
Node type: Attribute


Topic or section locations in Psalm 119, the Book of Mormon, Official Declaration 1, Joseph Smith—History, and in the scriptures front and back matter, referenced by a scriptureRef element.

Attribute Values

Values are from authoritative lists (see table of links under Notes).

Used in Elements


Code Sample

<para paraID="1">See <scriptureRef book="gs" topic="abraham">“Abraham” in the Guide to the Scriptures</scriptureRef>.</para>


Select a link from the table below to see permitted topic values:

Category Language or Study Aid
Scriptures Front and Back Matter All Languages
Scriptures Body Matter All Languages
Guide to the Scriptures English
Joseph Smith Translation English
Translation Database
Spanish Bible
Spanish Triple Combination
English Only Study Aids Topical Guide
Bible Dictionary
Triple Combination Index

The following describes how study aid topic values are derived. For English topics, the tables follow this pattern:

Complete Title Abbreviated Title Topic Attribute
Abraham Abraham abraham
Abraham—The seed of Abraham Abraham—The seed of Abraham abraham/the-seed-of-abraham
Appii Forum, or Market of Appius Appii Forum appii-forum
Ashkelon, Askelon Ashkelon ashkelon
Chosen (adjective or noun) Chosen (adjective or noun) chosen-adjective-or-noun

The complete title represents the title as it is found in the work itself. The abbreviated title is the shortened form used in the scripture footnotes. Topic values are based on the abbreviated title. In general, change to lowercase, convert spaces to hyphens, and drop other punctuation. Slashes are used to indicate subtopics. Note that paragraphs are numbered from the topic without regard to subtopic boundaries.)

For non-English topics, the tables follow this pattern:

Complete Title English Equivalent Topic Attribute
Foi Faith faith
Abraham — Descendance d’Abraham Abraham—The seed of Abraham abraham/covenant-of-abraham
Élus Elect; Chosen (adjective or noun) elect,chosen-adjective-or-noun
Sentinelles Watch, Watchmen watch-watchmen#1
Veiller Watch, Watchmen watch-watchmen#2

Non-English values are based on the equivalent English ones. Again, slashes are used to indicate subtopics. Commas, pound symbols, and numbers are added when English topics have been split or combined. Using this information, it should be possible to generate a cross-reference table permitting users to switch between equivalent articles in any two languages.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

In the normal workflow, enter tags and attributes using the xmlChar character style, or enter them after conversion to XML.

In scripture database processing, the conversion process will automatically tag Guide to the Scriptures, Topical Guide, and Bible Dictionary references. The first reference must be preceeded by “GS,” “TG,” or “BD” in the small character style, followed by a nonbreaking space, not in small. Topic titles for TG and BD references must use the standard abbreviated form from the table. GS titles are not abbreviated. The following would be tagged automatically:

GS Abraham (with a binding space following “BD”)

The "carat method" can also be used (see scriptureRef). In the following example, hyperlinked text represents the scriptureRef character style. (Do not use the small style or nonbreaking spaces.)

See the Guide to the Scriptures article on Abraham^GS Abraham^.