
Node type: Attribute


Indicates the book of scripture.

Attribute Values

Values are from an authoritative list. See table under Notes.

Used in Elements


Code Sample

<para paraID="1">See <scriptureRef book="john" chapter="3" verse="7">John 3:7</scriptureRef>.</para>

Display Sample

See John 3:7.


Values are based on the standard abbreviations from the Church style guide (see chart below). Book names are lowercase, without periods, with spaces and em dashes changed to hyphens, and with any other punctuation dropped (for example, “D&C” becomes "dc"). This is the only attribute in scriptureRef that is required.

Book Name Abbreviation Book Attribute Notes
Bible Bible bible Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
Old Testament Old Testament ot Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter). Note: There is currently no front matter in the English Old Testament, though this may not be the case in other language editions.
Genesis Gen. gen
Exodus Ex. ex
Leviticus Lev. lev
Numbers Num. num
Deuteronomy Deut. deut
Joshua Josh. josh
Judges Judg. judg
Ruth Ruth ruth
1 Samuel 1 Sam. 1-sam
2 Samuel 2 Sam. 2-sam
1 Kings 1 Kgs. 1-kgs
2 Kings 2 Kgs. 2-kgs
1 Chronicles 1 Chr. 1-chr
2 Chronicles 2 Chr. 2-chr
Ezra Ezra ezra
Nehemiah Neh. neh
Esther Esth. esth
Job Job job
Psalms Ps. ps
Proverbs Prov. prov
Ecclesiastes Eccl. eccl
Song of Solomon Song song
Isaiah Isa. isa
Jeremiah Jer. jer
Lamentations Lam. lam
Ezekiel Ezek. ezek
Daniel Dan. dan
Hosea Hosea hosea
Joel Joel joel
Amos Amos amos
Obadiah Obad. obad
Jonah Jonah jonah
Micah Micah micah
Nahum Nahum nahum
Habakkuk Hab. hab
Zephaniah Zeph. zeph
Haggai Hag. hag
Zechariah Zech. zech
Malachi Mal. mal
New Testament New Testament nt Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
Matthew Matt. matt
Mark Mark mark
Luke Luke luke
John John john
Acts Acts acts
Romans Rom. rom
1 Corinthians 1 Cor. 1-cor
2 Corinthians 2 Cor. 2-cor
Galatians Gal. gal
Ephesians Eph. eph
Philippians Philip. philip
Colossians Col. col
1 Thessalonians 1 Thes. 1-thes
2 Thessalonians 2 Thes. 2-thes
1 Timothy 1 Tim. 1-tim
2 Timothy 2 Tim. 2-tim
Titus Titus titus
Philemon Philem. philem
Hebrews Heb. heb
James James james
1 Peter 1 Pet. 1-pet
2 Peter 2 Pet. 2-pet
1 John 1 Jn. 1-jn
2 John 2 Jn. 2-jn
3 John 3 Jn. 3-jn
Jude Jude jude
Revelation Rev. rev
Bible study aids Bible study aids bible-aids Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
Topical Guide Topical Guide tg
Bible Dictionary Bible Dictionary bd
Joseph Smith Translation (English Bible or non-English triple) Joseph Smith Translation jst
Joseph Smith Translation (Spanish Bible) Joseph Smith Translation bible-jst
Bible Maps and Photographs Bible Maps and Photographs bible-maps
Triple Combination Triple Combination triple Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
Book of Mormon Book of Mormon bofm Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
1 Nephi 1 Ne. 1-ne
2 Nephi 2 Ne. 2-ne
Jacob Jacob jacob
Enos Enos enos
Jarom Jarom jarom
Omni Omni omni
Words of Mormon W of M w-of-m
Mosiah Mosiah mosiah
Alma Alma alma
Helaman Hel. hel
3 Nephi 3 Ne. 3-ne
4 Nephi 4 Ne. 4-ne
Mormon Morm. morm
Ether Ether ether
Moroni Moro. moro
Doctrine and Covenants D&C dc-testament Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
Doctrine and Covenants D&C dc Use with section numbers as chapters only (see chapter).
Official Declaration OD od Use with declaration numbers as chapters only (see chapter).
Pearl of Great Price Pearl of Great Price pgp Use with front matter chapters only (see chapter).
Moses Moses moses
Abraham Abr. abr
Joseph Smith—Matthew JS—M js-m
Joseph Smith—History JS—H js-h
Articles of Faith A of F a-of-f
triple combination index TI triple-index
Book of Mormon index BI bofm-index
Church History Chronology, Maps, and Photographs Church History Maps and Photographs history-maps
The Guide to the Scriptures Guide to the Scriptures gs Use with front matter chapters (see chapter) or with topics (see topic).

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

In general, <scriptureRef> attribute values are populated automatically at conversion. See the notes under scriptureRef for hand-tagging non-standard scripture references.