Typically, to create a reference to a Joseph Smith Translation verse in the appendix, simply add "jst-" to the book attribute (for example, <scriptureRef book="jst-gen" chapter="9" verse="4">). The topic values below provide an alternative to chapter and verse addressing—use one or the other. For example, <scriptureRef book="jst-gen" topic="gen-9-4-6" verse="4"> would be invalid. Use either the topic value to indicate the header and contents as a group, or chapter and verse numbers without reference to the topics.
Complete Title | Book Attribute Value | Topic Attribute Value |
TJS, Genèse 9:10–15 | jst-gen | gen-9-10-15 |
TJS, Genèse 9:21–25 | jst-gen | gen-9-21-25 |
TJS, Genèse 14:25–40 | jst-gen | gen-14-25-40 |
TJS, Genèse 15:9–12 | jst-gen | gen-15-9-12 |
TJS, Genèse 17:3–7, 11–12 | jst-gen | gen-17-3-7-11-12 |
TJS, Genèse 17:23 | jst-gen | gen-17-23 |
TJS, Genèse 19:9–15 | jst-gen | gen-19-9-15 |
TJS, Genèse 48:5–11 | jst-gen | gen-48-5-11 |
TJS, Genèse 50:24–38 | jst-gen | gen-50-24-38 |
TJS, Exode 4:21 | jst-ex | ex-4-21 |
TJS, Exode 18:1 | jst-ex | ex-18-1 |
TJS, Exode 22:18 | jst-ex | ex-22-18 |
TJS, Exode 33:20, 23 | jst-ex | ex-33-20-23 |
TJS, Exode 34:1–2, 14 | jst-ex | ex-34-1-2-14 |
TJS, Deutéronome 10:2 | jst-deut | deut-10-2 |
TJS, 1 Samuel 16:14–16, 23 | jst-1-sam | 1-sam-16-14-16-23 |
TJS, 2 Samuel 12:13 | jst-2-sam | 2-sam-12-13 |
TJS, 2 Chroniques 18:22 | jst-2-chr | 2-chr-18-22 |
TJS, Psaume 14:1–7 | jst-ps | ps-14-1-7 |
TJS, Psaume 24:7–10 | jst-ps | ps-24-7-10 |
TJS, Psaume 109:4 | jst-ps | ps-109-4 |
TJS, Ésaïe 42:19–23 | jst-isa | isa-42-19-23 |
TJS, Jérémie 26:13 | jst-jer | jer-26-13 |
TJS, Amos 7:3 | jst-amos | amos-7-3 |
TJS, Matthieu 3:24–26 | jst-matt | matt-3-24-26 |
TJS, Matthieu 3:43–46 | jst-matt | matt-3-43-46 |
TJS, Matthieu 4:1, 5–6, 8–9 | jst-matt | matt-4-1-5-6-8-9 |
TJS, Matthieu 4:11 | jst-matt | matt-4-11 |
TJS, Matthieu 4:18 | jst-matt | matt-4-18 |
TJS, Matthieu 4:22 | jst-matt | matt-4-22 |
TJS, Matthieu 6:14 | jst-matt | matt-6-14 |
TJS, Matthieu 6:22 | jst-matt | matt-6-22 |
TJS, Matthieu 6:38 | jst-matt | matt-6-38 |
TJS, Matthieu 7:1–2 | jst-matt | matt-7-1-2 |
TJS, Matthieu 7:9–11 | jst-matt | matt-7-9-11 |
TJS, Matthieu 9:18–21 | jst-matt | matt-9-18-21 |
TJS, Matthieu 16:25–26 | jst-matt | matt-16-25-26 |
TJS, Matthieu 17:10–14 | jst-matt | matt-17-10-14 |
TJS, Matthieu 18:11 | jst-matt | matt-18-11 |
TJS, Matthieu 19:13 | jst-matt | matt-19-13 |
TJS, Matthieu 21:33 | jst-matt | matt-21-33 |
TJS, Matthieu 21:47–56 | jst-matt | matt-21-47-56 |
TJS, Matthieu 23:6 | jst-matt | matt-23-6 |
TJS, Matthieu 26:22, 24–25 | jst-matt | matt-26-22-24-25 |
TJS, Matthieu 27:3–6 | jst-matt | matt-27-3-6 |
TJS, Marc 9:3 | jst-mark | mark-9-3 |
TJS, Marc 9:40–48 | jst-mark | mark-9-40-48 |
TJS, Marc 12:32 | jst-mark | mark-12-32 |
TJS, Marc 14:20–25 | jst-mark | mark-14-20-25 |
TJS, Marc 14:36–38 | jst-mark | mark-14-36-38 |
TJS, Marc 16:3–6 | jst-mark | mark-16-3-6 |
TJS, Luc 1:8 | jst-luke | luke-1-8 |
TJS Luc 2:46 | jst-luke | luke-2-46 |
TJS, Luc 3:4–11 | jst-luke | luke-3-4-11 |
TJS, Luc 11:53 | jst-luke | luke-11-53 |
TJS, Luc 12:9–12 | jst-luke | luke-12-9-12 |
TJS, Luc 12:41–57 | jst-luke | luke-12-41-57 |
TJS, Luc 16:16–23 | jst-luke | luke-16-16-23 |
TJS, Luc 17:21 | jst-luke | luke-17-21 |
TJS, Luc 17:36–40 | jst-luke | luke-17-36-40 |
TJS, Luc 18:27 | jst-luke | luke-18-27 |
TJS, Luc 21:24–26 | jst-luke | luke-21-24-26 |
TJS, Luc 21:32 | jst-luke | luke-21-32 |
TJS, Luc 23:35 | jst-luke | luke-23-35 |
TJS, Jean 1:1–34 | jst-john | john-1-1-34 |
TJS, Jean 1:42 | jst-john | john-1-42 |
TJS, Jean 4:1–4 | jst-john | john-4-1-4 |
TJS, Jean 4:26 | jst-john | john-4-26 |
TJS, Jean 13:8–10 | jst-john | john-13-8-10 |
TJS, Jean 14:30 | jst-john | john-14-30 |
TJS, Actes 9:7 | jst-acts | acts-9-7 |
TJS, Romains 4:16 | jst-rom | rom-4-16 |
TJS, Romains 7:5–27 | jst-rom | rom-7-5-27 |
TJS, 1 Co 7:1–2, 5, 26, 29–33 | jst-1-cor | 1-cor-7-1-2-5-26-29-33 |
TJS, 1 Corinthiens 15:40 | jst-1-cor | 1-cor-15-40 |
TJS, 2 Corinthiens 5:16 | jst-2-cor | 2-cor-5-16 |
TJS, Galates 3:19–20 | jst-gal | gal-3-19-20 |
TJS, Ephésiens 4:26 | jst-eph | eph-4-26 |
TJS, 1 Thessaloniciens 4:15 | jst-1-thes | 1-thes-4-15 |
TJS, 2 Thessaloniciens 2:2–3, 7–9 | jst-2-thes | 2-thes-2-2-3-7-9 |
TJS, 1 Timothée 2:4 | jst-1-tim | 1-tim-2-4 |
TJS, 1 Timothée 6:15–16 | jst-1-tim | 1-tim-6-15-16 |
TJS, Hébreux 1:6–7 | jst-heb | heb-1-6-7 |
TJS, Hébreux 4:3 | jst-heb | heb-4-3 |
TJS, Hébreux 5:7–8 | jst-heb | heb-5-7-8 |
TJS, Hébreux 6:1, 3 | jst-heb | heb-6-1-3 |
TJS, Hébreux 7:3 | jst-heb | heb-7-3 |
TJS, Hébreux 7:25–26 | jst-heb | heb-7-25-26 |
TJS, Hébreux 11:35 | jst-heb | heb-11-35 |
TJS, 1 Pierre 3:20 | jst-1-pet | 1-pet-3-20 |
TJS, 1 Pierre 4:6 | jst-1-pet | 1-pet-4-6 |
TJS, 1 Pierre 4:8 | jst-1-pet | 1-pet-4-8 |
TJS, 1 Jean 2:1 | jst-1-jn | 1-jn-2-1 |
TJS, 1 Jean 3:9 | jst-1-jn | 1-jn-3-9 |
TJS, 1 Jean 4:12 | jst-1-jn | 1-jn-4-12 |
TJS, Apocalypse 1:1–4 | jst-rev | rev-1-1-4 |
TJS, Apocalypse 2:22 | jst-rev | rev-2-22 |
TJS, Apocalypse 5:6 | jst-rev | rev-5-6 |
TJS, Apocalypse 12:1–17 | jst-rev | rev-12-1-17 |
TJS, Apocalypse 19:15, 21 | jst-rev | rev-19-15-21 |