The top-level topics in the Guide to the Scriptures are stand-alone articles, and unlike topics in the scripture front and
body matter, they can be referenced with para attributes (for example, <scriptureRef book="gs" topic="abraham" para="3">).
Subtopics are treated as topics and have their own topic attribute values (for example “abraham/the-book-of-abraham”), but
these are intended as an alternative to paragraph addressing. Use the subtopic value only when you want to refer to the subtopic
as a whole. To refer to paras inside a subtopic, use the topic value and the para number.
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Aarón, hermano de Moisés |
Aaron, Brother of Moses |
gs |
aaron-brother-of-moses |
Aarón, Hijo de Mosíah |
Aaron, Son of Mosiah |
gs |
aaron-son-of-mosiah |
Aarón, Sacerdocio de |
Priesthood, Aaronic |
gs |
priesthood-aaronic |
Abdías |
Obadiah |
gs |
obadiah |
Abdías—El libro de Abdías |
Obadiah—The book of Obadiah |
gs |
obadiah/the-book-of-obadiah |
Abed-nego |
Abed-nego |
gs |
abed-nego |
Abel |
Abel |
gs |
abel |
Abinadí |
Abinadi |
gs |
abinadi |
Abogado |
Advocate |
gs |
advocate |
Abominable, abominación |
Abominable, Abomination |
gs |
abominable-abomination |
Abominable, Iglesia |
Abominable Church |
gs |
abominable-church |
Aborrecer |
Despise |
gs |
despise#2 |
Abraham |
Abraham |
gs |
abraham |
Abraham, Convenio de |
Abrahamic Covenant |
gs |
abrahamic-covenant |
Abraham—El libro de Abraham |
Abraham—The book of Abraham |
gs |
abraham/the-book-of-abraham |
Abraham—La descendencia de Abraham |
Abraham—The seed of Abraham |
gs |
abraham/the-seed-of-abraham |
Abram |
Abram |
gs |
abram |
Acab |
Ahab |
gs |
ahab |
Acción de gracias, agradecido, agradecimiento |
Thankful, Thanks, Thanksgiving |
gs |
thankful-thanks-thanksgiving |
Aceite |
Oil |
gs |
oil |
Aconsejar |
Counsel (verb) |
gs |
counsel-verb |
Adán |
Adam |
gs |
adam |
Adán-ondi-Ahmán |
Adam-ondi-Ahman |
gs |
adam-ondi-ahman |
Adopción |
Adoption |
gs |
adoption |
Adorar |
Worship |
gs |
worship |
Adulterio |
Adultery |
gs |
adultery |
Adversario |
Adversary |
gs |
adversary |
Adversidad |
Adversity |
gs |
adversity |
Agar |
Hagar |
gs |
hagar |
Agripa |
Agrippa |
gs |
agrippa |
Agua(s) viva(s) |
Living Water |
gs |
living-water |
Alabanza, Alabar |
Praise |
gs |
praise |
Albedrío |
Agency |
gs |
agency |
Alfa y Omega |
Alpha and Omega |
gs |
alpha-and-omega |
Alma |
Soul |
gs |
soul |
Alma, Hijo de Alma |
Alma, Son of Alma |
gs |
alma-son-of-alma |
Alma, Hijo de Alma—El libro de Alma |
Alma, Son of Alma—The book of Alma |
gs |
alma-son-of-alma/the-book-of-alma |
Alma, Padre |
Alma the Elder |
gs |
alma-the-elder |
Almacén |
Storehouse |
gs |
storehouse |
Alma—El valor de las almas |
Soul—Worth of souls |
gs |
soul/worth-of-souls |
Altar |
Altar |
gs |
altar |
Amalecitas |
Amalekites (Old Testament) |
gs |
amalekites-old-testament |
Amalekitas |
Amalekites (Book of Mormon) |
gs |
amalekites-book-of-mormon |
Amalickíah |
Amalickiah |
gs |
amalickiah |
Amén |
Amen |
gs |
amen |
Amlici, Amlicitas |
Amlici, Amlicites |
gs |
amlici-amlicites |
Ammón, Descendiente de Zarahemla |
Ammon, Descendant of Zarahemla |
gs |
ammon-descendant-of-zarahemla |
Ammón, Hijo de Mosíah |
Ammon, Son of Mosiah |
gs |
ammon-son-of-mosiah |
Amonestación, amonestar |
Warn, Warning |
gs |
warn-warning |
Amor |
Love |
gs |
love |
Amós |
Amos |
gs |
amos |
Amós—El libro de Amós |
Amos—The book of Amos |
gs |
amos/the-book-of-amos |
Amulek |
Amulek |
gs |
amulek |
Ana |
Hannah |
gs |
hannah |
Ana, profetisa |
Anna |
gs |
anna |
Ananías de Damasco |
Ananias of Damascus |
gs |
ananias-of-damascus |
Ananías de Jerusalén |
Ananias of Jerusalem |
gs |
ananias-of-jerusalem |
Anás |
Annas |
gs |
annas |
Anciano |
Elder |
gs |
elder#2 |
Anciano de Días |
Ancient of Days |
gs |
ancient-of-days |
Andar, andar con Dios |
Walk, Walk with God |
gs |
walk-walk-with-god |
Andrés |
Andrew |
gs |
andrew |
Ángeles |
Angels |
gs |
angels |
Ángeles Ministrantes |
Ministering Angels |
gs |
ministering-angels |
Anticristo |
Antichrist |
gs |
antichrist |
Antiguo Testamento |
Old Testament |
gs |
old-testament |
Anti-nefi-lehitas |
Anti-Nephi-Lehies |
gs |
anti-nephi-lehies |
Apartamiento |
Setting Apart |
gs |
setting-apart |
Apocalipsis, El |
Apocalypse; Revelation of John |
gs |
apocalypse#1,revelation-of-john#1 |
Apócrifos |
Apocrypha |
gs |
apocrypha |
Apostasía |
Apostasy |
gs |
apostasy |
Apostasía—Apostasía de la Iglesia Cristiana Primitiva |
Apostasy—Apostasy of the early Christian church |
gs |
apostasy/apostasy-of-the-early-christian-church |
Apostasía—Apostasía general |
Apostasy—General apostasy |
gs |
apostasy/general-apostasy |
Apóstol |
Apostle |
gs |
apostle |
Apóstol—La selección de los Apóstoles |
Apostle—Selection of Apostles |
gs |
apostle/selection-of-apostles |
Árbol de la vida |
Tree of Life |
gs |
tree-of-life |
Arboleda Sagrada |
Sacred Grove |
gs |
sacred-grove |
Arca |
Ark |
gs |
ark |
Arca del pacto |
Ark of the Covenant |
gs |
ark-of-the-covenant |
Arcángel |
Archangel |
gs |
archangel |
Arco iris |
Rainbow |
gs |
rainbow |
Armadura |
Armor |
gs |
armor |
Armagedón |
Armageddon |
gs |
armageddon |
Arrepentimiento, arrepentirse |
Repent, Repentance |
gs |
repent-repentance |
Artículos de Fe |
Articles of Faith |
gs |
articles-of-faith |
Asa |
Asa |
gs |
asa |
Ascensión |
Ascension |
gs |
ascension |
Aser |
Asher |
gs |
asher |
Aser—La tribu de Aser |
Asher—The tribe of Asher |
gs |
asher/the-tribe-of-asher |
Asesinato |
Murder |
gs |
murder#1 |
Asiria |
Assyria |
gs |
assyria |
Atalaya, atalayar |
Watch, Watchmen |
gs |
watch-watchmen#1 |
Autoridad |
Authority |
gs |
authority |
Autoridades Generales |
General Authorities |
gs |
general-authorities |
Avaricia |
Covet |
gs |
covet#2 |
Ayunar, ayuno |
Fast, Fasting |
gs |
fast-fasting |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Baal |
Baal |
gs |
baal |
Babel, Babilonia |
Babel, Babylon |
gs |
babel-babylon |
Balaam |
Balaam |
gs |
balaam |
Bálsamo de Galaad |
Balm of Gilead |
gs |
balm-of-gilead |
Barrabás |
Barabbas |
gs |
barabbas |
Bartolomé |
Bartholomew |
gs |
bartholomew |
Bautismo, bautizar |
Baptism, Baptize |
gs |
baptism-baptize |
Bautismo, bautizar—Bautismo por los muertos |
Baptism, Baptize—Baptism for the dead |
gs |
baptism-baptize/baptism-for-the-dead |
Bautismo, bautizar—Con la debida autoridad |
Baptism, Baptize—Proper authority |
gs |
baptism-baptize/proper-authority |
Bautismo, bautizar—Indispensable |
Baptism, Baptize—Essential |
gs |
baptism-baptize/essential |
Bautismo, bautizar—Los convenios del bautismo |
Baptism, Baptize—Covenants made through baptism |
gs |
baptism-baptize/covenants-made-through-baptism |
Bautismo, bautizar—Para la remisión de pecados |
Baptism, Baptize—Baptism for remission of sins |
gs |
baptism-baptize/baptism-for-remission-of-sins |
Bautismo, bautizar—Por inmersión |
Baptism, Baptize—Baptism by immersion |
gs |
baptism-baptize/baptism-by-immersion |
Bautismo, bautizar—Requisitos del bautismo |
Baptism, Baptize—Qualifications for baptism |
gs |
baptism-baptize/qualifications-for-baptism |
Bautismo de los niños pequeños |
Infant Baptism; Baptism, Baptize—Baptism not for infants |
gs |
infant-baptism,baptism-baptize/baptism-not-for-infants |
Bautista |
Baptist |
gs |
baptist |
Beber, Ebriedad |
Drink, Drunk |
gs |
drink-drunk |
Bebidas Alcohólicas |
Alcohol |
gs |
alcohol |
Belén |
Bethlehem |
gs |
bethlehem |
Belsasar |
Belshazzar |
gs |
belshazzar |
Bendecido, bendecir, bendición |
Bless, Blessed, Blessing |
gs |
bless-blessed-blessing |
Bendecido, bendecir, bendición—Bendición de los niños |
Bless, Blessed, Blessing—Blessing of children |
gs |
bless-blessed-blessing/blessing-of-children |
Bendecido, bendecir, bendición—Bendiciones en general |
Bless, Blessed, Blessing—General |
gs |
bless-blessed-blessing/general |
Bendición de los enfermos |
Administration to the Sick |
gs |
administration-to-the-sick |
Bendiciones patriarcales |
Patriarchal Blessings |
gs |
patriarchal-blessings#1 |
Benjamín, hijo de Jacob |
Benjamin, Son of Jacob |
gs |
benjamin-son-of-jacob |
Benjamín, Hijo de Jacob—La tribu de Benjamín |
Benjamin, Son of Jacob—The tribe of Benjamin |
gs |
benjamin-son-of-jacob/the-tribe-of-benjamin |
Benjamín, Padre de Mosíah |
Benjamin, Father of Mosiah |
gs |
benjamin-father-of-mosiah |
Bernabé |
Barnabas |
gs |
barnabas |
Betania |
Bethany |
gs |
bethany |
Bet-el |
Bethel |
gs |
bethel |
Betsabé |
Bathsheba |
gs |
bathsheba |
Biblia |
Bible |
gs |
bible |
Biblia, Traducción de José Smith (TJS) |
Bible, Joseph Smith Translation (JST) |
gs |
bible-joseph-smith-translation-jst#1 |
Bienaventuranzas |
Beatitudes |
gs |
beatitudes |
Bienestar |
Welfare |
gs |
welfare |
Blasfemar, blasfemia |
Blaspheme, Blasphemy |
gs |
blaspheme-blasphemy |
Booz |
Boaz |
gs |
boaz |
Buen Pastor |
Good Shepherd |
gs |
good-shepherd |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Caída de Adán y Eva |
Fall of Adam and Eve |
gs |
fall-of-adam-and-eve |
Caifás |
Caiaphas |
gs |
caiaphas |
Caín |
Cain |
gs |
cain |
Caleb |
Caleb |
gs |
caleb |
Calumnias |
Evil Speaking |
gs |
evil-speaking |
Calvario |
Calvary |
gs |
calvary |
Cam |
Ham |
gs |
ham |
Camino (vía) |
Way |
gs |
way#1 |
Campo |
Field |
gs |
field |
Canaán, cananeo |
Canaan, Canaanite |
gs |
canaan-canaanite |
Canon |
Canon |
gs |
canon |
Cantar |
Sing |
gs |
sing |
Cantares de Salomón |
Song of Solomon |
gs |
song-of-solomon |
Cárcel de Liberty, Misuri (E.U.A.) |
Liberty Jail, Missouri (USA) |
gs |
liberty-jail-missouri-usa |
Caridad |
Charity |
gs |
charity |
Carnal |
Carnal |
gs |
carnal |
Carne |
Flesh |
gs |
flesh |
Carne—El tejido del cuerpo |
Flesh—Body tissue |
gs |
flesh/body-tissue |
Carne—La condición de mortal |
Flesh—Mortality |
gs |
flesh/mortality |
Carne—La naturaleza carnal del hombre |
Flesh—Carnal nature of man |
gs |
flesh/carnal-nature-of-man |
Carthage, Cárcel de (E.U.A.) |
Carthage Jail (USA) |
gs |
carthage-jail-usa |
Casa de Israel |
House of Israel |
gs |
house-of-israel |
Casa del Señor |
House of the Lord |
gs |
house-of-the-lord |
Castidad |
Chastity |
gs |
chastity |
Castigar, castigo |
Chasten, Chastening |
gs |
chasten-chastening#1 |
Cautiverio |
Captivity |
gs |
captivity |
Celibato |
Celibacy |
gs |
celibacy |
Celo, celos, celoso |
Jealous, Jealousy |
gs |
jealous-jealousy |
Celo, Celos, Celoso—Envidia o desconfianza |
Jealous, Jealousy—To be envious or suspicious |
gs |
jealous-jealousy/to-be-envious-or-suspicious |
Celo, celos, celoso—Sentimientos fervientes |
Jealous, Jealousy—To have fervent feelings |
gs |
jealous-jealousy/to-have-fervent-feelings |
Centurión |
Centurion |
gs |
centurion |
César |
Caesar |
gs |
caesar |
Chismes |
Gossip |
gs |
gossip |
Cielo |
Heaven |
gs |
heaven |
Circuncisión |
Circumcision |
gs |
circumcision |
Ciro |
Cyrus |
gs |
cyrus |
Cizaña |
Tares |
gs |
tares |
Codiciar |
Covet |
gs |
covet#1 |
Codo |
Cubit |
gs |
cubit |
Cólera |
Wrath |
gs |
wrath |
Colosenses, Epístola a los |
Colossians, Epistle to |
gs |
colossians-epistle-to |
Combinaciones secretas |
Secret Combinations |
gs |
secret-combinations |
Compasión |
Compassion |
gs |
compassion |
Comprensión |
Understanding |
gs |
understanding#2 |
Común acuerdo |
Common Consent |
gs |
common-consent |
Comunión |
Communion |
gs |
communion |
Conciencia |
Conscience |
gs |
conscience |
Concilio de los cielos |
Council in Heaven |
gs |
council-in-heaven |
Concupiscencia |
Lust |
gs |
lust |
Condado de Jackson, Misuri (E.U.A.) |
Jackson County, Missouri (USA) |
gs |
jackson-county-missouri-usa |
Condenación, condenar |
Condemn, Condemnation; Damnation |
gs |
condemn-condemnation,damnation |
Confesar, confesión |
Confess, Confession |
gs |
confess-confession |
Confianza, confiar |
Confidence; Trust |
gs |
confidence,trust |
Confirmación |
Confirmation |
gs |
confirmation |
Congregación de Israel |
Gathering of Israel |
gs |
gathering-of-israel |
Conocimiento |
Knowledge |
gs |
knowledge |
Consagrar, Ley de consagración |
Consecrate, Law of Consecration |
gs |
consecrate-law-of-consecration |
Consejo |
Counsel (noun) |
gs |
counsel-noun |
Consejo de los Doce |
Council of the Twelve |
gs |
council-of-the-twelve |
Consolador |
Comforter |
gs |
comforter |
Constitución |
Constitution |
gs |
constitution |
Constreñir |
Constrain, Constraint |
gs |
constrain-constraint |
Contención, contienda |
Contention |
gs |
contention |
Control de la natalidad |
Birth Control |
gs |
birth-control |
Convenio (pacto) |
Covenant |
gs |
covenant#1 |
Convenio Sempiterno |
Everlasting Covenant |
gs |
everlasting-covenant |
Conversión, convertir |
Conversion, Convert |
gs |
conversion-convert |
Coraza |
Breastplates |
gs |
breastplates#1 |
Corazón |
Heart |
gs |
heart |
Corazón contrito |
Contrite Heart |
gs |
contrite-heart |
Corazón quebrantado |
Broken Heart |
gs |
broken-heart |
Cordero de Dios |
Lamb of God |
gs |
lamb-of-god |
Coriantón |
Corianton |
gs |
corianton |
Coriántumr |
Coriantumr |
gs |
coriantumr |
Corintios, epístolas a los |
Corinthians, Epistles to |
gs |
corinthians-epistles-to |
Corintios, epístolas a los—Primera epístola a los corintios |
Corinthians, Epistles to—First Corinthians |
gs |
corinthians-epistles-to/first-corinthians |
Corintios, Epístolas a los—Segunda epístola a los corintios |
Corinthians, Epistles to—Second Corinthians |
gs |
corinthians-epistles-to/second-corinthians |
Cornelio |
Cornelius |
gs |
cornelius |
Corona |
Crown |
gs |
crown |
Corregir |
Chasten, Chastening |
gs |
chasten-chastening#2 |
Cowdery, Oliver |
Cowdery, Oliver |
gs |
cowdery-oliver |
Creación, crear |
Create, Creation |
gs |
create-creation |
Creación espiritual |
Spirit Creation |
gs |
spirit-creation |
Creador |
Creator |
gs |
creator |
Creencia, creer |
Belief, Believe |
gs |
belief-believe |
Cristianos |
Christians |
gs |
christians |
Cristo |
Christ |
gs |
christ |
Crónicas |
Chronicles |
gs |
chronicles |
Crónicas—Primer libro de Crónicas |
Chronicles—First Chronicles |
gs |
chronicles/first-chronicles |
Crónicas—Segundo libro de Crónicas |
Chronicles—Second Chronicles |
gs |
chronicles/second-chronicles |
Cronología |
Chronology |
gs |
chronology |
Cronología—Acontecimientos de la historia cristiana |
Chronology—Events in Christian History; Chronology—Events in Book of Mormon History |
gs |
chronology/christian-history |
Cronología—Acontecimientos de la historia judía |
Chronology—Events in Jewish History; Chronology—Events in Book of Mormon History |
gs |
chronology/jewish-history |
Cronología—Acontecimientos ocurridos en el reino unido de Israel |
Chronology—Events of the United Kingdom of Israel |
gs |
chronology/united-kingdom-of-israel |
Cronología—Acontecimientos ocurridos en Israel |
Chronology—Events of Israel; Chronology—Events of Judah; Chronology—Events in Book of Mormon History |
gs |
chronology/israel-and-judah |
Cronología—Acontecimientos que se verificaron en los tiempos de los primeros patriarcas |
Chronology—Events in the days of the early patriarchs |
gs |
chronology/early-patriarchs |
Crucifixión |
Crucifixion |
gs |
crucifixion |
Cruz |
Cross |
gs |
cross |
Cuerpo |
Body |
gs |
body |
Culpa |
Guilt |
gs |
guilt |
Cumorah, Cerro de |
Cumorah, Hill |
gs |
cumorah-hill |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Eclesiastés |
Ecclesiastes |
gs |
ecclesiastes |
Edén |
Eden |
gs |
eden |
Efesios, Epístola a los |
Ephesians, Epistle to |
gs |
ephesians-epistle-to |
Efraín |
Ephraim |
gs |
ephraim |
Efraín—El palo de Efraín o palo de José |
Ephraim—The stick of Ephraim or Joseph |
gs |
ephraim/the-stick-of-ephraim-or-joseph |
Efraín—La tribu de Efraín |
Ephraim—The tribe of Ephraim |
gs |
ephraim/the-tribe-of-ephraim |
Egipto |
Egypt |
gs |
egypt |
Egyptus |
Egyptus |
gs |
egyptus |
Élder (anciano) |
Elder |
gs |
elder#1 |
Elección |
Election |
gs |
election |
Elegidos |
Elect |
gs |
elect |
Elí |
Eli |
gs |
eli |
Elías |
Elias |
gs |
elias |
Elías—Elías el profeta |
Elias—Elijah |
gs |
elias/elijah |
Elías el profeta |
Elijah |
gs |
elijah |
Elías—Precursor |
Elias—Forerunner |
gs |
elias/forerunner |
Elías—Restaurador |
Elias—Restorer |
gs |
elias/restorer |
Elías—Un hombre de la dispensación de Abraham |
Elias—A man in Abraham’s dispensation |
gs |
elias/a-man-in-abrahams-dispensation |
Elisabet |
Elisabeth |
gs |
elisabeth |
Eliseo |
Elisha |
gs |
elisha |
Elohim |
Elohim |
gs |
elohim |
Emanuel |
Immanuel |
gs |
immanuel |
Enemistad |
Enmity |
gs |
enmity |
Enfermedad, enfermo |
Sick, Sickness |
gs |
sick-sickness |
Engañar, engaño |
Deceit, Deceive, Deception; Guile |
gs |
deceit-deceive-deception,guile |
Engendrado, Engendrar |
Begotten |
gs |
begotten |
Enoc |
Enoch |
gs |
enoch |
Enojo |
Anger |
gs |
anger |
Enós, Hijo de Jacob |
Enos, Son of Jacob |
gs |
enos-son-of-jacob |
Enós, Hijo de Jacob—El libro de Enós |
Enos, Son of Jacob—The book of Enos |
gs |
enos-son-of-jacob/the-book-of-enos |
Enseñar |
Teach, Teacher |
gs |
teach-teacher#1 |
Enseñar—Enseñar con el Espíritu |
Teach, Teacher—Teaching with the Spirit |
gs |
teach-teacher/teaching-with-the-spirit |
Entender, entendimiento |
Understanding |
gs |
understanding#1 |
Envidia |
Envy |
gs |
envy |
Esaías |
Esaias |
gs |
esaias |
Esaú |
Esau |
gs |
esau |
Escoger, escogido |
Choose, Chose, Chosen (verb) |
gs |
choose-chose-chosen-verb |
Escogido |
Chosen (adjective or noun) |
gs |
chosen-adjective-or-noun |
Escriba |
Scribe |
gs |
scribe |
Escrituras |
Scriptures |
gs |
scriptures |
Escrituras—El valor de las Escrituras |
Scriptures—Value of the scriptures |
gs |
scriptures/value-of-the-scriptures |
Escrituras—Escrituras que se han perdido |
Scriptures—Lost scriptures |
gs |
scriptures/lost-scriptures |
Escrituras—Las Escrituras deben preservarse |
Scriptures—Scriptures to be preserved |
gs |
scriptures/scriptures-to-be-preserved |
Escrituras Perdidas |
Scriptures, Lost; Lost Books of Scripture |
gs |
scriptures-lost,lost-books-of-scripture |
Escrituras—Se profetiza la publicación de las Escrituras |
Scriptures—Scriptures prophesied to come forth |
gs |
scriptures/scriptures-prophesied-to-come-forth |
Escuchar |
Hearken |
gs |
hearken |
Escuela de los Profetas |
School of the Prophets |
gs |
school-of-the-prophets |
Esdras |
Ezra |
gs |
ezra |
Esdras—El libro de Esdras |
Ezra—The book of Ezra |
gs |
ezra/the-book-of-ezra |
Esperanza |
Hope |
gs |
hope |
Espíritu |
Spirit |
gs |
spirit |
Espíritu—Espíritus inmundos |
Spirit—Evil spirits |
gs |
spirit/evil-spirits |
Espíritu Santo |
Holy Ghost |
gs |
holy-ghost |
Espíritus Inmundos |
Evil Spirits |
gs |
evil-spirits |
Esposa |
Wife |
gs |
wife |
Esposo |
Bridegroom |
gs |
bridegroom |
Estaca |
Stake |
gs |
stake |
Estandarte de la libertad |
Title of Liberty |
gs |
title-of-liberty |
Esteban |
Stephen |
gs |
stephen |
Ester |
Esther |
gs |
esther |
Ester—El libro de Ester |
Esther—The book of Esther |
gs |
esther/the-book-of-esther |
Estimar |
Esteem |
gs |
esteem |
Éter |
Ether |
gs |
ether |
Éter—El libro de Éter |
Ether—The book of Ether |
gs |
ether/the-book-of-ether |
Eva |
Eve |
gs |
eve |
Evangelio |
Gospel |
gs |
gospel |
Evangelio, Restauración del |
Gospel, Restoration of |
gs |
gospel-restoration-of |
Evangelios |
Gospels |
gs |
gospels |
Evangelios—Concordancia entre los Evangelios |
Gospels—Harmony of the Gospels |
gs |
gospels/harmony-of-the-gospels |
Evangelista |
Evangelist |
gs |
evangelist |
Exaltación |
Exaltation |
gs |
exaltation |
Excomunión |
Excommunication |
gs |
excommunication |
Éxodo |
Exodus |
gs |
exodus |
Expiación, expiar |
Atone, Atonement |
gs |
atone-atonement |
Ezequías |
Hezekiah |
gs |
hezekiah |
Ezequiel |
Ezekiel |
gs |
ezekiel |
Ezequiel—El libro de Ezequiel |
Ezekiel—The book of Ezekiel |
gs |
ezekiel/the-book-of-ezekiel |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Habacuc |
Habakkuk |
gs |
habakkuk |
Habacuc—El libro de Habacuc |
Habakkuk—The book of Habakkuk |
gs |
habakkuk/the-book-of-habakkuk |
Hades |
Hell |
gs |
hell#3 |
Hageo |
Haggai |
gs |
haggai |
Hageo—El libro de Hageo |
Haggai—The book of Haggai |
gs |
haggai/the-book-of-haggai |
Hagot |
Hagoth |
gs |
hagoth |
Harris, Martin |
Harris, Martin |
gs |
harris-martin |
Hebreo |
Hebrew |
gs |
hebrew |
Hebreos, Epístola a los |
Hebrews, Epistle to |
gs |
hebrews-epistle-to |
Hebrón |
Hebron |
gs |
hebron |
Hechos de los Apóstoles |
Acts of the Apostles |
gs |
acts-of-the-apostles |
Helamán, Hijo de Alma |
Helaman, Son of Alma |
gs |
helaman-son-of-alma |
Helamán, Hijo de Helamán |
Helaman, Son of Helaman |
gs |
helaman-son-of-helaman |
Helamán, Hijo de Helamán—El libro de Helamán |
Helaman, Son of Helaman—The book of Helaman |
gs |
helaman-son-of-helaman/the-book-of-helaman |
Helamán, Hijo del Rey Benjamín |
Helaman, Son of King Benjamin |
gs |
helaman-son-of-king-benjamin |
Helamán, hijos de |
Helaman, Sons of |
gs |
helaman-sons-of |
Heredero |
Heir |
gs |
heir |
Hermandad |
Fellowship |
gs |
fellowship |
Hermano(s), hermana(s) |
Brethren, Brother; Sister |
gs |
brethren-brother,sister |
Herodes |
Herod |
gs |
herod |
Herodías |
Herodias |
gs |
herodias |
Hijo(s) |
Child, Children |
gs |
child-children#1 |
Hijo de Dios |
Son of God |
gs |
son-of-god |
Hijo del Hombre |
Son of Man |
gs |
son-of-man |
Hijos de Cristo |
Children of Christ |
gs |
children-of-christ |
Hijos de Dios |
Children of God |
gs |
children-of-god |
Hijos de Helamán |
Sons of Helaman |
gs |
sons-of-helaman |
Hijos de Israel |
Children of Israel |
gs |
children-of-israel |
Hijos de Mosíah |
Sons of Mosiah |
gs |
sons-of-mosiah |
Hijos de perdición |
Sons of Perdition |
gs |
sons-of-perdition |
Hijos e hijas de Dios |
Sons and Daughters of God |
gs |
sons-and-daughters-of-god |
Hijos e hijas de Dios—Los hijos espirituales del Padre |
Sons and Daughters of God—Spirit children of the Father |
gs |
sons-and-daughters-of-god/spirit-children-of-the-father |
Hijos e hijas de Dios—Los hijos nacidos de nuevo por medio de la Expiación |
Sons and Daughters of God—Children born again through the Atonement |
gs |
sons-and-daughters-of-god/children-born-again-through-the-atonement |
Himni |
Himni |
gs |
himni |
Himnos |
Hymn |
gs |
hymn |
Historia Familiar |
Family History |
gs |
family-history |
Hogar (casa de Familia) |
Home |
gs |
home |
Hombre(s) |
Man, Men |
gs |
man-men |
Hombre(s)—El hombre, hijo espiritual de nuestro Padre Celestial |
Man, Men—Man, a spirit child of Heavenly Father |
gs |
man-men/man-a-spirit-child-of-heavenly-father |
Hombre(s)—Su potencial para llegar a ser como nuestro Padre Celestial |
Man, Men—Man, potential to become like Heavenly Father |
gs |
man-men/man-potential-to-become-like-heavenly-father |
Hombre de Santidad |
Man of Holiness |
gs |
man-of-holiness |
Hombre natural |
Natural Man |
gs |
natural-man |
Homicidio |
Murder |
gs |
murder#2 |
Homosexualidad |
Homosexuality |
gs |
homosexuality |
Honestidad, honradez |
Honest, Honesty |
gs |
honest-honesty |
Honra, honrar (honor) |
Honor |
gs |
honor |
Hosanna |
Hosanna |
gs |
hosanna |
Humildad, humilde, humillar (afligir) |
Humble, Humility |
gs |
humble-humility |
Hurtar, hurto |
Steal, Stealing |
gs |
steal-stealing#2 |
Hyde, Orson |
Hyde, Orson |
gs |
hyde-orson |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Idioma(s) |
Language |
gs |
language#2 |
Idolatría |
Idolatry |
gs |
idolatry |
Iglesia, nombre de la |
Church, Name of |
gs |
church-name-of |
Iglesia de Jesucristo |
Church of Jesus Christ |
gs |
church-of-jesus-christ |
Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, La |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The |
gs |
church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-the |
Iglesia Grande y Abominable |
Church, Great and Abominable |
gs |
church-great-and-abominable |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la |
Church, Signs of the True |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—El concepto correcto de la Trinidad |
Church, Signs of the True—Correct understanding of the Godhead |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/correct-understanding-of-the-godhead |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—La autoridad |
Church, Signs of the True—Authority |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/authority |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—La obra misional |
Church, Signs of the True—Missionary work |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/missionary-work |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—La organización de la Iglesia |
Church, Signs of the True—Church organization |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/church-organization |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—La publicación de nuevas Escrituras |
Church, Signs of the True—Additional scriptures to come forth |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/additional-scriptures-to-come-forth |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—La revelación |
Church, Signs of the True—Revelation |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/revelation |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—Los dones espirituales |
Church, Signs of the True—Spiritual gifts |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/spiritual-gifts |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—Los primeros principios y ordenanzas |
Church, Signs of the True—First principles and ordinances |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/first-principles-and-ordinances |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—Los profetas |
Church, Signs of the True—Prophets |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/prophets |
Iglesia verdadera, señales de la—Los templos |
Church, Signs of the True—Temples |
gs |
church-signs-of-the-true/temples |
Imperio Romano |
Roman Empire |
gs |
roman-empire |
Impío |
Ungodly |
gs |
ungodly |
Imposición de manos |
Hands, Laying On of |
gs |
hands-laying-on-of |
Incredulidad |
Unbelief |
gs |
unbelief |
Infierno |
Hell |
gs |
hell#1 |
Inicuo, iniquidad |
Wicked, Wickedness |
gs |
wicked-wickedness |
Injusticia, injusto |
Unrighteous, Unrighteousness |
gs |
unrighteous-unrighteousness |
Inmersión |
Immersion |
gs |
immersion |
Inmoralidad |
Immorality |
gs |
immorality |
Inmoralidad sexual |
Sexual Immorality |
gs |
sexual-immorality |
Inmortal, inmortalidad |
Immortal, Immortality |
gs |
immortal-immortality |
Inmundicia, inmundo |
Filth, Filthiness |
gs |
filth-filthiness |
Inocencia, Inocente |
Innocence, Innocent |
gs |
innocence-innocent |
Inspiración, inspirar |
Inspiration, Inspire |
gs |
inspiration-inspire |
Integridad |
Integrity |
gs |
integrity |
Inteligencia(s) |
Intelligence, Intelligences |
gs |
intelligence-intelligences |
Investidura |
Endowment |
gs |
endowment |
Ira |
Temper |
gs |
temper |
Isaac |
Isaac |
gs |
isaac |
Isacar |
Issachar |
gs |
issachar |
Isacar—La tribu de Isacar |
Issachar—The tribe of Issachar |
gs |
issachar/the-tribe-of-issachar |
Isaí |
Jesse |
gs |
jesse |
Isaías |
Isaiah |
gs |
isaiah |
Isaías—El libro de Isaías |
Isaiah—The book of Isaiah |
gs |
isaiah/the-book-of-isaiah |
Ismael, hijo de Abraham |
Ishmael, Son of Abraham |
gs |
ishmael-son-of-abraham |
Ismael, Suegro de Nefi |
Ishmael, Father-in-Law of Nephi |
gs |
ishmael-father-in-law-of-nephi |
Israel |
Israel |
gs |
israel |
Israel—El esparcimiento de Israel |
Israel—The scattering of Israel |
gs |
israel/the-scattering-of-israel |
Israel—La congregación de Israel |
Israel—The gathering of Israel |
gs |
israel/the-gathering-of-israel |
Israel—Las diez tribus perdidas de Israel |
Israel—The ten lost tribes of Israel |
gs |
israel/the-ten-lost-tribes-of-israel |
Israel—Las doce tribus de Israel |
Israel—The twelve tribes of Israel |
gs |
israel/the-twelve-tribes-of-israel |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Jacob, hijo de Isaac |
Jacob, Son of Isaac |
gs |
jacob-son-of-isaac |
Jacob, Hijo de Lehi |
Jacob, Son of Lehi |
gs |
jacob-son-of-lehi |
Jacob, Hijo de Lehi—El libro de Jacob |
Jacob, Son of Lehi—The book of Jacob |
gs |
jacob-son-of-lehi/the-book-of-jacob |
Jacobo, hermano del Señor |
James, Brother of the Lord |
gs |
james-brother-of-the-lord |
Jacobo, hermano del Señor—La Epístola de Santiago |
James, Brother of the Lord—The epistle of James |
gs |
james-brother-of-the-lord/the-epistle-of-james |
Jacobo, hijo de Alfeo |
James, Son of Alphaeus |
gs |
james-son-of-alphaeus |
Jacobo, hijo de Zebedeo (Llamado también Santiago) |
James, Son of Zebedee |
gs |
james-son-of-zebedee#1 |
Jactancia |
Boasting |
gs |
boasting |
Jafet |
Japheth |
gs |
japheth |
Jardín de Edén |
Garden of Eden |
gs |
garden-of-eden |
Jardín o Huerto de Getsemaní |
Garden of Gethsemane |
gs |
garden-of-gethsemane |
Jared |
Jared |
gs |
jared |
Jared, Hermano de |
Jared, Brother of |
gs |
jared-brother-of |
Jareditas |
Jaredites |
gs |
jaredites |
Jarom |
Jarom |
gs |
jarom |
Jarom—El libro de Jarom |
Jarom—The book of Jarom |
gs |
jarom/the-book-of-jarom |
Jehová |
Jehovah |
gs |
jehovah |
Jehová—Jehová es Cristo |
Jehovah—Jehovah is Christ |
gs |
jehovah/jehovah-is-christ |
Jeremías |
Jeremiah |
gs |
jeremiah |
Jeremías—El libro de Jeremías |
Jeremiah—The book of Jeremiah |
gs |
jeremiah/the-book-of-jeremiah |
Jericó |
Jericho |
gs |
jericho |
Jerobaal |
Jerubbaal |
gs |
jerubbaal |
Jeroboam |
Jeroboam |
gs |
jeroboam |
Jerusalén |
Jerusalem |
gs |
jerusalem |
Jerusalén, La Nueva |
Jerusalem, New |
gs |
jerusalem-new |
Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ |
Jesucristo—El ejemplo de Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ—Example of Jesus Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/example-of-jesus-christ |
Jesucristo—El reinado milenario de Cristo |
Jesus Christ—Millennial reign of Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/millennial-reign-of-christ |
Jesucristo—El tomar sobre sí el nombre de Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ—Taking the name of Jesus Christ upon us |
gs |
jesus-christ/taking-the-name-of-jesus-christ-upon-us |
Jesucristo—Es cabeza de la Iglesia |
Jesus Christ—Head of the Church |
gs |
jesus-christ/head-of-the-church |
Jesucristo—Es juez |
Jesus Christ—Judge |
gs |
jesus-christ/judge |
Jesucristo—La existencia premortal de Cristo |
Jesus Christ—Premortal existence of Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/premortal-existence-of-christ |
Jesucristo—La gloria de Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ—Glory of Jesus Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/glory-of-jesus-christ |
Jesucristo—Las apariciones de Cristo después de Su muerte |
Jesus Christ—Postmortal appearances of Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/postmortal-appearances-of-christ |
Jesucristo—Profecías acerca de la vida y la muerte de Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ—Prophecies about the birth and death of Jesus Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/prophecies-about-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ |
Jesucristo—Resumen de su vida (siguiendo el orden de sucesión de los acontecimientos) |
Jesus Christ—Summary of his life (in sequence of events) |
gs |
jesus-christ/summary-of-his-life-in-sequence-of-events |
Jesucristo—Simbolismos o símbolos de Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ—Types or symbols of Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/types-or-symbols-of-christ |
Jesucristo—Su autoridad |
Jesus Christ—Authority |
gs |
jesus-christ/authority |
Jesucristo—Testimonios sobre Jesucristo |
Jesus Christ—Testimony borne of Jesus Christ |
gs |
jesus-christ/testimony-borne-of-jesus-christ |
Jetro |
Jethro |
gs |
jethro |
Jezabel |
Jezebel |
gs |
jezebel |
Job |
Job |
gs |
job |
Job—El libro de Job |
Job—The book of Job |
gs |
job/the-book-of-job |
Joel |
Joel |
gs |
joel |
Joel—El libro de Joel |
Joel—The book of Joel |
gs |
joel/the-book-of-joel |
Jonás |
Jonah |
gs |
jonah |
Jonás—El libro de Jonás |
Jonah—The book of Jonah |
gs |
jonah/the-book-of-jonah |
Jonatán |
Jonathan |
gs |
jonathan |
Jordán, río |
Jordan River |
gs |
jordan-river |
Josafat |
Jehoshaphat |
gs |
jehoshaphat |
José, esposo de María |
Joseph, Husband of Mary |
gs |
joseph-husband-of-mary |
José, hijo de Jacob |
Joseph, Son of Jacob |
gs |
joseph-son-of-jacob |
José, Palo de |
Joseph, Stick of |
gs |
joseph-stick-of |
José de Arimatea |
Joseph of Arimathaea |
gs |
joseph-of-arimathaea |
José Smith, Hijo |
Joseph Smith, Jr. |
gs |
joseph-smith-jr |
José Smith, Traducción de (TJS) |
Joseph Smith Translation (JST) |
gs |
joseph-smith-translation-jst |
Josías |
Josiah |
gs |
josiah |
Josué |
Joshua |
gs |
joshua |
Josué—El libro de Josué |
Joshua—The book of Joshua |
gs |
joshua/the-book-of-joshua |
Juan, hijo de Zebedeo |
John, Son of Zebedee |
gs |
john-son-of-zebedee |
Juan, hijo de Zebedeo—El Evangelio según San Juan |
John, Son of Zebedee—The Gospel of John |
gs |
john-son-of-zebedee/the-gospel-of-john |
Juan, hijo de Zebedeo—El libro de El Apocalipsis |
John, Son of Zebedee—The book of Revelation |
gs |
john-son-of-zebedee/the-book-of-revelation |
Juan, hijo de Zebedeo—Las epístolas de Juan |
John, Son of Zebedee—The epistles of John |
gs |
john-son-of-zebedee/the-epistles-of-john |
Juan el Bautista |
John the Baptist |
gs |
john-the-baptist |
Judá |
Judah |
gs |
judah |
Judá—El palo de Judá |
Judah—The stick of Judah |
gs |
judah/the-stick-of-judah |
Judá—El reino de Judá |
Judah—The kingdom of Judah |
gs |
judah/the-kingdom-of-judah |
Judá—La tribu de Judá |
Judah—The tribe of Judah |
gs |
judah/the-tribe-of-judah |
Judas |
Jude |
gs |
jude |
Judas, hermano de Jacobo (Santiago) |
Judas, Brother of James |
gs |
judas-brother-of-james |
Judas Iscariote |
Judas Iscariot |
gs |
judas-iscariot |
Judas—La epístola de Judas |
Jude—The epistle of Jude |
gs |
jude/the-epistle-of-jude |
Judíos |
Jews |
gs |
jews |
Jueces, Libro de los |
Judges, book of |
gs |
judges-book-of |
Juicio, juzgar |
Judge, Judgment |
gs |
judge-judgment |
Juicio final |
Judgment, the Last |
gs |
judgment-the-last |
Juramento |
Oath |
gs |
oath |
Juramento y convenio del sacerdocio |
Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood |
gs |
oath-and-covenant-of-the-priesthood |
Jurar |
Swear |
gs |
swear |
Justicia |
Righteous, Righteousness; Justice |
gs |
righteous-righteousness#1,justice |
Justificación, justificar |
Justification, Justify |
gs |
justification-justify |
Justo |
Righteous, Righteousness |
gs |
righteous-righteousness#2 |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Labán, El Que Tenía en Su Poder Las Planchas de bronce |
Laban, Keeper of the Brass Plates |
gs |
laban-keeper-of-the-brass-plates |
Labán, hermano de Rebeca |
Laban, Brother of Rebekah |
gs |
laban-brother-of-rebekah |
Lamán |
Laman |
gs |
laman |
Lamanitas |
Lamanites |
gs |
lamanites |
Lamentaciones, libro de |
Lamentations, book of |
gs |
lamentations-book-of |
Lamoni |
Lamoni |
gs |
lamoni |
Lavado, lavamientos, lavar |
Wash, Washed, Washings |
gs |
wash-washed-washings |
Lázaro |
Lazarus |
gs |
lazarus |
Lea |
Leah |
gs |
leah |
Lehi, Comandante Militar Nefita |
Lehi, Nephite Military Commander |
gs |
lehi-nephite-military-commander |
Lehi, misionero nefita |
Lehi, Nephite Missionary |
gs |
lehi-nephite-missionary |
Lehi, Padre de Nefi |
Lehi, Father of Nephi |
gs |
lehi-father-of-nephi |
Lehi, Padre de Nefi—El libro de Lehi |
Lehi, Father of Nephi—The book of Lehi |
gs |
lehi-father-of-nephi/the-book-of-lehi |
Lemuel |
Lemuel |
gs |
lemuel |
Lengua |
Tongue |
gs |
tongue |
Lenguaje (o lengua) |
Language |
gs |
language#1 |
Lenguas, don de |
Tongues, Gift of |
gs |
tongues-gift-of |
Lepra |
Leprosy |
gs |
leprosy |
Leví |
Levi |
gs |
levi |
Leví—La tribu de Leví |
Levi—The tribe of Levi |
gs |
levi/the-tribe-of-levi |
Levítico |
Leviticus |
gs |
leviticus |
Ley |
Law |
gs |
law |
Ley de Moisés |
Law of Moses |
gs |
law-of-moses |
Liahona |
Liahona |
gs |
liahona |
Libertad, libre |
Free, Freedom; Liberty |
gs |
free-freedom,liberty |
Libertador |
Deliverer |
gs |
deliverer |
Libre Albedrío |
Free Agency |
gs |
free-agency |
Libro de la vida |
Book of Life |
gs |
book-of-life |
Libro de Mandamientos |
Book of Commandments |
gs |
book-of-commandments |
Libro de memorias |
Book of Remembrance |
gs |
book-of-remembrance |
Libro de Mormón |
Book of Mormon |
gs |
book-of-mormon |
Libros Canónicos |
Standard Works |
gs |
standard-works |
Limhi |
Limhi |
gs |
limhi |
Limosna |
Alms, Almsgiving |
gs |
alms-almsgiving |
Limpio e inmundo |
Clean and Unclean |
gs |
clean-and-unclean |
Llamado, llamado por Dios, llamamiento |
Call, Called of God, Calling |
gs |
call-called-of-god-calling |
Llaves del sacerdocio |
Keys of the Priesthood |
gs |
keys-of-the-priesthood |
Lot |
Lot |
gs |
lot |
Lucas |
Luke |
gs |
luke |
Lucas—El Evangelio según Lucas |
Luke—The Gospel of Luke |
gs |
luke/the-gospel-of-luke |
Lucifer o Lucero |
Lucifer |
gs |
lucifer |
Lugar Santísimo |
Holy of Holies |
gs |
holy-of-holies |
Luz, luz de Cristo |
Light, Light of Christ |
gs |
light-light-of-christ |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Madre |
Mother |
gs |
mother |
Maestro |
Teach, Teacher |
gs |
teach-teacher#2 |
Maestro, Sacerdocio Aarónico |
Teacher, Aaronic Priesthood |
gs |
teacher-aaronic-priesthood |
Magog |
Magog |
gs |
magog |
Malaquías |
Malachi |
gs |
malachi |
Malaquías—El libro de Malaquías |
Malachi—The book of Malachi |
gs |
malachi/the-book-of-malachi |
Maldecir, maldiciones |
Curse, Curses |
gs |
curse-curses |
Maldecir, Maldiciones—Profanidad |
Curse, Curses—Profanity |
gs |
curse-curses/profanity |
Maledicencia |
Backbiting |
gs |
backbiting#2 |
Maná |
Manna |
gs |
manna |
Manasés |
Manasseh |
gs |
manasseh |
Manasés—La tribu de Manasés |
Manasseh—The tribe of Manasseh |
gs |
manasseh/the-tribe-of-manasseh |
Mandamientos, Los Diez |
Ten Commandments |
gs |
ten-commandments |
Mandamientos de Dios |
Commandments of God |
gs |
commandments-of-god |
Manifiesto |
Manifesto |
gs |
manifesto |
Manos, imposición de |
Laying On of Hands |
gs |
laying-on-of-hands |
Mansedumbre, manso |
Meek, Meekness |
gs |
meek-meekness |
Marcos |
Mark |
gs |
mark |
Marcos—El Evangelio según Marcos |
Mark—The Gospel of Mark |
gs |
mark/the-gospel-of-mark |
María, hermana de Moisés |
Miriam |
gs |
miriam |
María, madre de Jesús |
Mary, Mother of Jesus |
gs |
mary-mother-of-jesus |
María, Madre de Marcos |
Mary, Mother of Mark |
gs |
mary-mother-of-mark |
María de Betania |
Mary of Bethany |
gs |
mary-of-bethany |
María Magdalena |
Mary Magdalene |
gs |
mary-magdalene |
Mar Muerto |
Dead Sea |
gs |
dead-sea |
Mar Rojo |
Red Sea |
gs |
red-sea |
Marsh, ThomasB. |
Marsh, ThomasB. |
gs |
marsh-thomas-b |
Marta |
Martha |
gs |
martha |
Mártir, martirio |
Martyr, Martyrdom |
gs |
martyr-martyrdom |
Matar |
Kill |
gs |
kill |
Mateo |
Matthew |
gs |
matthew |
Mateo—El Evangelio según Mateo |
Matthew—The Gospel of Matthew |
gs |
matthew/the-gospel-of-matthew |
Matías |
Matthias |
gs |
matthias |
Matrimonio |
Marriage, Marry |
gs |
marriage-marry |
Matrimonio—El matrimonio entre personas de distintas religiones |
Marriage, Marry—Interfaith marriage |
gs |
marriage-marry/interfaith-marriage |
Matrimonio—El matrimonio plural |
Marriage, Marry—Plural marriage |
gs |
marriage-marry/plural-marriage |
Matrimonio—El nuevo y sempiterno convenio del matrimonio |
Marriage, Marry—New and everlasting covenant of marriage |
gs |
marriage-marry/new-and-everlasting-covenant-of-marriage |
Matusalén |
Methuselah |
gs |
methuselah |
Mayordomía, mayordomo |
Steward, Stewardship |
gs |
steward-stewardship |
Mediador |
Mediator |
gs |
mediator |
Meditar |
Ponder |
gs |
ponder |
Melquisedec |
Melchizedek |
gs |
melchizedek |
Melquisedec, Sacerdocio de |
Priesthood, Melchizedek |
gs |
priesthood-melchizedek |
Mente |
Mind |
gs |
mind |
Mentiras |
Lying |
gs |
lying |
Mesac |
Meshach |
gs |
meshach |
Mesías |
Messiah |
gs |
messiah |
Miguel |
Michael |
gs |
michael |
Milagros |
Miracle |
gs |
miracle |
Milenio |
Millennium |
gs |
millennium |
Ministrar, ministro |
Minister |
gs |
minister |
Miqueas |
Micah |
gs |
micah |
Miqueas—El libro de Miqueas |
Micah—The book of Micah |
gs |
micah/the-book-of-micah |
Mira |
Eye, Eyes |
gs |
eye-eyes#2 |
Misericordia, misericordioso |
Merciful, Mercy |
gs |
merciful-mercy |
Misioneros |
Missionary Work |
gs |
missionary-work#2 |
Misterios de Dios |
Mysteries of God |
gs |
mysteries-of-god |
Misuri |
Missouri |
gs |
missouri |
Moab |
Moab |
gs |
moab |
Modestia |
Modesty |
gs |
modesty |
Moisés |
Moses |
gs |
moses |
Moisés—El libro de Moisés |
Moses—The book of Moses |
gs |
moses/the-book-of-moses |
Moisés—Los cinco libros de Moisés |
Moses—The five books of Moses |
gs |
moses/the-five-books-of-moses |
Monte de los Olivos |
Mount of Olives |
gs |
mount-of-olives |
Moralidad |
Morality |
gs |
morality |
Mormón |
Mormon(s) |
gs |
mormons |
Mormón, Libro de |
Mormon, Book of |
gs |
mormon-book-of |
Mormón, profeta nefita |
Mormon, Nephite Prophet |
gs |
mormon-nephite-prophet |
Mormón, profeta nefita—El libro de Mormón |
Mormon, Nephite Prophet—The book of Mormon |
gs |
mormon-nephite-prophet/the-book-of-mormon |
Mormón, profeta nefita—Las Palabras de Mormón |
Mormon, Nephite Prophet—The Words of Mormon |
gs |
mormon-nephite-prophet/the-words-of-mormon |
Moroni, Capitán |
Moroni, Captain |
gs |
moroni-captain |
Moroni, Hijo de Mormón |
Moroni, Son of Mormon |
gs |
moroni-son-of-mormon |
Moroni, Hijo de Mormón—El libro de Moroni |
Moroni, Son of Mormon—The book of Moroni |
gs |
moroni-son-of-mormon/the-book-of-moroni |
Moroníah, Hijo del Capitán Moroni |
Moronihah, Son of Captain Moroni |
gs |
moronihah-son-of-captain-moroni |
Mortal, mortalidad |
Mortal, Mortality |
gs |
mortal-mortality |
Mosíah, hijo de Benjamín |
Mosiah, Son of Benjamin |
gs |
mosiah-son-of-benjamin |
Mosíah, hijo de Benjamín—El libro de Mosíah |
Mosiah, Son of Benjamin—The book of Mosiah |
gs |
mosiah-son-of-benjamin/the-book-of-mosiah |
Mosíah, hijos de |
Mosiah, Sons of |
gs |
mosiah-sons-of |
Mosíah, Padre de Benjamín |
Mosiah, Father of Benjamin |
gs |
mosiah-father-of-benjamin |
Mostaza, Grano de |
Mustard Seed |
gs |
mustard-seed |
Muerte, Segunda |
Death, Second |
gs |
death-second |
Muerte espiritual |
Death, Spiritual |
gs |
death-spiritual |
Muerte física |
Death, Physical |
gs |
death-physical |
Muertos, Salvación de los |
Dead, Salvation for the |
gs |
dead-salvation-for-the |
Mujer(es) |
Woman, Women |
gs |
woman-women |
Mulek |
Mulek |
gs |
mulek |
Mundo |
World |
gs |
world |
Mundo de los Espíritus |
Spirit World |
gs |
spirit-world |
Mundo—El fin del mundo |
World—End of the world |
gs |
world/end-of-the-world |
Mundo—La existencia terrenal |
World—Mortal existence |
gs |
world/mortal-existence |
Mundo—Las personas que no obedecen los mandamientos |
World—People who do not obey the commandments |
gs |
world/people-who-do-not-obey-the-commandments |
Murmurar |
Murmur |
gs |
murmur |
Música |
Music |
gs |
music |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Naamán |
Naaman |
gs |
naaman |
Nabucodonosor |
Nebuchadnezzar |
gs |
nebuchadnezzar |
Nacer de Dios, nacer de nuevo |
Born Again, Born of God |
gs |
born-again-born-of-god |
Nahum |
Nahum |
gs |
nahum |
Nahum—El libro de Nahum |
Nahum—The book of Nahum |
gs |
nahum/the-book-of-nahum |
Natán |
Nathan |
gs |
nathan |
Natanael |
Nathanael |
gs |
nathanael |
Nauvoo, Illinois (E.U.A.) |
Nauvoo, Illinois (USA) |
gs |
nauvoo-illinois-usa |
Nazaret |
Nazareth |
gs |
nazareth |
Nefi, Hijo de Helamán |
Nephi, Son of Helaman |
gs |
nephi-son-of-helaman |
Nefi, Hijo de Lehi |
Nephi, Son of Lehi |
gs |
nephi-son-of-lehi |
Nefi, Hijo de Lehi—El libro de 1Nefi |
Nephi, Son of Lehi—The book of 1Nephi |
gs |
nephi-son-of-lehi/the-book-of-1-nephi |
Nefi, Hijo de Lehi—El libro de 2Nefi |
Nephi, Son of Lehi—The book of 2Nephi |
gs |
nephi-son-of-lehi/the-book-of-2-nephi |
Nefi, Hijo de Lehi—Planchas de Nefi |
Nephi, Son of Lehi—Plates of Nephi |
gs |
nephi-son-of-lehi/plates-of-nephi |
Nefi, Hijo de Nefi, Hijo de Helamán |
Nephi, Son of Nephi, Son of Helaman |
gs |
nephi-son-of-nephi-son-of-helaman |
Nefi, Hijo de Nefi, Hijo de Helamán—El libro de 3Nefi |
Nephi, Son of Nephi, Son of Helaman—The book of 3Nephi |
gs |
nephi-son-of-nephi-son-of-helaman/the-book-of-3-nephi |
Nefi, Hijo de Nefi, Hijo de Helamán—El libro de 4Nefi |
Nephi, Son of Nephi, Son of Helaman—The book of 4Nephi |
gs |
nephi-son-of-nephi-son-of-helaman/the-book-of-4-nephi |
Nefitas |
Nephites |
gs |
nephites |
Neftalí |
Naphtali |
gs |
naphtali |
Neftalí—La tribu de Neftalí |
Naphtali—The tribe of Naphtali |
gs |
naphtali/the-tribe-of-naphtali |
Nehemías |
Nehemiah |
gs |
nehemiah |
Nehemías—El libro de Nehemías |
Nehemiah—The book of Nehemiah |
gs |
nehemiah/the-book-of-nehemiah |
Nehor |
Nehor |
gs |
nehor |
Nicodemo |
Nicodemus |
gs |
nicodemus |
Nínive |
Nineveh |
gs |
nineveh |
Niño(s) |
Child, Children |
gs |
child-children#2 |
Noé, Hijo de Zeniff |
Noah, Son of Zeniff |
gs |
noah-son-of-zeniff |
Noé, patriarca bíblico |
Noah, Bible Patriarch |
gs |
noah-bible-patriarch |
Noemí |
Naomi |
gs |
naomi |
Nombre de la Iglesia |
Name of the Church |
gs |
name-of-the-church |
Nueva Jerusalén |
New Jerusalem |
gs |
new-jerusalem |
Nuevo Testamento |
New Testament |
gs |
new-testament |
Nuevo y sempiterno convenio |
New and Everlasting Covenant |
gs |
new-and-everlasting-covenant |
Números |
Numbers |
gs |
numbers |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Pablo |
Paul |
gs |
paul |
Pablo, epístolas de |
Pauline Epistles |
gs |
pauline-epistles |
Pablo, Epístolas de—1 y 2 Corintios, Gálatas y Romanos |
Pauline Epistles—1and 2Corinthians, Galatians, Romans |
gs |
pauline-epistles/1-and-2-corinthians-galatians-romans |
Pablo, Epístolas de—1 y 2 Tesalonicenses |
Pauline Epistles—1and 2Thessalonians |
gs |
pauline-epistles/1-and-2-thessalonians |
Pablo, Epístolas de—1 y 2 Timoteo, Tito |
Pauline Epistles—1and 2Timothy, Titus |
gs |
pauline-epistles/1-and-2-timothy-titus |
Pablo, Epístolas de—Filipenses, Colosenses, Efesios, Filemón y Hebreos |
Pauline Epistles—Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, Hebrews |
gs |
pauline-epistles/philippians-colossians-ephesians-philemon-hebrews |
Paciencia |
Patience |
gs |
patience |
Pacificador |
Peacemaker |
gs |
peacemaker |
Pacto |
Covenant |
gs |
covenant#2 |
Padre Celestial |
Father in Heaven |
gs |
father-in-heaven |
Padre Eterno |
Eternal Father |
gs |
eternal-father |
Padres |
Parents |
gs |
parents |
Padre terrenal |
Father, Mortal |
gs |
father-mortal |
Pahorán |
Pahoran |
gs |
pahoran |
Palabra de Dios |
Word of God |
gs |
word-of-god |
Palabra de Sabiduría |
Word of Wisdom |
gs |
word-of-wisdom |
Palo de Efraín |
Stick of Ephraim |
gs |
stick-of-ephraim |
Palo de José |
Stick of Joseph |
gs |
stick-of-joseph |
Palo de Judá |
Stick of Judah |
gs |
stick-of-judah |
Paloma, señal de la |
Dove, Sign of the |
gs |
dove-sign-of-the |
Pan de Vida |
Bread of Life |
gs |
bread-of-life |
Parábola |
Parable |
gs |
parable |
Paraíso |
Paradise |
gs |
paradise |
Partridge, Edward |
Partridge, Edward |
gs |
partridge-edward |
Pascua |
Passover |
gs |
passover |
Pascua de Resurrección |
Easter |
gs |
easter |
Pastor |
Shepherd |
gs |
shepherd |
Patriarca, patriarcal |
Patriarch, Patriarchal |
gs |
patriarch-patriarchal |
Patriarca, patriarcal—Padres |
Patriarch, Patriarchal—Fathers |
gs |
patriarch-patriarchal/fathers |
Patriarca, Patriarcal—Patriarcas ordenados |
Patriarch, Patriarchal—Ordained patriarchs |
gs |
patriarch-patriarchal/ordained-patriarchs |
Patriarcales, Bendiciones |
Patriarchal Blessings |
gs |
patriarchal-blessings#2 |
Patten, DavidW. |
Patten, DavidW. |
gs |
patten-david-w |
Paz |
Peace |
gs |
peace |
Paz—Ausencia de conflicto y disensión |
Peace—Freedom from conflict and turmoil |
gs |
peace/freedom-from-conflict-and-turmoil |
Paz—La paz de Dios para los obedientes |
Peace—Peace from God to the obedient |
gs |
peace/peace-from-god-to-the-obedient |
Pecado |
Sin |
gs |
sin |
Pecado imperdonable |
Unpardonable Sin |
gs |
unpardonable-sin |
Pectoral |
Breastplates |
gs |
breastplates#2 |
Pedir |
Ask |
gs |
ask |
Pedro |
Peter |
gs |
peter |
Pedro—Primera epístola de Pedro |
Peter—First epistle of Peter |
gs |
peter/first-epistle-of-peter |
Pedro—Segunda epístola de Pedro |
Peter—Second epistle of Peter |
gs |
peter/second-epistle-of-peter |
Peleg |
Peleg |
gs |
peleg |
Pena de muerte |
Capital Punishment |
gs |
capital-punishment |
Pendón |
Ensign |
gs |
ensign |
Pensamientos |
Thoughts |
gs |
thoughts |
Pentateuco, el |
Pentateuch |
gs |
pentateuch |
Pentecostés |
Pentecost |
gs |
pentecost |
Perdición |
Perdition |
gs |
perdition |
Perdonar |
Forgive |
gs |
forgive |
Perfecto |
Perfect |
gs |
perfect |
Perla de Gran Precio |
Pearl of Great Price |
gs |
pearl-of-great-price |
Persecución, perseguir |
Persecute, Persecution |
gs |
persecute-persecution |
Perseverar |
Endure |
gs |
endure |
Phelps, WilliamW. |
Phelps, WilliamW. |
gs |
phelps-william-w |
Piedra |
Rock |
gs |
rock#2 |
Piedra del ángulo |
Cornerstone |
gs |
cornerstone |
Pilato, Poncio |
Pilate, Pontius |
gs |
pilate-pontius |
Planchas |
Plates |
gs |
plates |
Planchas de bronce |
Brass Plates |
gs |
brass-plates |
Planchas de oro |
Gold Plates |
gs |
gold-plates |
Plan de redención |
Plan of Redemption |
gs |
plan-of-redemption |
Plan de Salvación |
Plan of Salvation |
gs |
plan-of-salvation |
Plural, Matrimonio |
Plural Marriage |
gs |
plural-marriage |
Pobres |
Poor |
gs |
poor |
Pobres—Pobres en cuanto a bienes materiales |
Poor—Poor in material goods |
gs |
poor/poor-in-material-goods |
Pobres—Pobres en espíritu |
Poor—Poor in spirit |
gs |
poor/poor-in-spirit |
Poder |
Power |
gs |
power |
Poligamia |
Polygamy |
gs |
polygamy |
Pornografía |
Pornography |
gs |
pornography |
Pratt, Orson |
Pratt, Orson |
gs |
pratt-orson |
Pratt, Parley Parker |
Pratt, Parley Parker |
gs |
pratt-parley-parker |
Predestinación |
Predestination |
gs |
predestination |
Predicar |
Preach |
gs |
preach |
Preordenación |
Foreordination |
gs |
foreordination |
Presbítero |
Priest, Aaronic Priesthood |
gs |
priest-aaronic-priesthood |
Presidencia |
Presidency |
gs |
presidency |
Presidente |
President |
gs |
president |
Primera Presidencia |
First Presidency |
gs |
first-presidency |
Primera Visión |
First Vision |
gs |
first-vision |
Primeros Principios del Evangelio |
First Principles of the Gospel |
gs |
first-principles-of-the-gospel |
Primicias |
Firstfruits |
gs |
firstfruits |
Primogénito |
Firstborn |
gs |
firstborn |
Primogenitura |
Birthright |
gs |
birthright |
Principio |
Beginning; Principle |
gs |
beginning,principle |
Prisión Espiritual |
Spirit Prison |
gs |
spirit-prison |
Profanidad |
Profanity |
gs |
profanity |
Profecía, profetizar |
Prophecy, Prophesy |
gs |
prophecy-prophesy |
Profeta |
Prophet |
gs |
prophet |
Profetisa |
Prophetess |
gs |
prophetess |
Proverbio |
Proverb |
gs |
proverb |
Proverbio—El libro de los Proverbios |
Proverb—The book of Proverbs |
gs |
proverb/the-book-of-proverbs |
Publicanos |
Publican |
gs |
publican |
Pureza, puro |
Pure, Purity |
gs |
pure-purity |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Rafael |
Raphael |
gs |
raphael |
Rameúmptom |
Rameumptom |
gs |
rameumptom |
Raquel |
Rachel |
gs |
rachel |
Realistas |
Kingmen |
gs |
kingmen |
Rebeca |
Rebekah |
gs |
rebekah |
Rebelión |
Rebellion |
gs |
rebellion |
Rectitud, recto |
Righteous, Righteousness |
gs |
righteous-righteousness#3 |
Redención, Plan de |
Redemption, Plan of |
gs |
redemption-plan-of |
Redención, redimido, redimir |
Redeem, Redeemed, Redemption |
gs |
redeem-redeemed-redemption |
Redentor |
Redeemer |
gs |
redeemer |
Reino de Dios o de los cielos |
Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven |
gs |
kingdom-of-god-or-kingdom-of-heaven |
Remisión de pecados |
Remission of Sins |
gs |
remission-of-sins |
Responsabilidad, edad de |
Accountability, Age of |
gs |
accountability-age-of |
Responsabilidad, responsable |
Account, Accountable, Accountability |
gs |
account-accountable-accountability |
Restauración, restitución |
Restitution, Restoration |
gs |
restitution-restoration |
Restauración del Evangelio |
Restoration of the Gospel |
gs |
restoration-of-the-gospel |
Resurrección |
Resurrection |
gs |
resurrection |
Revelación |
Revelation |
gs |
revelation |
Revelación de Juan |
Apocalypse; Revelation of John |
gs |
apocalypse#2,revelation-of-john#2 |
Reverencia |
Reverence |
gs |
reverence |
Reyes |
Kings |
gs |
kings |
Reyes—Primer libro de los Reyes |
Kings—First Kings |
gs |
kings/first-kings |
Reyes—Segundo libro de los Reyes |
Kings—Second Kings |
gs |
kings/second-kings |
Rigdon, Sidney |
Rigdon, Sidney |
gs |
rigdon-sidney |
Riñas |
Quarrel |
gs |
quarrel |
Riquezas |
Riches |
gs |
riches |
Riquezas—Las riquezas de la eternidad |
Riches—Riches of eternity |
gs |
riches/riches-of-eternity |
Robar, robo, hurtar, hurto |
Steal, Stealing |
gs |
steal-stealing#1 |
Roboam |
Rehoboam |
gs |
rehoboam |
Roca |
Rock |
gs |
rock#1 |
Roma |
Rome |
gs |
rome |
Romanos, Epístola a los |
Romans, Epistle to |
gs |
romans-epistle-to |
Rostro |
Countenance |
gs |
countenance#1 |
Rubén |
Reuben |
gs |
reuben |
Rubén—La tribu de Rubén |
Reuben—The tribe of Reuben |
gs |
reuben/the-tribe-of-reuben |
Rumores |
Rumor |
gs |
rumor |
Rut |
Ruth |
gs |
ruth |
Rut—El libro de Rut |
Ruth—The book of Ruth |
gs |
ruth/the-book-of-ruth |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Sabiduría |
Wisdom |
gs |
wisdom |
Sacerdocio |
Priesthood |
gs |
priesthood |
Sacerdocio, Llaves del |
Priesthood, Keys of |
gs |
priesthood-keys-of |
Sacerdocio, Ordenación al |
Priesthood Ordination |
gs |
priesthood-ordination |
Sacerdocio Aarónico |
Aaronic Priesthood |
gs |
aaronic-priesthood |
Sacerdocio de Melquisedec |
Melchizedek Priesthood |
gs |
melchizedek-priesthood |
Sacerdocio Levítico |
Levitical Priesthood |
gs |
levitical-priesthood |
Sacerdote, Sacerdocio de Melquisedec |
Priest, Melchizedek Priesthood |
gs |
priest-melchizedek-priesthood |
Sacramento |
Lord’s Supper |
gs |
lords-supper |
Sacrificios |
Sacrifice |
gs |
sacrifice |
Sadrac |
Shadrach |
gs |
shadrach |
Saduceos |
Sadducees |
gs |
sadducees |
Sagrado |
Sacred |
gs |
sacred |
Sal |
Salt |
gs |
salt |
Salem |
Salem |
gs |
salem |
Salmo |
Psalm |
gs |
psalm |
Salmo—El libro de Salmos |
Psalm—The book of Psalms |
gs |
psalm/the-book-of-psalms |
Salomón |
Solomon |
gs |
solomon |
Salud |
Health |
gs |
health |
Salvación |
Salvation |
gs |
salvation |
Salvación, Plan de |
Salvation, Plan of |
gs |
salvation-plan-of |
Salvación de los muertos |
Salvation for the Dead |
gs |
salvation-for-the-dead |
Salvación de los Niños Pequeños |
Salvation of Children |
gs |
salvation-of-children |
Salvación—La salvación de los niños pequeños |
Salvation—Salvation of children |
gs |
salvation/salvation-of-children |
Salvador |
Savior |
gs |
savior |
Sam |
Sam |
gs |
sam |
Samaria |
Samaria |
gs |
samaria |
Samaritanos |
Samaritans |
gs |
samaritans |
Samuel, profeta del Antiguo Testamento |
Samuel, Old Testament Prophet |
gs |
samuel-old-testament-prophet |
Samuel, Profeta del Antiguo Testamento—Primer libro de Samuel |
Samuel, Old Testament Prophet—The book of 1Samuel |
gs |
samuel-old-testament-prophet/the-book-of-1-samuel |
Samuel, Profeta del Antiguo Testamento—Primer y Segundo libros de Samuel |
Samuel, Old Testament Prophet—The books of 1and 2Samuel |
gs |
samuel-old-testament-prophet/the-books-of-1-and-2-samuel |
Samuel, profeta del Antiguo Testamento—Segundo libro de Samuel |
Samuel, Old Testament Prophet—The book of 2Samuel |
gs |
samuel-old-testament-prophet/the-book-of-2-samuel |
Samuel el Lamanita |
Samuel the Lamanite |
gs |
samuel-the-lamanite |
Sanar, sanidades |
Heal, Healings |
gs |
heal-healings |
Sanedrín |
Sanhedrin |
gs |
sanhedrin |
Sangre |
Blood |
gs |
blood |
Sansón |
Samson |
gs |
samson |
Santa Cena |
Sacrament |
gs |
sacrament |
Santiago |
James, Son of Zebedee |
gs |
james-son-of-zebedee#2 |
Santidad |
Holiness |
gs |
holiness |
Santificación |
Sanctification |
gs |
sanctification |
Santo (adjetivo) |
Holy |
gs |
holy |
Santo (sustantivo) |
Saint |
gs |
saint |
Santo de Israel |
Holy One of Israel |
gs |
holy-one-of-israel |
Santo Espíritu |
Spirit, Holy |
gs |
spirit-holy |
Santo Espíritu de la promesa |
Holy Spirit of Promise |
gs |
holy-spirit-of-promise |
Sara |
Sarah |
gs |
sarah |
Saríah |
Sariah |
gs |
sariah |
Satanás |
Satan |
gs |
satan |
Saúl, rey de Israel |
Saul, King of Israel |
gs |
saul-king-of-israel |
Saulo de Tarso |
Saul of Tarsus |
gs |
saul-of-tarsus |
Secretas |
Combinations |
gs |
combinations |
Sedequías |
Zedekiah |
gs |
zedekiah |
Séfora |
Zipporah |
gs |
zipporah |
Segunda Venida de Jesucristo |
Second Coming of Jesus Christ |
gs |
second-coming-of-jesus-christ |
Segundo Consolador, El |
Second Comforter |
gs |
second-comforter |
Segundo Estado |
Second Estate |
gs |
second-estate |
Sellamiento, sellar |
Seal, Sealing |
gs |
seal-sealing |
Sem |
Shem |
gs |
shem |
Semblante |
Countenance |
gs |
countenance#2 |
Sensual, sensualidad |
Sensual, Sensuality |
gs |
sensual-sensuality |
Sentir |
Feel |
gs |
feel |
Señal |
Sign |
gs |
sign |
Señales de la Iglesia Verdadera |
Signs of the True Church |
gs |
signs-of-the-true-church |
Señales del Nacimiento y la Muerte de Jesucristo |
Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ |
gs |
signs-of-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ |
Señales del Nacimiento y la Muerte de Jesucristo—Su muerte |
Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ—Death |
gs |
signs-of-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ/death |
Señales del nacimiento y la muerte de Jesucristo—Su nacimiento |
Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ—Birth |
gs |
signs-of-the-birth-and-death-of-jesus-christ/birth |
Señales de los tiempos |
Signs of the Times |
gs |
signs-of-the-times |
Señor |
Lord |
gs |
lord |
Señor (o Jehová) de los Ejércitos o de las Huestes |
Lord of Hosts |
gs |
lord-of-hosts |
Seol |
Hell |
gs |
hell#2 |
Sepulcro |
Grave |
gs |
grave |
Seres trasladados |
Translated Beings |
gs |
translated-beings#1 |
Sermón del Monte |
Sermon on the Mount |
gs |
sermon-on-the-mount |
Serpiente de bronce |
Serpent, Brazen |
gs |
serpent-brazen |
Servicio |
Service |
gs |
service |
Set |
Seth |
gs |
seth |
Setenta |
Seventy |
gs |
seventy |
Sherem |
Sherem |
gs |
sherem |
Shiblón |
Shiblon |
gs |
shiblon |
Shiz |
Shiz |
gs |
shiz |
Siega |
Harvest |
gs |
harvest |
Simbolismo |
Symbolism |
gs |
symbolism |
Simeón |
Simeon |
gs |
simeon |
Simeón—La tribu de Simeón |
Simeon—The tribe of Simeon |
gs |
simeon/the-tribe-of-simeon |
Simiente de Abraham |
Seed of Abraham |
gs |
seed-of-abraham |
Simón el cananita |
Simon the Canaanite |
gs |
simon-the-canaanite |
Simón Pedro |
Simon Peter |
gs |
simon-peter |
Sinagoga |
Synagogue |
gs |
synagogue |
Sinaí, monte |
Sinai, Mount |
gs |
sinai-mount |
Sin Fin |
Endless |
gs |
endless |
Sión |
Zion |
gs |
zion |
Smith, Emma Hale |
Smith, Emma Hale |
gs |
smith-emma-hale |
Smith, hijo, José |
Smith, Joseph, Jr. |
gs |
smith-joseph-jr |
Smith, hijo, José—Escrituras que han salido a luz por medio del profeta José Smith |
Smith, Joseph, Jr.—Scripture brought forth by the Prophet Joseph Smith |
gs |
smith-joseph-jr/scripture-brought-forth-by-the-prophet-joseph-smith |
Smith, Hyrum |
Smith, Hyrum |
gs |
smith-hyrum |
Smith, JosephF. |
Smith, JosephF. |
gs |
smith-joseph-f |
Smith, Lucy Mack |
Smith, Lucy Mack |
gs |
smith-lucy-mack |
Smith, Padre, Joseph |
Smith, Joseph, Sr. |
gs |
smith-joseph-sr |
Smith, SamuelH. |
Smith, SamuelH. |
gs |
smith-samuel-h |
Sodoma |
Sodom |
gs |
sodom |
Sofonías |
Zephaniah |
gs |
zephaniah |
Sofonías—El libro de Sofonías |
Zephaniah—The book of Zephaniah |
gs |
zephaniah/the-book-of-zephaniah |
Sostenimiento de líderes de la Iglesia |
Sustaining Church Leaders |
gs |
sustaining-church-leaders |
Sueños |
Dream |
gs |
dream |
Suertes |
Lots |
gs |
lots |
Sumo Consejo |
High Council |
gs |
high-council |
Sumo Sacerdocio |
High Priesthood |
gs |
high-priesthood |
Sumo sacerdote |
High Priest |
gs |
high-priest |
Supercherías sacerdotales |
Priestcraft |
gs |
priestcraft |
Complete Title |
English Equivalent |
Book Attribute Value |
Topic Attribute Value |
Tabaco |
Tobacco |
gs |
tobacco |
Tabernáculo |
Tabernacle |
gs |
tabernacle |
Talento |
Talent |
gs |
talent |
Taylor, John |
Taylor, John |
gs |
taylor-john |
Teáncum |
Teancum |
gs |
teancum |
Temor |
Fear |
gs |
fear |
Temor—Temor al hombre |
Fear—Fear of man |
gs |
fear/fear-of-man |
Temor—Temor de Dios |
Fear—Fear of God |
gs |
fear/fear-of-god |
Templo, Casa del Señor |
Temple, House of the Lord |
gs |
temple-house-of-the-lord |
Templo, Matrimonio en El |
Temple Marriage |
gs |
temple-marriage |
Templo de Kirtland |
Kirtland Temple |
gs |
kirtland-temple |
Tentación, tentar |
Tempt, Temptation |
gs |
tempt-temptation |
Tesalonicenses, epístolas a los |
Thessalonians, Epistles to |
gs |
thessalonians-epistles-to |
Tesalonicenses, Epístolas a los—Primera Epístola a los Tesalonicenses |
Thessalonians, Epistles to—First Thessalonians |
gs |
thessalonians-epistles-to/first-thessalonians |
Tesalonicenses, Epístolas a los—Segunda Epístola a los Tesalonicenses |
Thessalonians, Epistles to—Second Thessalonians |
gs |
thessalonians-epistles-to/second-thessalonians |
Testamento |
Testament |
gs |
testament |
Testificar |
Testify |
gs |
testify |
Testigo |
Witness |
gs |
witness |
Testigos del Libro de Mormón |
Witnesses of the Book of Mormon |
gs |
witnesses-of-the-book-of-mormon |
Testimonio |
Testimony |
gs |
testimony |
Tierra |
Earth |
gs |
earth |
Tierra—El estado final de la tierra |
Earth—Final state of the earth |
gs |
earth/final-state-of-the-earth |
Tierra—La división de la tierra |
Earth—Division of the earth |
gs |
earth/division-of-the-earth |
Tierra—La purificación de la tierra |
Earth—Cleansing of the earth |
gs |
earth/cleansing-of-the-earth |
Tierra prometida |
Promised Land |
gs |
promised-land |
Tierra—Se creó para el hombre |
Earth—Created for man |
gs |
earth/created-for-man |
Tierra—Una entidad viviente |
Earth—A living entity |
gs |
earth/a-living-entity |
Timoteo |
Timothy |
gs |
timothy |
Timoteo, Epístolas a |
Timothy, Epistles to |
gs |
timothy-epistles-to |
Timoteo, epístolas a—Primera Epístola a Timoteo |
Timothy, Epistles to—First Timothy |
gs |
timothy-epistles-to/first-timothy |
Timoteo, epístolas a—Segunda Epístola a Timoteo |
Timothy, Epistles to—Second Timothy |
gs |
timothy-epistles-to/second-timothy |
Tinieblas de Afuera |
Darkness, Outer; Outer Darkness |
gs |
darkness-outer,outer-darkness |
Tinieblas espirituales |
Darkness, Spiritual |
gs |
darkness-spiritual |
Tito |
Titus |
gs |
titus |
Tito, Epístola a |
Titus, Epistle to |
gs |
titus-epistle-to |
Tomás |
Thomas |
gs |
thomas |
Tradiciones |
Traditions |
gs |
traditions |
Traducción de José Smith |
Bible, Joseph Smith Translation (JST) |
gs |
bible-joseph-smith-translation-jst#2 |
Traducir |
Translate |
gs |
translate |
Transfiguración |
Transfiguration |
gs |
transfiguration |
Transfiguración—La Transfiguración de Cristo |
Transfiguration—Transfiguration of Christ |
gs |
transfiguration/transfiguration-of-christ |
Transfiguración—Seres transfigurados |
Transfiguration—Transfigured beings |
gs |
transfiguration/transfigured-beings |
Trasladar |
Translated Beings |
gs |
translated-beings#2 |
Tres Nefitas |
Nephite Disciples |
gs |
nephite-disciples |
Tribus Perdidas |
Lost Tribes |
gs |
lost-tribes |
Trinidad |
God, Godhead |
gs |
god-godhead#1 |
Trinidad—Dios el Espíritu Santo |
God, Godhead—God the Holy Ghost |
gs |
god-godhead/god-the-holy-ghost |
Trinidad—Dios el Hijo |
God, Godhead—God the Son |
gs |
god-godhead/god-the-son |
Trinidad—Dios el Padre |
God, Godhead—God the Father |
gs |
god-godhead/god-the-father |