“30. The Value of Faith: Amy Brown Lyman,” At the Pulpit: 185 Years of Discourses by Latter-day Saint Women (2017), 126–29
“30. Amy Brown Lyman,” At the Pulpit, 126–29
The Value of Faith
Amy Brown Lyman
Relief Society General Conference
Assembly Hall, Temple Square, Salt Lake City, Utah
April 3, 1926
The lack of faith in the world today, together with some recent personal experiences, has led me of late to appreciate more than ever before the value of faith and the great blessing it is to those who possess it.
I am sure that every woman in this audience has passed through trials and afflictions which would have been almost unbearable without faith in God and a testimony of the gospel, with all that it comprehends.
Faith in our Heavenly Father and in his Son Jesus Christ is an asset to any individual. It helps him to be a brave and courageous individual. It helps to make him a positive and forceful character as opposed to a negative and vacillating one. It helps him to have confidence in himself and confidence in others; to believe in himself and to believe in others; to be generous to those in need and charitable to those less fortunate; to be cheerful, hopeful, and optimistic.
Faith in the Father and the Son is a blessing—yes, one of the greatest blessings one can have. It is more far-reaching as a comforter than any other influence. It is a source of solace in times of sickness, sorrow, and despair. Faith helps an individual to be philosophical and to meet with comparative composure whatever comes, and to be resigned and reconciled to circumstances over which he has no control. It helps one to be meek and humble and to put his trust in God.
Faith in the Father and the Son presupposes a belief in their teachings which include a preexistent state and a life beyond the grave; and to a Latter-day Saint it comprehends the gospel plan of life and salvation as revealed to us through the Prophet Joseph Smith.12 Such faith and such belief helps one to formulate a plan of life on the highest plane, and to set up worthy and worthwhile standards of living which conform to the standards of the gospel. It helps one to judge of values—to choose between those things which are really worthwhile, which are lasting and eternal—and those things which are temporary and passing. It makes one realize that life is a stepping stone to a higher life, and the better the life here the greater the happiness here and in the life to come. Faith fills the possessor with the desire to emulate the life of the Savior and to keep the commandments of God.
Sublime faith is one of the greatest of all gifts. Let us pledge our allegiance to our faith. Let us as individuals say, “No man may destroy my faith and hope and belief and leave me a stone.” For I have observed that those who have no faith, and who tend to undermine and destroy faith in others, never, so far as I know, leave anything constructive in its place.
Let us not be influenced by doubters and cynics and atheists, nor by the wave of doubt and despair which is filling the earth today.13 Let us cling to the belief that faith with good works is an asset,14 a comforter, a blessing; it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.15 Let us cling to the belief that faith is our birthright, and let us sell it not for a mess of pottage.16