Node type: Attribute
Indicates the book of scripture.
Values are from an authoritative list. See table under Notes.
<para paraID="1">See <scriptureRef book="john" chapter="3" verse="7">John 3:7</scriptureRef>.</para>
See John 3:7.
Values are based on the standard abbreviations from the Church style guide (see chart below). Book names are lowercase, without periods, with spaces and em dashes changed to hyphens, and with any other punctuation dropped (for example, “D&C” becomes "dc"). This is the only attribute in scriptureRef that is required.
Book Name | Abbreviation | Book Attribute | Notes |
Bible | Bible | bible | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
Old Testament | Old Testament | ot | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). Note: There is currently no front matter in the English Old Testament, though this may not be the case in other language editions. |
Genesis | Gen. | gen | |
Exodus | Ex. | ex | |
Leviticus | Lev. | lev | |
Numbers | Num. | num | |
Deuteronomy | Deut. | deut | |
Joshua | Josh. | josh | |
Judges | Judg. | judg | |
Ruth | Ruth | ruth | |
1 Samuel | 1 Sam. | 1-sam | |
2 Samuel | 2 Sam. | 2-sam | |
1 Kings | 1 Kgs. | 1-kgs | |
2 Kings | 2 Kgs. | 2-kgs | |
1 Chronicles | 1 Chr. | 1-chr | |
2 Chronicles | 2 Chr. | 2-chr | |
Ezra | Ezra | ezra | |
Nehemiah | Neh. | neh | |
Esther | Esth. | esth | |
Job | Job | job | |
Psalms | Ps. | ps | |
Proverbs | Prov. | prov | |
Ecclesiastes | Eccl. | eccl | |
Song of Solomon | Song | song | |
Isaiah | Isa. | isa | |
Jeremiah | Jer. | jer | |
Lamentations | Lam. | lam | |
Ezekiel | Ezek. | ezek | |
Daniel | Dan. | dan | |
Hosea | Hosea | hosea | |
Joel | Joel | joel | |
Amos | Amos | amos | |
Obadiah | Obad. | obad | |
Jonah | Jonah | jonah | |
Micah | Micah | micah | |
Nahum | Nahum | nahum | |
Habakkuk | Hab. | hab | |
Zephaniah | Zeph. | zeph | |
Haggai | Hag. | hag | |
Zechariah | Zech. | zech | |
Malachi | Mal. | mal | |
New Testament | New Testament | nt | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
Matthew | Matt. | matt | |
Mark | Mark | mark | |
Luke | Luke | luke | |
John | John | john | |
Acts | Acts | acts | |
Romans | Rom. | rom | |
1 Corinthians | 1 Cor. | 1-cor | |
2 Corinthians | 2 Cor. | 2-cor | |
Galatians | Gal. | gal | |
Ephesians | Eph. | eph | |
Philippians | Philip. | philip | |
Colossians | Col. | col | |
1 Thessalonians | 1 Thes. | 1-thes | |
2 Thessalonians | 2 Thes. | 2-thes | |
1 Timothy | 1 Tim. | 1-tim | |
2 Timothy | 2 Tim. | 2-tim | |
Titus | Titus | titus | |
Philemon | Philem. | philem | |
Hebrews | Heb. | heb | |
James | James | james | |
1 Peter | 1 Pet. | 1-pet | |
2 Peter | 2 Pet. | 2-pet | |
1 John | 1 Jn. | 1-jn | |
2 John | 2 Jn. | 2-jn | |
3 John | 3 Jn. | 3-jn | |
Jude | Jude | jude | |
Revelation | Rev. | rev | |
Bible study aids | Bible study aids | bible-aids | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
Topical Guide | Topical Guide | tg | |
Bible Dictionary | Bible Dictionary | bd | |
Joseph Smith Translation (English Bible or non-English triple) | Joseph Smith Translation | jst jst-gen jst-ex etc. |
Joseph Smith Translation (Spanish Bible) | Joseph Smith Translation | bible-jst bible-jst-gen bible-jst-ex etc. |
Bible Maps and Photographs | Bible Maps and Photographs | bible-maps | |
Triple Combination | Triple Combination | triple | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
Book of Mormon | Book of Mormon | bofm | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
1 Nephi | 1 Ne. | 1-ne | |
2 Nephi | 2 Ne. | 2-ne | |
Jacob | Jacob | jacob | |
Enos | Enos | enos | |
Jarom | Jarom | jarom | |
Omni | Omni | omni | |
Words of Mormon | W of M | w-of-m | |
Mosiah | Mosiah | mosiah | |
Alma | Alma | alma | |
Helaman | Hel. | hel | |
3 Nephi | 3 Ne. | 3-ne | |
4 Nephi | 4 Ne. | 4-ne | |
Mormon | Morm. | morm | |
Ether | Ether | ether | |
Moroni | Moro. | moro | |
Doctrine and Covenants | D&C | dc-testament | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
Doctrine and Covenants | D&C | dc | Use with section numbers as chapters only (see chapter). |
Official Declaration | OD | od | Use with declaration numbers as chapters only (see chapter). |
Pearl of Great Price | Pearl of Great Price | pgp | Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). |
Moses | Moses | moses | |
Abraham | Abr. | abr | |
Joseph Smith—Matthew | JS—M | js-m | |
Joseph Smith—History | JS—H | js-h | |
Articles of Faith | A of F | a-of-f | |
triple combination index | TI | triple-index | |
Book of Mormon index | BI | bofm-index | |
Church History Chronology, Maps, and Photographs | Church History Maps and Photographs | history-maps | |
The Guide to the Scriptures | Guide to the Scriptures | gs | Use with front matter chapters (see chapter) or with topics (see topic). |
In general, <scriptureRef> attribute values are populated automatically at conversion. See the notes under scriptureRef for hand-tagging non-standard scripture references.