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“I exhort you to sweep the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth—messages that are authentic, edifying, and praiseworthy—and literally to sweep the earth as with a flood.” — David A. Bednar, “To Sweep the Earth as with a Flood” (speech delivered at BYU Campus Education Week, Aug. 19, 2014), ChurchofJesusChrist.org
Share whatever type of content with which you feel most comfortable, and make sure it matches the understanding and interest level of who you are sharing with.
Share about serving others, acting in genuine friendship, showing gratitude, or spending time as a family.
This content is uplifting to all and cannot be taken offensively.
You can share about general gospel principles to build upon shared beliefs. Topics such as prayer, faith, or finding peace are generally well received.
Holidays, such as Easter and Christmas, may be a good time to share these messages.
When people are ready and show interest, share more of the Church’s content with them. This could include inspirational videos, talks by General Authorities, or passages from the Book of Mormon that will teach them more about the gospel of Jesus Christ and His restored Church.
This type of content is usually best shared in a personal message.
Whether you are sharing with a close friend or someone you just met, these guidelines will help you share effectively.
When you are authentic and genuine, people will more readily accept what you share. Share from your heart.
Personalize what you share by expressing what the content means to you and why you are sharing.
Pay attention to those who may be going through a hard time. Let them know you love them and want to help.
Ask questions and involve people in your posts. Reply to comments and reciprocate interest.
Your profile should reflect who you are as a disciple of Christ. Avoid posting things that are negative or offensive.
Use direct messaging to share more personalized content.