestial Glory gs telestial-glory
Tenebʼaak, tenebʼanbʼil Account, Accountable, Accountability gs account-accountable-accountability
Tenebʼaak, xchihabʼil re Accountability, Age of gs accountability-age-of
Tenebʼanbʼil kamsiik Capital Punishment gs capital-punishment
Tenqʼanel, aj Deacon gs deacon
Tenqʼank Welfare gs welfare
Terrestil loqʼalil Terrestrial Glory gs terrestrial-glory
Tesalonicenses, hu rehebʼ laj Tesalonika Thessalonians, Epistles to gs thessalonians-epistles-to
Tesalonicenses, hu rehebʼ laj Tesalonika—1Tesalonicenses Thessalonians—First Thessalonians gs thessalonians-epistles-to/first-thessalonians
Tesalonicenses, hu rehebʼ laj Tesalonika—2Tesalonicenses Thessalonians—Second Thessalonians gs thessalonians-epistles-to/second-thessalonians
Testamento gs testament-xref2
Testiiw gs witness-xref
Testimonio gs testimony-xref
Tibʼ, tibʼelej gs body-xref
Tiik ruhil naʼlebʼ Justice gs justice
Tiik xchʼool, tiikilal Righteous, Righteousness gs righteous-righteousness
Tiikobʼresink, xkʼeebʼal xtiikilal Justification, Justify gs justification-justify
Tijok Prayer gs prayer
Tijok chi tojbʼil Priestcraft gs priestcraft
Tijom, xtijbʼal Warn, Warning gs warn-warning
Tijonelil Priesthood gs priesthood
Tijonelil, kʼojobʼaak saʼ li Priesthood Ordination gs priesthood-ordination
Tijonelil, xlawil Priesthood, Keys of gs priesthood-keys-of
Tijonelil re Aaron Aaronic Priesthood gs aaronic-priesthood
Tijonelil re Levi Levitical Priesthood gs levitical-priesthood
Tijonelil re Melkisedek Melchizedek Priesthood gs melchizedek-priesthood
Tikʼtiʼik Lying gs lying
Timoteo Timothy gs timothy
Timoteo, ebʼ li hu re laj Timothy, Epistles to gs timothy-epistles-to
Timoteo, ebʼ li hu re laj—1Timoteo Timothy, Epistles to—First Timothy gs timothy-epistles-to/first-timothy
Timoteo, ebʼ li hu re laj—2Timoteo Timothy, Epistles to—Second Timothy gs timothy-epistles-to/second-timothy
Tiqibʼaak, xtiqibʼankil Endowment gs endowment
Tito Titus gs titus
Tito, hu re laj Titus, Epistle to gs titus-epistle-to
Tojbʼa-maak Damnation gs damnation
Tojbʼal-ix, li kʼuubʼanbʼil naʼlebʼ re Redemption, Plan of gs redemption-plan-of
Tojok-ix, tojbʼil rix, tojbʼal-ix Redeem, Redeemed, Redemption gs redeem-redeemed-redemption
Tomas Thomas gs thomas
Toqʼobʼank-u Compassion gs compassion
Tumin Money gs money
Tuqtuukilal Peace gs peace
Tuqtuukilal—Xmaakʼaʼil li pleet ut li wechʼok-ibʼ Peace—Freedom from conflict and turmoil gs peace/freedom-from-conflict-and-turmoil
Tuqtuukilal—Li tuqtuukilal naxkʼe li Dios rehebʼ li nekeʼabʼin chiru Peace—Peace from God to the obedient gs peace/peace-from-god-to-the-obedient
Tuqʼixq Virgin gs virgin
Tuulan, tuulanil Meek, Meekness gs meek-meekness
Tuulan xchʼool Humble, Humility gs humble-humility
Tʼaneʼk gs fall-of-adam-and-eve-xref
Tzarahemla Zarahemla gs zarahemla
Tzeesrom Zeezrom gs zeezrom
Tzeniff Zeniff gs zeniff
Tzenok Zenock gs zenock
Tzenos Zenos gs zenos
Tzolebʼaal rehebʼ li Profeet School of the Prophets gs school-of-the-prophets
Tzolʼlebʼ re li Kristo Doctrine of Christ gs doctrine-of-christ
Tzolʼlebʼ ut Sumwank Doctrine and Covenants gs doctrine-and-covenants
Tzolok, tzolonel gs teach-teacher-xref
Tzolom Disciple gs disciple
Tzolom aj Nefita Nephite Disciples gs nephite-disciples
Tzolonel, Tijonelil re Aaron Teacher, Aaronic Priesthood gs teacher-aaronic-priesthood
Tzoram, aj Tzoramita Zoram, Zoramites gs zoram-zoramites
Tzuul Olivos Mount of Olives gs mount-of-olives
Tzʼaj, tzʼajnil Filth, Filthiness gs filth-filthiness
Tzʼaj ru Unclean gs unclean
Tzʼalam re Carthage (E.U.A.) Carthage Jail (USA) gs carthage-jail-usa
Tzʼalam rehebʼ li musiqʼej Spirit Prison gs spirit-prison
Tzʼalam saʼ Liberty, Missouri (E.U.A.) Liberty Jail, Missouri (USA) gs liberty-jail-missouri-usa
Tzʼaplebʼ tʼikr Veil gs veil
Tzʼapok, xtzʼapbʼal Seal, Sealing gs seal-sealing
Tzʼaqal rahok Charity gs charity
Tzʼaqal re ru Perfect gs perfect
Tzʼejwalej Flesh gs flesh
Tzʼejwalej—Tibʼelej Flesh—Body tissue gs flesh/body-tissue
Tzʼejwalej—Wan li kamk saʼ xbʼeen Flesh—Mortality gs flesh/mortality
Tzʼejwalej—Rajom li tzʼejwalej Flesh—Carnal nature of man gs flesh/carnal-nature-of-man
Tzʼejwalej, kʼutbʼesink ut ilok tzʼejwalej gs pornography-xref2
Tzʼeqbʼeetal, tzʼeqbʼeetalil Abominable, Abomination gs abominable-abomination
Tzʼeqbʼeetal iglees Abominable Church gs abominable-church
Tzʼilok-ix, li maatan re Discernment, Gift of gs discernment-gift-of

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Uqʼej, xkʼeebʼal Hands, Laying On of gs hands-laying-on-of
Ur Ur gs ur
Urim ut Tumim Urim and Thummim gs urim-and-thummim
Us xaq Beatitudes gs beatitudes
Usilal Grace gs grace
Uxtaan, uxtaanank Merciful, Mercy gs merciful-mercy

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Wa re li yuʼam Bread of Life gs bread-of-life
Waʼak re li Qaawaʼ Lord’s Supper gs lords-supper
Waʼak saʼ rosoʼjik Last Supper gs last-supper
Wajbʼak Music gs music
Wakliik chi yoʼyo Resurrection gs resurrection
Wank li kamk saʼ xbʼeen Mortal, Mortality gs mortal-mortality
Wank xmaak Guilt gs guilt
Wankilal Power gs power
Wankilal chi kʼoxlak, aj kʼoxlanel Intelligence, Intelligences gs intelligence-intelligences
Wark Sleep gs sleep
Wechʼink-ix Murmur gs murmur
Wechʼok-ibʼ Contention gs contention
Whitmer, David Whitmer, David gs whitmer-david
Whitmer, John Whitmer, John gs whitmer-john
Whitmer, Peter, alalbʼej Whitmer, Peter, Jr. gs whitmer-peter-jr
Whitney, NewelK. Whitney, NewelK. gs whitney-newel-k
Williams, FrederickG. Williams, FrederickG. gs williams-frederick-g
Winq Man, Men gs man-men
Winq—Winq, ralal lix Choxahil Yuwaʼ saʼ musiqʼej Man—Man, a spirit child of Heavenly Father gs man-men/man-a-spirit-child-of-heavenly-father
Winq—Winq, naru chi wank joʼ lix Choxahil Yuwaʼ Man—Man, potential to become like Heavenly Father gs man-men/man-potential-to-become-like-heavenly-father
Winq re Santilal Man of Holiness gs man-of-holiness
Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff, Wilford gs woodruff-wilford

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Xam Fire gs fire
Xaqabʼanbʼil aatin Oath gs oath
Xaqabʼanbʼil aatin ut sumwank re li tijonelil Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood gs oath-and-covenant-of-the-priesthood
Xaqabʼanbʼil hu Canon gs canon
Xaqabʼank aatin Swear gs swear
Xaqabʼank saʼ xkʼanjel Setting Apart gs setting-apart
Xaqabʼank xwankilebʼ laj jolominel saʼ li Iglees Sustaining Church Leaders gs sustaining-church-leaders
Xbʼalbʼa Hell gs hell
Xbʼeen alalbʼejil Birthright gs birthright
Xbʼeen kʼutbʼesink First Vision gs first-vision
Xbʼeen raqal chi naʼlebʼ re li evangelio First Principles of the Gospel gs first-principles-of-the-gospel
Xbʼeen uuchininbʼil Firstfruits gs firstfruits
Xbʼeen yoʼlajenaq Firstborn gs firstborn
Xbʼeenil Elder gs elder
Xbʼeenil Awaʼbʼejil First Presidency gs first-presidency
Xbʼoqbʼal ut xsikʼbʼal li uhej Calling and Election gs calling-and-election
Xchʼutamebʼ li Kabʼlaju Council of the Twelve gs council-of-the-twelve
Xchʼutubʼankilebʼ laj Israel Gathering of Israel gs gathering-of-israel
Xerem Sherem gs sherem
Xhuhil li jultikaak Book of Remembrance gs book-of-remembrance
Xhuhil li yuʼamej Book of Life gs book-of-life
Xiblon Shiblon gs shiblon
Xikej Ear gs ear
Xikʼ ilok Enmity; Hate, Hatred gs enmity,hate-hatred
Xiz Shiz gs shiz
Xjunkabʼal laj Israel House of Israel gs house-of-israel
Xkaaxil li sumwank Ark of the Covenant gs ark-of-the-covenant
Xkabʼ aj Kʼojobʼanel Chʼoolej Second Comforter gs second-comforter
Xkabʼ wanjik Second Estate gs second-estate
Xkabʼ xkʼulunik li Jesukristo Second Coming of Jesus Christ gs second-coming-of-jesus-christ
Xkanabʼankil ribʼ chiru Trust gs trust
Xkarneer li Dios Lamb of God gs lamb-of-god
Xkawil xchʼool Confidence gs confidence
Xkutan li Qaawaʼ Day of the Lord gs day-of-the-lord
Xkʼabʼaʼ li Iglees Name of the Church gs name-of-the-church
Xkʼanjelebʼ laj kʼamol aatin Missionary Work gs missionary-work
Xkʼeebʼal li uqʼej Laying On of Hands gs laying-on-of-hands
Xkʼeebʼal xloqʼal Esteem gs esteem
Xkʼojobʼankil wiʼchik li evangelio Restoration of the Gospel gs restoration-of-the-gospel
Xkʼutbʼal xyaalal Testimony gs testimony#2
Xlawil li tijonelil Keys of the Priesthood gs keys-of-the-priesthood
Xmaakʼaʼil li bʼalaqʼ Honest, Honesty gs honest-honesty
Xmaakʼaʼil li paabʼaal Unbelief gs unbelief
Xmajewankil li Dios Blaspheme, Blasphemy gs blaspheme-blasphemy
Xmalkaʼan Widow gs widow
Xmuqmuukil naʼlebʼ li Dios Mysteries of God gs mysteries-of-god
Xnaʼ xchaqʼrabʼil li tenamit Constitution gs constitution
Xnawom qachʼool Testimony gs testimony#1
Xrambʼal ru chʼoolej Breastplates gs breastplates
Xsaʼ u, xnaqʼ u Eye, Eyes gs eye-eyes
Xsetbʼal xtzʼuumal li tzʼejwalej Circumcision gs circumcision
Xsikʼbʼal ru Election gs election
Xtaqik li Kristo Ascension gs ascension
Xtaql chʼoolej Agency gs agency
Xtaqlahom li Dios Commandments of God gs commandments-of-god
Xtasalil li loqʼalil Degrees of Glory gs degrees-of-glory
Xtenebʼankil Duty gs duty
Xteram uqʼej Cubit gs cubit
Xtij li Qaawaʼ Lord’s Prayer gs lords-prayer
Xtiklajik Beginning gs beginning
Xtojbʼal rix li maak Atone, Atonement gs atone-atonement

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Tuslebʼaal Chihabʼ Chronology gs chronology
Tuslebʼaal Chihabʼ— Chronology—Events in the days of the early patriarchs gs chronology/early-patriarchs
Tuslebʼaal Chihabʼ— Chronology—Events of the United Kingdom of Israel gs chronology/united-kingdom-of-israel
Tuslebʼaal Chihabʼ— Chronology—Events of Israel gs chronology/israel-and-judah
Tuslebʼaal Chihabʼ— Chronology—Events in Jewish History gs chronology/jewish-history
Tuslebʼaal Chihabʼ— Chronology—Events in Christian History gs chronology/christian-history

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Xtʼanik laj Adan ut li xEva Fall of Adam and Eve gs fall-of-adam-and-eve
Xtzʼilbʼal rix saʼ xchʼool Meditate gs meditate
Xuwak Fear gs fear
Xuwak—Xxuwankil li Dios Fear—Fear of God gs fear/fear-of-god
Xuwak—Xxuwankil li winq Fear—Fear of man gs fear/fear-of-man
Xyaabʼ kuxej Voice gs voice
Xyehom xbʼaanuhomebʼ li Apostol gs acts-of-the-apostles-xref

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Yaal Truth gs truth
Yaal chʼolobʼanbʼil Testimony gs testimony#3
Yaj Sick, Sickness gs sick-sickness
Yalaq bʼar wan Omnipresent gs omnipresent
Yalok qʼe Diligence gs diligence
Yeechiʼinbʼil chʼochʼ Promised Land gs promised-land
Yerubahal (Jerobaal) Jerubbaal gs jerubbaal
Yibʼ aj pim Tares gs tares
Yibʼ ruhil aatin Profanity gs profanity
Yibʼ ruhil naʼlebʼ Sexual Immorality gs sexual-immorality
Yoʼlaak wiʼchik, yoʼlaak rikʼin li Dios Born Again, Born of God gs born-again-born-of-god
Yoʼlajenaq Begotten gs begotten
Yoobʼanbʼil aatin Rumor gs rumor
Yoʼobʼtesink Create, Creation gs create-creation
Yoʼonink Hope gs hope
Yotʼbʼil chʼoolej Broken Heart gs broken-heart
Young, Brigham Young, Brigham gs young-brigham
Yoʼyookil haʼ Living Water gs living-water
Yuʼam Life gs life
Yuʼam chi junelik gs eternal-life-xref
Yuʼam li junelik nakana Everlasting Life gs everlasting-life
Yuʼam naq majiʼ nokoyoʼla Premortal Life gs premortal-life
Yulbʼil Anointed One gs anointed-one
Yuluk Anoint gs anoint
Yumbʼeetak koʼbʼeetak Fornication gs fornication
Yuwaʼbʼej re ruchichʼochʼ Father, Mortal gs father-mortal
Yuwaʼbʼej saʼ Choxa Father in Heaven gs father-in-heaven
Yuwaʼbʼejil aj kʼanjel Patriarch, Patriarchal gs patriarch-patriarchal
Yuwaʼbʼejil aj kʼanjel—Yuwaʼbʼejil aj kʼanjel li kʼojobʼanbʼil Patriarch—Ordained patriarchs gs patriarch-patriarchal/ordained-patriarchs
Yuwaʼbʼejil aj kʼanjel—Ebʼ li yuwaʼbʼej Patriarch—Fathers gs patriarch-patriarchal/fathers

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Complete Title English Equivalent Book Attribute Value Topic Attribute Value
Zabulon gs zebulun-xref
Zacarias gs zacharias-xref

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