
Node type: Attribute


Indicates the scripture chapter referenced by a scriptureRef element.

Attribute Values

Values are from an authoritative list. See tables under Notes.

Used in Elements


Code Sample

<para paraID="1">See <scriptureRef book="john" chapter="3" verse="7">John 3:7</scriptureRef>.</para>

Display Sample

See John 3:7.


The following general chapter values can be used:

Chapter Attribute Notes
1–150 The chapter, psalm, section, or official declaration number (for example, book="dc" chapter="23").
[numbers in series] Use commas and hyphens, and omit spaces (for example, chapter="1-3,5").
title The title of a book or study aid (book="gen" chapter="title" refers to the text “The First Book of Moses, called Genesis”).
intro The introduction to a book or study aid (book="1-ne" chapter="intro" refers to introductory paragraph at the top of 1 Nephi).
head The title and introduction together.
closing The closing block (such as the notes at the end of Pauline epistles).

In addition, the following specific chapters can be addressed:

Chapter Name Abbreviation Book Attribute Chapter Attribute Notes
title page (of the Bible) title page bible title-page
Epistle Dedicatory dedication bible dedication
The Names and Order of All the Books of the Old and New Testament contents bible toc
Explanation Concerning Abbreviations Abbreviations bible abbreviations
title page (of the New Testament) title page nt title-page
Bible study aids title page title page bible-aids title-page
(Bible maps and photos) title page title page bible-maps title-page
(Bible) Photographs of Scriptural Sites Photographs bible-maps photo-sites
(Bible) Maps and Index of Place Names Maps and Index of Place Names bible-maps map-intro
(Bible) Index of Place Names Index of Place Names bible-maps index
Sample Map sample map bible-maps map-sample
Overview and Contents: Bible Maps Overview and Contents bible-maps map-overview
Maps Pertaining to the Bible Maps Pertaining to the Bible bible-maps maps-pertaining
Map 1: Physical Map of the Holy Land Bible map 1 bible-maps map-1
Map 2: Israel’s Exodus from Egypt and Entry into Canaan Bible map 2 bible-maps map-2
Maps 3 and 4: The Division of the 12 Tribes; The Empire of David and Solomon Bible map 3 & 4 bible-maps maps-3-4
Map 3: The Division of the 12 Tribes Bible map 3 bible-maps map-3
Map 4: The Empire of David and Solomon Bible map 4 bible-maps map-4
Map 5: The Assyrian Empire Bible map 5 bible-maps map-5
Map 6: The New Babylonian Empire (Nebuchadnezzar) and the Kingdom of Egypt Bible map 6 bible-maps map-6
Map 7: The Persian Empire Bible map 7 bible-maps map-7
Map 8: The Roman Empire Bible map 8 bible-maps map-8
Map 9: The World of the Old Testament Bible map 9 bible-maps map-9
Map 10: Canaan in Old Testament Times Bible map 10 bible-maps map-10
Map 11: The Holy Land in New Testament Times Bible map 11 bible-maps map-11
Map 12: Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus Bible map 12 bible-maps map-12
Map 13: The Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul Bible map 13 bible-maps map-13
Map 14: Holy Land Elevations in Bible Times Bible map 14 bible-maps map-14
(Bible) Photo 1
(Bible) Photo 2
(Bible) Photo 32
photo 1
photo 2
photo 32
bible-maps photo-1
title page (of the triple combination) title page triple title-page
Abbreviations and Designations in Footnotes and Index Abbreviations triple abbreviations
half title page (of the Book of Mormon) half title bofm half-title
title page of the Book of Mormon title page bofm bofm-title
copyright page (of the Book of Mormon) copyright page bofm bofm-copyright
Introduction Introduction bofm introduction
A Brief Explanation about the Book of Mormon Brief Explanation bofm explanation
Illustrations Illustrations bofm illustrations
The Names and Order of Books in the Book of Mormon contents bofm toc
Pronunciation Guide Pronunciation Guide bofm pronunciation
title page (of the Doctrine and Covenants) title page dc-testament title-page
Introduction (to the Doctrine and Covenants) Introduction dc-testament introduction
Chronological Order of Contents Contents dc-testament chron-order
title page (of the Pearl of Great Price) title page pgp title-page
Introduction (to the Pearl of Great Price) Introduction pgp introduction
The Names and Order of Books in the Pearl of Great Price contents pgp toc
Facsimile 1 Fac. 1 abr fac-1
Facsimile 2 Fac. 2 abr fac-2
Facsimile 3 Fac. 3 abr fac-3
Oliver Cowdery note js-h note
title (of the index to the triple combination) title triple-index title
title (of the index to the triple combination) title triple-index head
(Church History maps and photos) title page title page history-maps title-page
Chronology of Church History Chronology history-maps chronology
Photographs of Church History Sites Photographs of Church History Sites history-maps photo-sites
Index of Place-Names Index of Place-Names history-maps index
Maps and Index of Place-Names Maps and Index of Place-Names history-maps map-intro
Map 1: Northeastern United States Church history map 1 history-maps map-1
Map 2: Palmyra-Manchester, 1820–31 Church history map 2 history-maps map-2
Map 3: The New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio Area of the USA Church history map 3 history-maps map-3
Map 4: Kirtland , Ohio , 1830–38 Church history map 4 history-maps map-4
Map 5: The Missouri, Illinois , and Iowa Area of the USA Church history map 5 history-maps map-5
Map 6: The Westward Movement of the Church Church history map 6 history-maps map-6
Map 7: Map of the World Church history map 7 history-maps map-7
(Church History) Photo 1
(Church History) Photo 2
(Church History) Photo 18
photo 1
photo photo 1
photo 18
history-maps photo-1
title page (of Guide to the Scriptures) title page gs title-page
Introduction (to Guide to the Scriptures) Introduction gs introduction
Alphabetical Listing of Topics Alphabetical Listing of Topics gs how-to Refers to the “How to” materials, not the collected topics.
Pronunciation Guide Pronunciation Guide dc kekchi-pronunciation Refers to “Pronunciation Guide” chapter in Kekchi edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Numbers Numbers bofm kekchi-numbers Refers to “Numbers” chapter in Kekchi edition of the Book of Mormon.

See Also