You Belong to the Relief Society

You Belong to the Relief Society

2024 Worldwide Relief Society Devotional

Sunday, March 17, 2024

President Camille N. Johnson: My sisters, oh how I love you! What a glorious opportunity it is to be assembled worldwide on this historic occasion, the 182nd anniversary of the organization of the Relief Society. Wherever you live, whatever language you speak, wherever you have been called to serve, you belong to a society of women divinely instituted to bring the love and relief of Jesus Christ to others. And to all of you in your 18th year who will soon join us in the Relief Society, welcome. We need you; we love you!

I am with my counselors, Sister Dennis and Sister Yee, and the General Primary and General Young Women Presidencies. We are here in the Relief Society Building, where we work together, pray together, and counsel together. We share a common purpose: to help build lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ who keep their covenants and desire and qualify for the greatest of all blessings, eternal life with God and the people they love. Some of you have been called for a season to serve the children in Primary or to serve our young women. Wherever you serve, you still belong to the Relief Society.

President Susan H. Porter: Being a member of the Relief Society has allowed me to learn from consecrated women all over the world what it means to love and serve as the Savior. For this season I am called to help the children of the Church come unto Christ. I am grateful I will always be a member of the Relief Society.

President Emily Belle Freeman: Years ago, a ministering sister said to me, “I love the Relief Society! I built my home around it; I built my life around it.” She instilled in me the belief in the relief that comes from a society that follows Jesus Christ. She taught me that no matter where I serve in the Church, the Relief Society will be my home.

President Johnson: What a beautiful expression of the work of the Relief Society—to bring His relief to the rising generation by helping to establish and strengthen a personal connection and commitment to Jesus Christ in our children and youth.
