Serving in Your Community


In Mosiah 2:17, we learn that “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” We are better able to accomplish the lofty goals of serving our fellow men and serving God when we follow the core principles of caring for those in need.

While there are many people in need across the globe, the most effective and long-lasting change happens when we build our own families, neighborhoods, and communities. When serving in any capacity, consider the following principles:

—Sister Kristin M. Yee, Second Counselor in the General Relief Society General Presidency

1. Identify a Need

Every community has people in need.

  • Ask your neighbors and Church leaders about service opportunities they are aware of.
  • Learn about nonprofit organizations in your area. Where available, use to find projects and nonprofits in your area.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ministering

2. Build Meaningful Relationships

The most effective service is often the result of collaboration with others whose background or religious affiliation differs from your own.

Remember that everyone you serve is a child of God who deserves to be treated with understanding, love, and respect—regardless of their circumstances.

  • Prioritize the person, not the project.
  • Question your assumptions, set aside prejudices, and seek to truly understand the barriers faced by those whom you seek to help.
  • Show your beliefs through your actions, remembering that the primary goal is to provide help to others. Let your good deeds do the talking!

People Ministering in Tokyo Japan: Gardening

3. Make a Plan

Plan solutions that both meet immediate needs and provide a path to self-reliance. Invite those you are serving to participate in the building of solutions by asking questions, such as these:

  • What have you already tried to address this need?
  • What would you like to try?
  • How, when, and where would you like to receive help?

4. Share Your Experiences

You can inspire others to act by sharing how your service has impacted yourself and others.

  • Use everyday conversations to tell others about the joy of service. Invite others to join with you.
  • On social media, share examples of how your humanitarian efforts have blessed your life and the lives of those you’ve served.
  • Follow nonprofit organizations you support, and tag them in your own stories of service.

Want to Volunteer?

JustServe can help! Through, you can easily find service projects near you.