Caring for Those in Need in Europe in 2023


In 2023, Church humanitarian activities in Europe focused largely on helping populations impacted by civil conflict and natural disasters, many of whom experienced needs for shelter and other basics, as well as mental and physical healthcare.

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Emergency response projects

In addition, 37 emergency projects focused on aiding displaced persons and 242 projects focused on aiding other vulnerable populations were implemented in Europe during 2023.

Emergency Response

Following the damage caused by massive earthquakes in February, the Church collaborated with Türkiye’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority and the Ministry of Health to provide extensive aid for survivors. As a result of this collaboration:

  • Five mobile hospitals were established.
  • 500 housing containers were set up.
  • Food, water, and hygiene supplies were provided to help thousands of individuals and families.

Helping Vulnerable Populations

In some areas of Europe, 2023 saw an upswing in the number of people struggling to maintain their own housing—either due to conflict or personal challenges.

The Church responded with several projects to address homelessness, including a project in Italy with Progetto Arca to provide clothing and food for those in need. This included a mobile kitchen, which allowed for hot meals to be served to individuals in need across seven cities.

WSRS Annual Report 2023

Mental and Physical Health

  • With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Church offered psychological first aid and emotional care to individuals impacted by the violence and displacement.
  • Church volunteers in Portugal assembled awareness ribbons in support of breast cancer research.
  • In Russia, the Church donated devices to assist children with visual impairments and speech disorders.

Psychological and Physical Care Makes a Difference

When conflict destroyed her town in Ukraine, Olga and her family were forced to leave their home. The experience took a great toll on the family’s mental and physical health, and they did not have the money to rent an apartment. Fortunately, they received help through a collaboration between Physicians for Human Rights and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Through this project, Olga has been able to receive needed medical and psychological care as well as shelter. “We are very grateful to everyone who cares about us and helps us,” says Olga.

What Can I Do?

  • Find out more about the needs of vulnerable populations in your area.
  • Comfort a friend or neighbor who may be experiencing a challenge.
  • Volunteer for a community clean-up project.

What Has the Church Done to Respond to Emergency Situations?

In 2023, many natural disasters and emergency situations affected areas around the world. As part of an effort to care for those in need, the Church provided emergency relief through volunteer efforts, donations, and collaborations with other organizations. Learn more about the Church’s emergency relief efforts by clicking the button below.